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A Helping hand!

By Laura mcleanPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Photo by timJ on Unsplash

The giving of other people. Nothing could be any more honest than that. There have been two occasions i can remember, That stand out to me. These will be the two stories i tell you.

A few months after the covid-19 hit the U.S, a friend of mine contacted me to start working for her holding a sign for any store that needed it. I was paid 50$ a day. Witch was not bad for someone who can't have a job on the books.

A week or so into the job good things started happening to me, It was the hottest day out of the year.Around 12:30 p.m every day I went on break, And this one particular time I walked over to the store to get something to drink. I was in the check out line waiting patiently to reach the counter. I knew I had just enough money to pay for my items. The only problem was that my payment was going to be split between several of my debit card's and in change.

As I was counting out my change, And I had just about enough to cover the whole amount that was due. I was so embarrassed that i have to use many different cards and change, there was no dollar bills at all. As the line behind me grew longer and longer the more i was embarrassed.

The two girls that was behind me were talk amongst each other, It was hard not to listen to them talk about getting a gifts for a couple of people. How they forgot to get a gift for someone else, and what they should get that person. They were having a full blown conversation between themselves not worried about who was around them.

I remember thinking to myself that I wished I had a life like theres. It seemed so easy for them. They had not a worry in mind and they had it all together.They spoke like a prep would in school, every other word was "LIKE".

As I was counting out change to pay the cashier, One of the girls stepped up to me. She said I will cover the rest! I told her "she didn't have to do that". I turned around and asked "are you sure"? I told her that "I have enough to cover it", it's just all in change.I also told her that I get paid after work today. The girl behind me said "don't worry about it, if you let me I will cover the rest".

That made me even more embarrassed, The girl handed me a 10$ to pay for the rest of my order, I tried to hand her the change back, And she told me to "keep it". I asked her if she was sure, And I told her again that I get paid after work today an that I would be fine. She said just "keep the change". We went back and forth about it. She just kept saying "It's ok just keep the change". I turned around and thanked her over and over again.

I went back to work, and didn't say nothing about it until the day was over. That same day a lady stopped at the edge of the parking lot, yelled over to me. She asked me if I would like a bottle of water? I walked over to her car real fast, I took the bottle of water said thank you and walked back to my spot.

The next day at work. As I was standing on the side of the road with my 7 foot tall sign. Trying to hold it and not let it fly out my hands. As you could imagine it was windy that day. Just standing on the side of the road every day, holding a sign as there job, It becomes boring just standing there all day not aloud to sit down until you are on break. It sucked to be honest. All you have to do is hold the sign and watch car's drive by.

On the job that day I notice a group of guy's getting out their vehicall's, They all was goofing off, yelling across the parking lot back and forth to each other. Then they all gather into a group and start goofing off and pulling out signs. I could not read what sign said. But I imagine that they read something like "FREE MASK'S FOR EVERYONE".

Every time a car pulled into the parking lot they would all start yelling and asking if they needed or wanted a free mask. Keep in mind that this was in the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic, And mask were not yet mandatory to enter into a store. And not everyone at that time owned a mask.

That was the most selfless thing anyone could do. So I look at it like they was helping out their own community. Just to keep everyone safe in this pandemic. It was the nicest thing that anyone could do at that time. To help out everyone, just by handing out masks to anyone who wanted them.

There was Another time I noticed someone was selfless. It was this past christmas in 2020. It was the first year I was able to send out christmas cards to just about everyone I knew. An I put one school pictures each of my kids in the cards.

I messaged everyone to get their addresses. The one person i contacted said not to send them a card that it was just nice knowing that someone was thinking about them. As I get most of my card's addressed and sent out. I start getting cands in the mail myself.

Then a day or two latter I checked my mail to find cards from my family and friends. That day I recieved 3 cards from my grandmother alone. Christmas cards where being sent to me everyday, Or every other day at that time.

In one day I got 2 or 3 card in the mail, As I am opening them I notice that one of the cards did not have a return address on it. I open it and A $100 bill fell out of it. I started trying to figure out who could of sent that card, I started comparing handwriting of the cards that I had already received in the mail. But could not match to any other card I had so far.

The kids and I was so confused and wondering who could of sent it to us. As soon as i seen that money the first thing that come to my mind was "I was going to be able to buy more christmas gifts for the kids. Because we all know the older the kids get the more expensive the things they want are. Instead of getting them more gifts I just split the money and gave it to them in A card for christmas.

I really wish I knew who gave us that card, I would love to thank them. Just thinking about how many people in this world there is and only a small percent of the people help another person out like that. There is still some good people out here in the world, And I am grateful for everyone of them. We could use more people like that these days.

I know if I had enough money I would be able to help other people to. I would love one day to be able to pay it forward. To have good people out here in this this world is a GOD thing. It's him working through others. That's the way I look at it. That's the way everyone should look at it.

The whole world would be better off if there was more good people in it. Everyone would get along and it would be better for our kids growing up in. I just hope I'm able to teach my kids to be selfless and to help people whenever you can. It always comes back to you. I believe karma is real, And if you do good things good things will come back to you.

Thank you for reading what I had to write tonight. Stay safe everyone


About the Creator

Laura mclean

I would like to test my writing skills. try and see if I can make it any better. When I was in middle school I had a published pome I wrote. It's been so long I can't remember the title or the name of the pome.

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