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Resonating Energy

Spilt Merlot and Dream Dates

By Trisha BehrensPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

It was mid Spring, the weather outside was the perfect blend of cool and warm. I was enjoying my favorite glass of merlot while sitting on a blanket and reading one of my favorite books. Out of nowhere a huge dog comes barreling towards me, before I could react the dog licked my face. Thank goodness, he was just a big friendly puppy who had escaped his owners’ grasp. I have always been a magnet for animals, almost as if they believe they know me. While I was getting to know my affectionate admirer, his person approached. He was very apologetic, and extremely handsome. He was tall, broad shoulders, not too big like those over-compensating guys you see coming out of the gym twice a day, he was just perfectly chiseled with a golden complexion. I managed to give him my name when he asked and told him it was okay, no harm done. He noticed the dog had toppled over my glass of merlot. He asked if I would allow him to take me to dinner, as an apology for the spilt mess. I was slightly slow to answer, because I thought I has daydreaming at first, but when he asked me a second time as if he assumed I simply didn’t hear him, I said yes. He asked for my number so that he could call me later on to get my address, and to make sure I hadn’t changed my mind. I was blushing like a teenager, usually I am well versed, with a minutia of witty things to say, but I was so taken by him, that I stumbled over the digits in my phone number, I felt my face getting hotter and was afraid he might hear my heart pounding, so I politely and clumsily offered a feeble see you later. I gathered all of my things as quickly as possible, wanting to escape so I could get myself in check, I had no clue why he had such a strong affect on me. I had dated great looking men, my ex-husband was great looking (too bad he turned out to have nothing else great to offer), I knew this guys’ looks had nothing to do with the strong affect he was having on me. I started walking towards my car, and tripped before I could take two steps, before he had the chance to help me, I popped back up and turned to him to offer a bow for my “intentional stunt”. I had a smile on my face, this way he wouldn’t feel like he had to resist laughing for my ego’s sake. When you are clumsy, you learn to laugh at yourself, knowing that, it is a funny sight to see, people just fight laughter out of kindness.

Once I was home, I decided to take one of those “Calgon, take me away” baths, I needed to unwind and over think, like I always do. I looked at myself in the mirror and chastised myself for being so overly taken by this stranger, right when I was in the middle of giving myself a lecture, my phone rings, it’s him. He wanted to know how 7pm sounded, I agreed. I gave him my address, and asked him where he planned to go eat, he jokingly said, “I was thinking McDonald’s, but surely they don’t serve wine.” I laughed and informed him I was simply trying to decide what to wear, he laughed and told me somewhere you can have a fine glass of merlot.

He was right on time, I was feeling quite confident, and had fully regained control over my mind, body, and ability to speak. We went to eat at The Chart House, which is in the Tower of America. This is in San Antonio, Texas for those who don’t know what I am talking about. The hour waiting for our food felt like ten minutes, it was as if I was having dinner with an old friend. I kept thinking to myself how odd it was to feel this way, I had been so stand-offish towards all men since my divorce, but for some reason my invisible force field I usually had around me had been no match for his energy. We were enjoying the night so much that we decided we weren’t ready to end the night after dinner. We ended up at Green Acres, he was quite impressed with my ability to play miniature golf in heels. After I had finished beating him, he asked how karaoke sounded, I had mentioned during conversation how much I loved karaoke. He was just so easy to be around, usually I would have said no, being to shy to risk being asked to sing, but before I could say no, my mouth said yes. Of course, he asked me to sing, but he offered to duet with me, he was so out going, compared to myself, shy, reserved. I used to be outgoing, once upon a time, but time had changed me, or so I thought. In one day, this beautiful man brought the liveliness back to my smile, and the skip back to my walk. Something about hanging out with him awakened the self that I had kept hidden away for so long, I didn’t even realize how withdrawn I had become the last few years. I felt like I had found my long-lost best friend, not in him, but in reuniting with myself. It was the I realized why he had such a strong effect on me, it was his energy, he resonated with the real me, and I had almost forgotten who that was. The night ended eventually, he dropped me off, he was a perfect gentleman.

About a year later we laughed about that first date, I was surprised how different he was, most guys try to sleep with you as soon as they realize you’re really into them, but not him. He told me he didn’t behave that way because for one thing, he knew without a doubt that it would have offended me, and screwed up everything. He followed that with, “I knew I would have other opportunities, and I wanted to have endless opportunities, so I went for the delayed gratification. I knew that I would rather have a lifetime with you, than one night.


About the Creator

Trisha Behrens


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