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Questions About My Future

Do You Think You Have Met Your Soulmate Yet, if so, Who Is It?

By Hannah MartinsonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

There are all these beautiful quotes about love...

"Love: missing someone sitting next to you"

"Love: desire for their soul"

"Love: the reason for living"

"Love: an intense affection for another person"

"Love: deep understanding and empathy shared among two souls"

And so so so much more....

For me, love means a lot of things (as I'm sure it does for you too). But for right now, I'm going to focus on romantic love -- because the question was about my soulmate (#stayingontrack - hahaha!)

Some of the energetic signatures I look for in my Soulmate:

- Do I feel safe? Loved? Accepted? Free to be ME without apologies?

- When I hear their name or see them enter a room, does my adrenaline rush? Do I feel happier? Sad? Scared? Excited? And are these the feelings that I WANT to create in my life??

- Can we laugh together? Do I make him laugh? Does he make me laugh? I am a STRONG advocate for "laughter is the best medicine". Life is already hard enough, I want to build a life with someone that makes me SMILE WITH EASE! (and vice versa) :) Life is more fun this way :)

- Are their beliefs/goals/visions for their life in alignment or complimentary to me and my beliefs/goals/and visions for my life?

- And finally - DO I LIKE THIS PERSON?? What are MY thoughts/feelings/and emotions about this person and our relationship? Is this someone I can commit to honestly and whole heartedly? Is this someone that is going to be there through thick and thin in the ways that I require? When the going gets tough, are they going to keep going? Or just give up?

You see, I never USED to ask myself these questions. I used to crawl through life, convinced everyone hated me and I would be LUCKY to have someone look my way. (no matter what type of person they were, or what energy they brought.) Which as you can imagine, got me into some pretty sad, scary, abusive, and toxic situations with people throughout my life.

However, after I had a life altering diagnosis and was diagnosed permanently disabled due to my brain injury -- I've had the time to ask myself these questions. I've been in situations where the TOUGH QUESTIONS COME UP AND UP AND UP!! OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! As I have seizures, black outs, brain blanks, extremely low and extremely high days (thanks bp1!) I am faced with a DAILY reality that these questions are in the front of my mind 24/7.

And thankfully, my highschool sweetheart Kai, has answered all these questions and more. <3

Kai and I first fell in love when we were 16, although timing never quite worked out. I then moved across the country to go to school, and he stayed here and learnt A LOT about life <3

Then... The stars aligned, the magic happened, and through a WILD chain of events, My Honey and I are TOGETHER AND STRONGER THAN EVER!

I knew even then, that he was something special <3

To me, and to the world.

Even through all the crazy adventures, wild twists and turns, and hard lessons learned -- Kai has always been there for me. He's always been my safe space, my place of rest, and pure acceptance for who I am and what I choose to be.

He loves me. With that REAL kind of love <3 and I'm grateful each and every day that I wake up for the beautiful blessing he is to me, my life, and the beautiful world around us. I'm so grateful to have a soulmate that understands me and accepts the trials and hardships of my past, while allowing me to bloosom in the present. He's my voice of reason when I can't think, my warm hug at the end of a day, the place that my heart and soul always want to be.

Because of these things, I know, that Kai is my Soulmate <3


About the Creator

Hannah Martinson

26 year old woman, on a journey to live her best life.

Retired, due to TBI

I beleive that by sharing our stories we can help others feel a sense of connection, understanding, compassion, and self love, and healing. What else is possible now?

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