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The Importance of Start

Unveiling the Two Sides of Attitude and Thoughts in Shaping Our Reality

By George DionPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

In the journey of life, we often encounter moments of joy and despair, success and failure, all of which seem to be shaped by a mysterious force beyond our understanding. While some attribute these outcomes to luck or fate, there is a compelling notion that our reality is profoundly influenced by the way we start and the attitudes and thoughts we hold. This article explores the significance of beginnings and how they can set the trajectory of our lives, leading us down two distinct paths - one of abundance and positivity, and the other of scarcity and negativity.

The Power of Gratitude and Positivity

The adage "attitude is everything" holds true in many aspects of life. Starting with a grateful and positive mindset can create a ripple effect that shapes our reality in remarkable ways. When we embrace gratitude, we train our minds to focus on the good rather than dwelling on the negative. Consequently, the universe responds by presenting us with more reasons to be happy and content.

Example 1: Sarah's Journey of Gratitude

Sarah, a young professional, faced numerous setbacks early in her career. However, instead of succumbing to negativity, she chose to adopt a mindset of gratitude. Despite the challenges, she expressed appreciation for the lessons learned from each experience. This attitude attracted supportive colleagues, exciting opportunities, and a sense of fulfillment in her work. The universe seemed to respond positively to her mindset, guiding her towards success and personal growth.

Example 2: John's Positive Outlook

John, an aspiring athlete, faced a severe injury that jeopardized his dreams. Instead of dwelling on the misfortune, he maintained a positive outlook, focusing on rehabilitation and self-improvement. Through determination and gratitude for the healing process, John not only recovered but also achieved even greater feats in his sport, inspiring others with his story of resilience.

The Trap of Negativity and Fear

On the flip side, starting with negativity and fear can lead us down a path of self-fulfilling prophecies. When we are consumed by pessimism, our minds tend to magnify problems and obstacles, attracting more of the same into our lives.

Example 3: Amy's Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Amy, an aspiring writer, struggled with self-doubt and fear of failure. Convinced that her work would never be appreciated, she hesitated to submit her stories to publishers. The lack of progress only reinforced her negative beliefs, creating a cycle of missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.

Example 4: Michael's Cycle of Fear

Michael was a talented musician with a dream of performing on stage. However, he was paralyzed by stage fright and anxiety. His fear of judgment and rejection prevented him from pursuing his passion fully. As a result, his musical abilities remained largely untapped, and he missed out on potential collaborations and opportunities.

Choosing Our Reality: The Waves We Surf

Life is akin to an ocean, offering a myriad of waves for us to surf. Our attitude and thoughts act as surfboards that determine the direction we take. By understanding the influence of our starting point, we can actively choose the waves we ride and shape our reality accordingly.


The importance of how we start, the attitudes we embrace, and the thoughts we cultivate cannot be overstated. While we may not have complete control over external circumstances, we hold the power to shape our reality through our mindset and approach to life. By fostering gratitude, positivity, and optimism, we invite abundance and happiness into our lives. Conversely, allowing negativity and fear to dominate our thoughts can attract undesirable outcomes.

Let us be mindful of the waves we choose to surf, for in doing so, we embark on a journey of self-empowerment, personal growth, and the realization of our true potential. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and that very first step can set the tone for the entire adventure ahead.


About the Creator

George Dion

With the symphony of spoken words, I captivate minds as a lecturer and avid explorer of profound subjects. Join me on a journey of discovery and enlightenment through the depths of existence and beyond

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