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Things to remember before you start dating again after heartbreak

Before you start dating again put these 7 things into consideration

By Browngh.comPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

At times coming back on track from a break-up is not easy and in most cases, it is advisable to take a break from dating.

Recovering from the heartbreak for some people take a longer time than others. Some can heal within a few days, with others it might take months and years to mend their broken hearts.

However, it reaches a time where one is ready to give dating another try.

When it comes to dating again, there are several things to remember and will highlight some of these things in this article.

1. Think through who you want to date

First think through thoroughly if you finally decide that you want to date again.

If one wants to date again, he/she needs to make sure that their new partner care for them.

It is advisable to find someone who will make you feel lively in your new relationship and not just finding someone who will just be there to fill the void.

2. Keep your friends in mind

Before you think of dating again after heartbreak don't ever forget your friends particularly those that stood by your side when you were heartbroken.

Don’t commit to your relationship excessively in a manner that you will end up forgetting everything that your friends did to you.

In most cases, before you decide to date again seek counsel from your close friends before you make another mistake in your love life.

3. Don’t compare every guy with your ex

It is very wrong to compare your new partner to your ex. Women who just came out of a breakup usually tend to assume that all men are the same.

This is one thing that makes women push away better men.

For that matter, it is important to not assume that every other man is similar to your ex-partner.

If you eradicate this thinking from your mind you will be fine in your new relationship.

4. Don’t rush into love

Now that you’ve decided to date, don’t force love to happen. Don’t pretend someone likes you more than he actually does. Don’t imagine things. Sometimes, people get so euphoric that they overexaggerate things.

Focus yourself to take baby steps. Take one thing at the time. Putting too much pressure on the relationship can destroy it from the beginning. Take things slowly.

5.Lousy dates are real

Don’t expect every date to go well. You’re not in a movie, and you’re not going to meet the love of your life on the first date you have. And neither will he save you from being hit by a car. I mean come on—let’s be realistic.

Jerks happen. There are plenty of them. You’ll stumble upon a rude idiot who will make you want to stop dating again, but that’s really not something unusual. Do not give up. There are a lot of idiots and jerks you have to meet before you run into someone worthy of your attention.

6. Am I over my ex?

You might not be, and that’s okay. But you do need to know the answer. You’re involving another person in your life. They have the right to know whether you still harbour feelings for a past lover or not. It is also unfair to expect someone to be okay with loving someone who doesn’t completely love you. You have to be honest about these things for a healthy relationship.

7.When should I go on my first date after a breakup?

After a breakup there are some people who are raring to go on their first date simply because they want to prove to themselves they are alright. And if you have been dumped, this necessity to prove that you are as desirable as ever, is even more. That is fine. If you want to go on  a casual date it’s even better. You just chat with the person, have good food but if you want something more serious to shape up it’s better to take some more time.  In all probabilities you are not ready to date after a breakup but you are thinking that you are. In that case go on casual dates and avoid rebound relationships. When you are really mentally ready for your first date after a breakup then only go for it.

Dating after a breakup is a big deal, whether we admit it or not. We have to be kind to ourselves and the person we’re going to date. Asking yourself difficult questions can help you have a clear idea of your emotional state and make the experience what it ought to be – a joyful one!


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