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Public Journal 3/7/2021

Journal by Alex Ryan

By Alex RyanPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Morguefile from user davidpwhelan

This is an idea I want to start doing. I've been journaling to myself through emails and I've been doing this for a while and for a variety of reasons. I wanted to save my ideas as I have them, as well as potentially have my ideas seen by others. To be honest, I was hoping my emails would get flagged and noticed by people that had influence in our society. I want the rich and the powerful to see my ideas. I feel like I've had some good ideas. However, I have very little wealth or power. I know that I've been influential in people's ways of thinking. I've even inspired people to live better lives for themselves and for others. I've had quite the interesting life, full of interesting people. I'm actually the inspiration for my Bart Wilby stories. They are fictional stories based on factual events of my life. As my ideas get spread around more, they might gain traction with the global elite. For now, I plan on posting my public journals here on Vocal. If I ever become wealthy, I fully intend on seeing these ideas through. In the meantime, maybe some other philanthropist will take my ideas and run with them. Either way, the world wins. The world could really use some more wins these days. The issues I want to tackle aren't going to go away. Also, my ideas could be used in other parts of the world to ensure we as a planet thrive together. Without further ado, here is a public journal I wrote while sitting in my car before coming back inside my house. Enjoy!

Hello me,

I just got done at the gym and I have so many great ideas flying around my head!

You see, you didn't go completely crazy during your episode. Or, whatever you want to call it. You had some great ideas that just needed some help. They needed funding and a kick start, but they were still good ideas.

For anyone else reading my journal entries, those ideas are my ideas for charity and prison reintegration. The main ideas were to go to large companies and try to collect their obsolete computer equipment. I used to work for Woodward Governor as an IT Technician, and I helped throw away countless computers that were still fully functional. Not only that, but we got rid of a ton of keyboards and mice, just because we preferred other models. With all the problems with E-waste, this was just disgusting to me. I know there are low income families here in America that would LOVE to have some of that tech. However, we simply checked each device off of a list and sent them to be processed. I'm still not sure if part of that processing was repurposing the tech, but I do know that we went through a certain company to ensure that all the data was properly disposed of.

That's just one faucet of my business I was wanting to launch. There was also housing projects for the homeless and prison reintegration. Tiny homes are taking off and the idea for housing homeless people with tiny homes is already at play in certain areas. I'll need to do more research to know where specifically, but I know I'm not the first person to think this idea. As it is, people coming from prison are sorely against the odds at a successful life. Sure, they're no longer locked up, but they still have to face the adversity of being a convicted felon when finding work. With enough time, the jobs become available. However, I can tell you right now that it's hard to even find a job with a felony trespassing charge on my record. I'm lucky enough to have never seen the inside of a prison cell, well, at least as a resident. But I know plenty of people are getting churned out by the system all the time. This potentially adds to the homeless problems we face.

Then, there's my idea for repurposing kids' supplies. There are ideas out there already, like box tops for educational supplies. But this relies on a level of cooperation and work done by normal people. I hardly ever remember to save box tops, yet I want to donate what I can to public schools. I even saw a deal on a box of cereal that donated entire books to charity, yet I didn't save the box top or fulfill the requirements to get some books donated. This, to me, means that we aren't doing enough to simplify the process of donation. Companies could still broadcast their charitable actions, but they could go ahead and just donate without the need for normal people to participate. I see where they're coming from, the whole getting involved in your community and personalized philanthropy. But there could be so much more help and progress for those in need.

Those are a few of my main ideas. As time goes on, I remember more

Of what I was trying to achieve during my episode. The more I remember, the less crazy my ideas by themselves sound. I will continue to clarify and organize my thoughts. I will continue to publish chapters of my story to . Oh, by the way, if anyone else is reading these journal emails, feel free to check out . That's where I'm writing a fictional book about my episode. It's based on actual events that I experienced, but is safely a fictional piece. In it, I plan on mentioning my friends by different names. It's not against the law to have friends, as long as I don't participate in their activity. Shoot, most of my friends are on the other side of the gang life anyway. I don't associate with people that are currently breaking any laws. The few people I do associate with are all grown up and want the best for their fellow person.

I wanted to make sure I wrote this down before going inside. It's been a while since I wrote such a lengthy piece of work to myself, but it's long overdue. With some luck and hard work, my ideas can become reality. The best part is, they don't even have to be considered my ideas for them to work. For all I know, someone is taking these ideas and running with them. Well, huzzah I say! I would like some credit, and especially some financial compensation, but at the end of the day I just want my ideas to become reality. So, I will continue to write and spread my ideas! I've already inspired and encouraged quite a few people to spread my ideas. It's amazing what people you can meet when you keep an open mind about humanity. I've met some incredibly intelligent people associated with gangs. I lived with several active gang members when I got in trouble back in 2009 and 2010. I don't intend on ever getting into that kind of trouble again, yet here I am on probation another time.

Oh well. I will take advantage of my situation and continue to inspire goodness through my fellow people. And of course, I will continue to write as much as I can to help anyone I can. Myself included, as I hope to be a published author at the end of all this.

Just know, my intentions are good and my methods are legal. Aside from that, I can at least tell a good story...




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