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Rules Don't always Rule.

Not everything is perfect.

By ThabreezPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Rules Don't always Rule.
Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

It's good to have Rules. I mean where would be we without them?

It's good to have governing bodies that govern everything and make up rules that help protect us. However there seems to be a obscene nature to Opposing certain rules. People often get called rebellious or degenerates for opposing any well known rules.

Now of course there are many rules that shouldn't be opposed. If you have a bit of common sense you can understand which ones.

However certain there are many rules that aren't perfect by ANY means. Yet people who oppose them get ridiculed. Especially when it comes to societal "rules". I say that in quotation marks because societal rules are never usually "rules" but more so beliefs.

I come from an Indian origin. Suffice to say we put more emphasis on these beliefs over certain rules. On one hand this can be good. India has and always will be a very religious focused place and that makes it unique. But sometimes religious does not always equal to intuitive norms.

Take for example an ancient Indian belief. I Have nothing against any religion trust me. However this one in particular is pretty strange. It used to be said that when a man dies and his body is burned( in Hinduism instead of burial they burn a person's body in the midst of a couple of logs) that his widow should jump into the raging fire and end her life as well so as to join her spouse in the afterlife.

Imagine you lived back then and understood that there was perhaps something wrong with this notion. That it didn't feel quite right. What about opposing the rule?

You'll get called things like crazy, rebellious and other things and you'll be forced to obey the rules. You have no voice and no say in anything. The law is the law no matter what. Even if the law is broken, unless someone of higher authority demands change or if THEY see something wrong with the law, there's no way to go about it.

This is also an issue with younger folks. Kids and teenagers get the worst of it.

Speak out against something?

Stop Talking Back John.

That's not fair!

Life isn't fair Tim!

Things like this are probably something you've heard a million times before. But why is that just because you're younger you have no worth to your voice?

Things like School dress code, Educational Practices and many more. It's just something that aren't taken to consideration when a student criticizes it.

All of this probably sounds whiny to those who think everything is perfect and the world is amazing(aka a lot of older folks who probably have nothing to lose) but to you I say... no.

The world isn't perfect and neither are the rules that govern it. So giving suggestions, ideas and opinions on pre established rules, no matter how well established those rules are shouldn't be a topic of scoffing but rather careful consideration.

I mean that's what Democracy is all about right? Well that shouldn't mean other forms of governments should just straight up ignore what the people say. That's only gonna cause resentment and unhappiness amongst those you govern. That's the last thing you want unless you are a stone hearted person.

Now this What I'm not saying is that you should listen to every opposition and implement everything people complain about. Sometimes they are wrong too. They are humans. Naturally people will exploit any chance to have everything their way. A Good leader's intellect lies in being able to properly distinguish when they are being led on and when something is legitimate criticism that you should consider and perhaps change things accordingly.

That's good use of the power you hold.


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