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the parapet outs

the parapet outs

By YouTHPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

de for hours and hours. I have discovered,” whispering

mysteriously, that her natural cruelty is sharpened by a jealous fear of ‟

their regaining their liberty. In consequence of the judgment I expect

being shortly given. She is sly and full of malice. I half believe,

sometimes, that she is no cat, but the wolf of the old saying. It is so very

difficult to keep her from the door.”

Some neighbouring bells, reminding the poor soul that it was halfpast nine, did more for us in the way of bringing our visit to an end than

we could easily have done for ourselves. She hurriedly took up her little

bag of documents, which she had laid upon the table on coming in, and

asked if we were also going into court. On our answering no, and that we

would on no account detain her, she opened the door to attend us


‟With such an omen, it is even more necessary than usual that I

should be there before the Chancellor comes in,” said she, for he might ‟

mention my case the first thing. I have a presentiment that he will

mention it the first thing this morning.”

She stopped to tell us in a whisper as we were going down that the

whole house was filled with strange lumber which her landlord had

bought piecemeal and had no wish to sell, in consequence of being a

little M. This was on the first floor. But she had made a previous

stoppage on the second floor and had silently pointed at a dark door


The only other lodger,” she now whispered in explanation, a law- ‟ ‟

writer. The children in the lanes here say he has sold himself to the devil.

I don’t know what he can have done with the money. Hush!”

She appeared to mistrust that the lodger might hear her even there,

and repeating Hush!” went before us on tiptoe as though even the ‟

sound of her footsteps might reveal to him what she had said.

Passing through the shop on our way out, as we had passed through it

on our way in, we found the old man storing a quantity of packets ofde for hours and hours. I have discovered,” whispering

mysteriously, that her natural cruelty is sharpened by a jealous fear of ‟

their regaining their liberty. In consequence of the judgment I expect

being shortly given. She is sly and full of malice. I half believe,

sometimes, that she is no cat, but the wolf of the old saying. It is so very

difficult to keep her from the door.”

Some neighbouring bells, reminding the poor soul that it was halfpast nine, did more for us in the way of bringing our visit to an end than

we could easily have done for ourselves. She hurriedly took up her little

bag of documents, which she had laid upon the table on coming in, and

asked if we were also going into court. On our answering no, and that we

would on no account detain her, she opened the door to attend us


‟With such an omen, it is even more necessary than usual that I

should be there before the Chancellor comes in,” said she, for he might ‟

mention my case the first thing. I have a presentiment that he will

mention it the first thing this morning.”

She stopped to tell us in a whisper as we were going down that the

whole house was filled with strange lumber which her landlord had

bought piecemeal and had no wish to sell, in consequence of being a

little M. This was on the first floor. But she had made a previous

stoppage on the second floor and had silently pointed at a dark door


The only other lodger,” she now whispered in explanation, a law- ‟ ‟

writer. The children in the lanes here say he has sold himself to the devil.

I don’t know what he can have done with the money. Hush!”

She appeared to mistrust that the lodger might hear her even there,

and repeating Hush!” went before us on tiptoe as though even the ‟

sound of her footsteps might reveal to him what she had said.

Passing through the shop on our way out, as we had passed through it

on our way in, we found the old man storing a quantity of packets of


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