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The woman's love for you, can not be hidden

The performance of the girl loves you

By Rodney C BlankenshipPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Love is not only the sweet words in the mouth but also the straightforward expression in action.

As this sentence says: "There are three things in life that cannot be hidden, cough, poverty, and love."

A woman loves you, and always can not hide, she will be expressed in various ways euphemistically or directly.

As if a fish bone stuck in the throat, not to spit out.

Feelings need not only verbal communication but also direct action.

Women love you, will allow themselves to act first, in action love like a spring, like a jet out.

1. Take the initiative to contact you

Strongly agree with the phrase: "an initiative to find you, take the initiative to send you information to greet you, how lucky it is, necessarily have the deepest love you heart. Want you, love you, like you, so he is willing to take the initiative to contact you, because too care about you, cherish all your points, the heart has your position, only willing to put down all the dignity, take the initiative to find you."

This, is a kind of deep love for your performance, can not hide the heart miss you sentiment, so, put down everything, take the initiative to contact you, even if you have just quarreled with each other, she will be regardless of the gains and losses, with a tender heart, dissolve the hostility in your heart.

The woman who took the initiative to contact you, most intelligent and kind, in a straightforward way to express their love, no disguise, no pretense, want to love on love, the courage to pursue their happiness.

It is not easy to find a person who is deeply in love, if because of some misunderstanding, or because of their arrogance, can not let go of their face and love is lost, then life will be regretful, and love will eventually fall short.

In today's society, the initiative is not a man's right, women also know this deeply, as a hunter, if you just wait for the prey on the hook, and do not take the initiative to chase, the prey will sooner or later become the bag of others.

As a female student said, "I love him, I will take the initiative to contact him, and definitely will not let go of face."

Because of her persistence, and her pursuit, she soon got the approval of the man of her choice, the achievement of a beautiful marriage.

Love him, will not hide the love of the heart, have to bravely pursue, happiness is never grasped in their own hands.

2. open the door of your heart, please enter her heart

There is a saying: "Women, is one of the most beautiful and intoxicating melodies, which the pain, anger and sorrow, joy and sadness, only people with the heart can understand."

With the heart, will know the whole life of the woman; with the heart, the woman will not hide their love for you, will open the door of the heart, please you walk into her heart.

Between people, the best feelings, there is nothing better than mutual understanding, mutual understanding, and mutual tacit understanding as a bridge to reach a soul and soul of integration with each other.

If you know women, women will not hide their love for you, they will not hide, not as shy and silent as the women of old, will be in a straightforward way, please do her soul mate, blue confidant.

Love, that's how touched the heart, will want to mingle with your soul, snuggle.

In this life, a woman needs a man who is both secure and understands her, and you just meet this, that a window of love, quietly open for you, not hidden, not artifice, straightforwardly presents her love for you.

Love is mutual, if you know the plight of women, and understand the situation of women, women will also open the door of the heart, so you occupy her heart.

3. Willing to share everything about life with you

Once read a sentence: "The woman's heart like water, at first calm, but when she secretly loves the person in front of her, it will flood layers of waves, can not be restrained out."

The woman's love for you, can not hide, whether from the eyes, or action, her heart is deeply loved by people, or secretly close to you, or willing to share everything with your life.

See good things, she will be the first to share with you, take a picture to you, such as beautiful scenery, such as the winter of Jiangnan rarely snow, and the year suddenly snowed, she will shoot the most beautiful scene passed to you.

If you encounter bad things or people, she will confide in you, share their inner resentment and dissatisfaction, and a little bit will be unabashedly poured out. This is a kind of trust and dependence, but also a manifestation of love for you, will you as the most important person in life.

Women do not hide, love for you is like this, want to hear your insights, want to see your approval of some people or things.

With her is this, encounter good things, she will share with me one by one, wrote an article that I think is very good, will also be the first time to show me. If you encounter someone you don't like, she will find me to confide in, without hiding the anger in her heart.

I know that she loves me very much, she will share when a ray of wind comes, she will share when a trace of rain drifts, and she will share even the trivial things of her life.

I am happy to listen to her sharing, in which I understand her suffering, her situation, and her inner vulnerability.

Love, is unreserved sharing, sharing the mood of women, women's joy, anger, and sorrow, in her eyes, you are the love of her life.

The woman's love for you is impossible to hide.

Once caught in the deep river of love, a heart will be wholeheartedly tied to the man, for you to think, for you to read, for you to act up.

It will be the first time to take the initiative to contact you, but also to share all the things in life, please you come into her heart, and do her soulmate for life.

Love is beautiful, cherish the woman who does not hide her feelings, with a tender heart to face them.


About the Creator

Rodney C Blankenship

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