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The Moment I Let Go of My Imposter Syndrome

And how you can too

By TestPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
The Moment I Let Go of My Imposter Syndrome
Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

Imposter syndrome is a nightmare. The dictionary defines imposter syndrome as:

"the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills."

If you've ever experienced this phenomenon, you know that it can make you feel like a complete fraud, no matter how much experience you have in your field, hobby, or life. Sometimes the voices come from your own subconscious, and, sometimes, it's words of disbelievers in your life that pop back up to discourage you.

As a creative entrepreneur, I have a lot of irons in the fire, and I get that ring of imposter syndrome in all of them ... or I did, anyway. I want to share with you what I did to let go of this doubt.

The moment I let go of my imposter syndrome

I do intuitive oracle readings as a side gig. I don't know where my knowledge comes from all the time ... it just comes to me. For a long time I'd go into events thinking "I can't do this," "I'm a fraud," or "Someone is going to hate my reading and call me out on it." I know I am good at what I do ... people have told me this over and over again. Complete strangers have been in awe of what I've told them, accurately. I've been hushed for calling people out, accurately, in my readings. But there was still that self-doubt. Why?

I've had a lot of naysayers in my life. Lots of people told me I was a loser, not ever going to accomplish anything, and on and on. Of course, these words came from jealous people who didn't like the accomplishments I made in life while they sat stagnant. And these words are words spoken about me in regard to all the things I've ever done in my life ... including my 24-year career as a freelance writer (how can one be unsuccessful in a career they've had for over two decades?).

So, how did these words suddenly fade away and allow me to now step into psychic events with no self-doubt? It was the feedback of a return client that woke me up and told me to quit listening to other people's opinions of me, even if they were just in my head.

What Rich told me ...

I have been vending at an event in Grand Rapids, MI, called West Michigan Spirit Faire for half a decade now. I started doing readings, instead of selling, last year (2022). While doing readings last year, a gentleman watched me do readings, even doing one for his spouse, before sitting at my table for his own reading. He seemed skeptical and stand-offish ... one of those folks who always makes me nervous and kicks those imposter voices into high gear. But, I did my reading, finished off the event, and went on with my life.

This year, back at the same event, a gentleman who looked familiar said he'd gotten a bone & trinket reading done the year before and it was amazing. My hair is longer and a different color now, but I asked him some key questions that confirmed I was the person he got the reading from. He told me the story I told you above, about being skeptical. However, he followed with the fact that I knew about stuff going on in his life and accurately predicted a couple of things that did happen in that following year. It was this one person's confirmation of my skills that turned my thoughts around.

Other important things to help you defeat imposter syndrome

Know your worth

I am an eternal learner. I am always taking a class, watching a documentary, or reading a non-fiction book -- usually related to one of my fields of work. By knowing you know what you're talking about and always being open to learning more, you increase your knowledge. In a way, you're increasing your worth.

You are the only person who knows your worth. No one else knows what you know and what you don't know unless you tell them.

Stop caring about other people's perception of you

I know this isn't an easy one, but it's important. People who see you negatively are seeing you through their own selves. Too many folks are too good at projecting their insecurities on people who have what they want.

If you have people in your life who are continually looking down on you, please dismiss them. It's so much easier to let go of your insecurities when you surround yourself with people who have your best interests in mind and want to lift you up rather than tearing you down.

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