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The Menstrual Connection

How Periods Influence Long Covid Symptoms - Insights from a Survey by Imperial College London

By Random Things Published 11 months ago 2 min read


A recent survey conducted by researchers at Imperial College London has shed light on the intriguing relationship between menstrual cycles and long Covid symptoms. The study focused on 605 individuals, including girls, women, nonbinary, and trans individuals who have periods and are experiencing long Covid symptoms. The findings suggest that nearly half of the participants experienced worsened symptoms during their periods, while 70% reported variations in the intensity and form of long Covid symptoms throughout their menstrual cycles. These results offer valuable insights into the intersection of long Covid and the menstrual cycle, an area with limited understanding.

The Impact of Menstrual Cycles on Long Covid Symptoms

Of the surveyed individuals, 62% revealed that their long Covid symptoms were more severe in the days leading up to or during their periods. This finding accounts for 43% of the total respondents, indicating a significant correlation between menstrual cycles and symptom intensity. The researchers aim to explore the potential connection between falling estrogen levels and exacerbated long Covid symptoms during menstruation, although they acknowledge the need for further investigation to confirm these observations.

The Importance of a Larger Study

Lead researcher Victoria Male emphasizes the need for a larger, more robust study to validate the survey's findings. The upcoming study will delve into hormone levels, particularly focusing on the hormone fluctuations that occur before and during menstruation. Dr. Male acknowledges the limitations of relying solely on survey data, as participants may recall their symptoms inaccurately, influenced by the study's focus on menstrual cycles. Therefore, the new study will collect real-time symptom data from users of the Visible app, a platform designed to monitor and manage symptoms of long Covid and ME. This approach will provide more reliable insights into the relationship between menstrual cycles and long Covid symptoms.

The Role of Hormonal Contraception

Dr. Male highlights the possibility that hormonal contraception could potentially ameliorate long Covid symptoms if they are indeed influenced by the menstrual cycle. To explore this further, the researchers will gather information on the contraceptive methods used by Visible app users and investigate if those on hormonal contraception experience different symptom patterns.

Understanding Long Covid and its Impact on Women

The study's findings are particularly relevant as long Covid appears to disproportionately affect women, with estimates indicating that 70 to 80% of long Covid patients are female. Understanding the potential links between long Covid symptoms and the menstrual cycle could offer crucial insights into the condition's underlying causes and potential treatment options.


The survey conducted by Imperial College London provides essential new information about the relationship between menstrual cycles and long Covid symptoms. The observed fluctuations in symptom intensity and form during menstruation warrant further investigation to determine the potential role of hormone levels. A more extensive study using real-time symptom data will offer more reliable insights into this complex connection. Understanding the impact of menstrual cycles on long Covid symptoms could lead to better treatments and contribute to broader biomedical research in the field. Additionally, exploring the possibility of hormonal contraception as a means to mitigate long Covid symptoms presents an exciting avenue for future investigation. As long Covid continues to affect millions worldwide, unraveling its mysteries, including its connection to the menstrual cycle, is of utmost importance for improving patient care and outcomes.


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Random Things

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