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Star Sea of Delusions

"A sea of stars in the sky, yet you shine the brightest."

By Zero OreosPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Star Sea of Delusions
Photo by Denis Degioanni on Unsplash

Life is just like the tides of seas. You sometimes rise up, while in other instances, you go down. Well, that's completely normal, but in Viro's life, it's the exact opposite. It isn't normal for him. Why? It's because he's used to feeling pain every single day. Too much pain. It's too much that it brought him to becoming delusional and creating fake scenarios in his mind, wishing for a better tomorrow.

Viro is just a regular college student, but what he experiences every day isn't for a regular college student. He gets bullied in the hallway and while at class. He's called a weakling by many, due to his thin body and skinny physique. He manages to have good grades, but he always compares it to his other classmates who are known to be smarter than him, which makes him even disappointed in himself. Vir never had friends, but he finds it okay. He doesn't want to socialize anyway. Mainly because he had social anxiety after receiving trauma from the neighbor kids at a young age. Viro is ultimately tired and depressed about his life.

Life weighed heavily on Viro's shoulders, dragging him deeper into the abyss of his own mind. The constant barrage of negativity and the weight of his own self-doubt became a breeding ground for his inner demons. Day after day, he felt the suffocating grip of depression tightening around his fragile soul.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the world, Viro found solace in the darkness. The world of his delusions became his sanctuary, a twisted refuge from the torment of reality. In this alternate realm, he was no longer the weakling ridiculed by his peers, but a warrior, strong and fierce, battling the demons that plagued his mind.

In his delusions, Viro imagined himself traversing treacherous landscapes, each step a defiant act against his inner turmoil. He fought mythical creatures, towering beasts that symbolized his fears and insecurities. With each imaginary victory, he sought to regain control, to reclaim his sense of self-worth that had long been stolen from him.

But as the line between reality and delusion blurred, Viro's mental state deteriorated further. His mind became a labyrinth of twisted thoughts and distorted perceptions. The demons he fought in his delusions started to manifest in his everyday life, whispering cruel words in his ear, reinforcing his deepest fears and doubts.

The nights grew longer, and Viro found himself wandering the desolate streets, searching for solace among the shadows. He sought refuge in the forgotten corners of the city, where broken streetlights flickered, their dim glow mirroring the fading light within his own spirit. It was in these moments of isolation that the depths of his despair became palpable.

One night, as the rain poured relentlessly from the sky, Viro stood on the edge of a desolate bridge, contemplating the void that beckoned him. The weight of his existence bore down upon him, suffocating his very being. The delusions that once provided a respite now mocked him, morphing into grotesque visions that taunted his shattered psyche.

Yet, in the midst of his darkest hour, a faint glimmer of hope flickered within Viro's weary heart. A stranger, a kind soul who had observed his suffering from afar, reached out to him. This person, an empathetic presence in a world that had seemed so callous, extended a hand of understanding, offering a glimmer of light in the impenetrable darkness.

Together, they embarked on a journey of healing. Viro sought therapy, confronting the demons that had plagued him for far too long. Through therapy, he learned to untangle the threads of his delusions, distinguishing reality from fiction. It was a grueling process, as he faced the harsh truths buried deep within his soul, but it was a necessary step towards his recovery.

Slowly but surely, Viro began to rebuild his life, brick by brick. He found a support system in the form of a therapy group, where he met others who had battled their own mental demons. In their shared vulnerability, they discovered strength and solace, offering one another words of encouragement and understanding.

The journey was far from easy, and setbacks were inevitable, but Viro persevered. He realized that his struggles did not define him. Instead, they were a part of his story, a testament to his resilience and the depths of his capacity for growth.

As time passed, Viro emerged from the depths of his depression, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. He was no longer a victim of his own mind but a survivor, a testament to the human spirit's indomitable strength.

And so, the sea stars of delusions that had once ensnared Viro began to fade, replaced by the gentle glow of hope and self-acceptance. The tides of his life began to shift, and Viro, with newfound clarity, stepped forward into a future filled with possibilities.

CONTENT WARNINGfact or fictionadvice

About the Creator

Zero Oreos

yeah ig i make stories :D

not unique in the eyes of others, but I'm just new to storywriting, so please bare with me :<

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