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Things To Know Before Undergoing Invisalign Treatment

dentist south London

By LucypettersonPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The difference between Invisalign and other tooth-straightening procedures is that clear plastic retainers are used in place of metal braces. By doing this, you avoid giving off any indication that you are wearing braces. It can't be seen. Therefore, you can straighten your teeth without having to worry about feeling self-conscious while wearing metal braces.

We advise reading this article first if you're eager to begin your Invisalign treatment. Below is the list of some of the key details you should be aware of before beginning it:

As much as possible, keep your aligners in.

The first piece of advice is straightforward: wear your Invisalign aligners for as long as you can each day. You won't see results any other way, and this is the fastest way. Dentist Kushel Morjaria at The Mindful Dentist advises patients to wear their aligners for nearly the whole day for the first 48 hours. They really put in a lot of effort here to help you get used to feeling them.

Each Person's Invisalign Treatment Length Is Different

You should probably be aware of the length of the Invisalign treatment before you begin. For the majority of individuals, it can last approximately a year. Naturally, everything relies on how well-maintained your teeth are and how much treatment needs to be done. Don't worry as dentist south london will cover everything at your Invisalign consultation.

Quick results as compared to metal braces

The quick turnaround time for Invisalign results is one of its many benefits. In reality, the majority of people observe them after a few months. However, this only occurs if you go back to point #1 and wear your aligners for the majority of each day.

You wear a set of clear trays that have been prearranged as part of the treatment. Every two weeks, you switch them out for a fresh set of aligners that will help you achieve your new smile. If you opt for Invisalign at Crystal Palace, the dentist will specify the number of trays you'll require for the process and the precise amount of time needed to complete it.

Don't Forget To Floss

Flossing is crucial if you have Invisalign because you need to maintain your teeth and gums as clean as possible. Without flossing, food particles, plaque, and other debris may accumulate between your teeth. Therefore, it poses an issue because it could contaminate your aligners.

Always Clean Your Aligners

This is such an important piece of advice for anyone contemplating Invisalign. You should take good care of your aligners in addition to your teeth. Like your teeth, they need to be cleaned every day. It's very simple to clean them; all you need is a toothbrush and some toothpaste.

You should do this every morning and evening, as the emergency dentist south london advises, and give them a brief rinse anytime you take them off.

You can ask for attachments for faster results

You could occasionally receive attachments that can speed up the process. Common names for these are Invisalign buttons. Dentist Kushel Morjaria will discuss them with you at your visit to determine whether you need them. They're not for everyone.

Age is not a factor when using Invisalign.

Some individuals believe that Invisalign therapy has an upper age limit. However, there is no proof to support this. The advantages of Invisalign are accessible to people of all ages.

You will be looked after when you decide to come in since the dentist in South London specialises in treating all patients in the 73-75 Church Road regions of London.

Our patients can receive Invisalign treatment at The Mindful Dentist. If this sounds interesting, you should make an appointment for an Invisalign consultation with us right away. We can guide you in making the best choice because we are experts on Invisalign. We are dedicated to making sure you receive the greatest individualised dental care when it comes to your smile.


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