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The wind, unknown to outsiders, blew through the campus without leaving a trace.

Work Matters, Students Matter

By madeleine riverPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
The wind, unknown to outsiders, blew through the campus without leaving a trace.
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

One of the fragments

I had a rather explosive work experience today, something that has to do with the assessment of teachers' titles, which I will mention often in the future.

Anyone who is a teacher should know this: a teacher's title and salary are closely tied and have never been separated.

In other words, the title is the iron hat of the eight banners among teachers. By getting the iron hat of a title, one can put oneself firmly in the top echelon of salary distribution for decades to come (if one can live beyond decades, centuries, or millennia).

Like a bunch of hyenas facing a pile of fresh food, teachers with high titles are always able to use their titles to push other teachers aside with their teeth bared and find the best part of the pile for themselves to feast on, leaving the rest for the rest of the teachers.

We have had some kind of "pay scale system" to try to reverse the monetary aspect of the title so that it can be returned to an honorary one. In reality, this "pay scale system" is a dog-and-pony show version of the salary distribution based on titles, and is nothing more than an act of "burning newspapers in graves".

If teachers are to be given so-called titles, educational projects are essential!

What is an educational project? It is a variation of the thesis. There are several grannies whose hands are in control of the publication or non-publication of papers in those days. These grannies would say: "Your thesis must be published in the normal way, otherwise it will not be recognized" - grandstanding; and nowadays there are many grannies whose hands can control the passing or non-passing of a project, even more than those of the thesis era. The other two days, the students in my class have been working with me.

In the past two days, a certain teacher in my class has not been teaching much, but has focused entirely on the so-called "project results".

A year or two ago, they cobbled together a bit of material and took it as their opening report; within a year, none of them had done any written work at all, let alone any actual work.


When it was time for their annual final report, they spent a few days copying and pasting text from all over the internet; they brought some spring, summer, autumn, and winter clothes from home to school and posed for pictures of the so-called research process by changing constantly.

They don't want to use their days off to do this work, so they put it into their working hours.

While they were busy with these retreats, I had to take on the teaching duties of the class without a single complaint.

Of course, my peers who have a vested interest would accuse me in a high-handed way: "Colleagues help each other, why can't you do that?!"

What I would say is: "Holy mothers, if it were possible to turn it upside down, I could certainly do it! But in normal times, when I am faced with something much more pressing than they are, their attitude is 'Work is important, students are important! Why do you need someone else to help you with your lessons when you're busy with yours? Holy mothers of God, how would you feel if you were in my shoes when you encounter this double standard?"

Of course, that's not the explosive event I'm talking about.

After the 'results' of the subject were formed, the highly emotional teacher who was part of the group asked the BOSS to get in touch with him in the hope that it would go through.

The message from the BOSS was that the price for passing the project would be 8k!

The team of five had a particularly interesting round of collusion over the 8k cash crowdfunding proposal.

On the whole, each of the teachers in this group of five, when gathered into smaller groups of five, four, three, or two, would show high moral character: "I agree to share the 8k 'filial money' equally, but so-and-so won't necessarily do so!"

Here the name so-and-so changes frequently, usually to the person or persons who are not present; that is to say, whoever is not present is the one they say is not willing to share the cost equally.

None of them wanted to pay such a share, and each one had his or her reasons.

Some said: I have several additional projects, all at very high levels, and this one is optional; some said: I am not in the first ranking (whether a project is ranked in the top three or not sometimes has a great impact on the teacher), and it would be a loss to share the money equally, which is simply a big mistake; some said: the results of this project may not be certified before the title assessment, and I am not willing to share it equally.

In short, everyone has a bunch of valid reasons. In fact, everyone was reluctant to pay for the project, and the city was in an uproar.

Later, one of the teachers volunteered to contribute 6k, and the remaining 2k was shared equally among the remaining four.

After another day of deliberation, they finally decided that in order not to break the bonds of sisterhood, we would all share the 8k equally! --The dust has finally settled!

Fragment 2

I've kept this under wraps for a fortnight and haven't mentioned it.

This past Monday evening during regular meeting time, I suddenly received a phone call from a parent of a student who asked me indignantly, "Teacher, I want to ask you a question - what if we wanted to change a class in the same grade? Is it easy to do?"

I was, of course, very surprised and couldn't understand why she had said such a thing.

After a few more conversations, I realized that the parent had a very strong opinion of the teacher I was in the same class with and thought that this teacher was putting her child in a bad light at every turn, so she wanted to switch classes.

I knew a little bit about their relationship.

I must admit that I do think the teacher had a problem with the student and her parents. This was because this student always failed to attend after-school care, resulting in a reduction in the teacher's income.

More importantly, during the payment session at the beginning of the last term, this student brought in a hundred dollar note to pay her fees and this teacher thought that the money was counterfeit and asked the teachers in the office to examine it one by one.

I looked at it and I did not see anything suspicious about the note, and other teachers said it was not a big problem; however, the teacher returned the money to the student and told her to return it to her parents and bring a new note tomorrow.

Later, this student's parents went to the bank specifically and recorded a video of a few seconds, mainly of the bank teller affirming that the money was genuine, and uploaded this video to the class group.

Although this student's parents said nothing, how could this teacher not hold a grudge? A rift then began to develop between the two.

This student's parent told me a lot of things on the phone in anger, including how this teacher had scolded her child - poor s you, you're the only one who doesn't attend after-school service!

She also said that her very short child had been placed in the last rows of the class for two years; that her child was made to stay after school every day to clean up, etc., etc. In short, she was righteously indignant.

I told her, "You'd better not change classes within a school. Do you think that if you move classes, the teacher will treat your child better? It's wishful thinking! Teachers with high emotional intelligence are very good at communicating with each other, and the bond between them is much stronger than the bond between you and the teacher! Do you think that changing classes is dividing teachers? You're wrong, as long as you don't plan to change schools, switching classes will only result in your child's reputation getting worse!" -- I'm telling the truth.

I didn't tell that one teacher in the same class about this. I knew that if I told that teacher, she would think I was stirring things up and tarnishing her image as a good teacher.


I never take the side of the teacher or the parents of doddering students amid education: get this straight, please!

Especially parents of students - you must not think I am supporting you. It seems to me that a large section of the student-parent community is stupid enough to point the finger at the backbone of the honest and mute teacher community, and not at the "high-spirited" part of the teacher community that holds the power of speech!


About the Creator

madeleine river

It's still raining outside, are you afraid in your heart?

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