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That moment


By no onePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Angelic Symobol For a Love We Cannot Fathom (Unconditional Love)

As I sit here it is my 6-month anniversary and I have become to wonder who we are or better yet who am I to be in this wonderful person’s life and am I the one meant for her. The answer is quite simply put as a yes or no. One would think but whenever I look at it, I see so many different outcomes than the simple yes or no because neither one of those is the answer no-matter what we want them to be. If I answer the simple way let us start with a question and that is do these answers have one answer? The answer to that question is not both answers are way more than multiple choice. So really who am I to answer these questions. I am but a Man lost in this place we call the relationships of life. I hope one day you ask yourselves the questions I ask myself today because they are the questions who determine who we really are and who we will become. I am proud to say no I am not worthy of this woman's love for many reasons, but I am the proud recipient of this love. Most of us now days do not open our eyes ears or hearts enough to enjoy or experience these things that are not actually random in life like we assume they are, but they are of a divined nature that we will never understand and could never fathom the deepness of the things that we see or that we feel. Just imagine feeling like that baby that knows no evil he/she just lives and has a blast doing the things that they enjoy and never have to worry about anything else because they are doing what they want there is no care in the world just love That is what they’re doing is loving like when the child that your wife just borne touches your face and you know without a doubt in the world that u made that that the little one before you is utterly and magnificently yours. A little you that thinks like you eat like you does everything just like you Except well they got you beat in the love field because they do not see the things that makes you lose sight of the things you lose overtime. Overtime we let the BIG things take over our life. The stress, the job, the law, just everything you think is important. there is a saying cherish the little things for they are the most important. Clearly this person has seen some of the things I am starting to see hopefully one day I will cherish the important things as much as they did even though I already know that I will never fathom the deepness in which they enjoyed life. So, in all reality do we ever really know if we are the one? Well, hell no but what we do know is we are the one!!!! So, what or who are we the one to? We are the one to a bigger picture. The bigger picture of life. I for one am glad to be a part of this life and the many that follow. Life never ends with one passing away. Life has only begun. What if reincarnation is just the passing of knowledge from one generation to the next. Well, if that may be the fact, I pity the one who reincarnates me for the world is not ready for someone with the mind that I have because while we believe in no violence, we could destroy you without moving from the spot inside of our hearts. Our hearts are our strength, and our minds are just a tool to spread the word to those who are chosen to follow. I hope I am forgiven for the evils I have done with that power even when I did not know the power I held. I am one of very few that will tell u that I don't belong here and that I have not earned the things that I have been given I am very grateful for the love bestowed upon me and I hope that one day that I will be worthy enough to show it back to someone again as much as they show it to me God please allow me to show her the same love she shows me because we all know deep down that you are that little kid with no cares in the world all because no man can love like the father . I am lost and hope to be found. I will not ask for the things that I do not deserve because I don't deserve the blessing you have already given.


About the Creator

no one

Just another writer trying to make it in the digital world .

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