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Shedding Pounds and Gaining Confidence

Transform Your Body

By Ambika JhoPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Transform Your Body

If you're looking for a way to lose weight and get healthy, then you've come to the right place. I'm going to cover everything from tips on getting started, how much exercise is enough, and what foods are best for your body type. You'll also find plenty of other useful information here as well!

Weight loss is not a sprint, it's a marathon

It's important to think in terms of health, not just weight. You can be healthy and still have a few extra pounds on your frame.

While it's true that weight is one of the most common ways to track fitness, there are many other factors you can use to measure your overall health. Heart rate monitors and pedometers are great for getting an idea of how active someone is throughout the day and how much energy they burn when exercising. Weight loss may not be as straightforward as it seems—but if you're looking for ways to lose weight without taking prescription drugs or diet pills.

Focus on small goals that you can achieve

By engin akyurt on Unsplash

One of the main reasons people have difficulty losing weight is because they don't see any progress. They might start off with a goal of losing 10 pounds or 15 pounds, but as time goes on and they don't see results, the motivation to keep going starts to fade.

A better approach is to focus on small goals that you can achieve right away—not just in a week or two but over time as well. These smaller goals are more likely to keep you motivated while also being realistic enough that they will help keep your overall weight loss efforts on track.

Exercise is key to staying motivated in the long term

By Victor Freitas on Unsplash

The benefits of exercise are numerous, so it's no surprise that many people find it easy to stay motivated. Exercise can help you lose weight and keep your metabolism high for years after you stop exercising. It also helps with sleep—and lack of sleep can be a major factor in keeping weight on if you're not exercising regularly. If you want to lose weight but don't know where to start, try starting slow: walk for ten minutes every day or lift weights at home instead of going out for a run. When trying new exercises like yoga or Pilates (which use different muscles than traditional cardio workouts), focus on doing it slowly at first so as not overdo yourself; then work up from there! Finally, keep track of what works best for YOU by keeping careful track of everything from calories consumed through food journals—you'll be amazed by how much better things feel when they're reflected in numbers

Treat yourself in ways that don't involve food

You can't just ignore food. If you want to lose weight and maintain it, you have to eat less of the wrong things. But that doesn't mean you should stop eating altogether!

Instead of focusing on how much or how little food goes in your mouth (or stays there), try focusing on what happens next: how good it feels when your body feels satisfied after eating something tasty—especially if it's something healthy like fruits or vegetables—and then letting yourself indulge a bit more before moving onto the next meal. It may sound counterintuitive, but by following this strategy over time and sticking with it through tough times (like when those pesky pounds come back), we predict that our clients will enjoy controlling their cravings while still maintaining healthy habits overall!

Use moderation and kindness while trying to lose weight.

You are trying to lose weight, so you have to be kind to yourself. You will fail many times before you succeed in your efforts. Don't punish yourself for small failures or mistakes; instead, focus on how well you can do next time around.

  • Be soft-spoken with yourself when talking about dieting and exercise goals. Don't say things like "I should never eat cake again" or "I'm never going back on the treadmill." These statements will make it hard for someone listening in on the conversation (or reading this) to see how much progress has been made toward reaching their goals! Instead say something like "I've only been exercising three days this week but I feel better than ever!"
  • Give yourself credit when things go right! Even though there's no way anyone could have predicted that first slice of cake would taste so good...well maybe they could have (but probably not). If we all gave ourselves credit every time we did something right then nobody would ever accomplish anything at all...and nobody wants that right?

Now, you're ready to tackle weight loss. We hope that these tips and tricks will help you on your journey. Remember, nothing works overnight and there may be days where you feel like giving up but don't give in! This is a long term project that takes time but it's worth it in the end.

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About the Creator

Ambika Jho

As a blogger, My blog is a place where my experience and voice will be heard, little moments that make life worth living. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and storytelling, and together, let's create something truly magical.

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    Ambika JhoWritten by Ambika Jho

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