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Protein shakes for breakfast: Good or bad? Lets find out

Let's discuss whether protein shakes are good or bad

By S.R.SivaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Protein shakes for breakfast: Good or bad? Lets find out
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Protein shakes are one of the most convenient and effective ways to load your body with vital vitamins and minerals. People who struggle to prepare food in the morning find this method as a solution to meet their protein requirements for the day. Let's discuss the benefits and the potential downsides of doing so.

1) Helps you feel full for a longer span of time

Protein shakes quickly supply the required amount of protein your body requires and thus significantly reduce the secretion of ghrelin - a hormone responsible for inducing hunger levels and thus reducing your food cravings and making you feel full for a longer span of time.

A proven study of 19 people showed that doubling protein intake on a daily basis led to significant reductions in calorie intake and body weight when compared to a high-carb breakfast

2) Easily be blended with other nutritious foods

Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and grapes are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber and can easily be blended along with your protein shake which adds up to your calorie intake and promotes better digestion as well.

Vegetables such as kale, spinach, and beets are all highly nutritious that can be added to your protein shake for additional benefits and also promotes better health in general.

3)Effects on Weight loss

People who consume protein shakes for breakfast on a regular basis have reportedly been shown to lose weight without losing any muscle.

One study in 27 people showed that consuming higher protein shakes for 12 weeks led to greater feelings of fullness, and decreased late-night cravings,, compared with a control group.

Protein intake has also been linked to a higher metabolism rate that makes your body burn more amount of calories throughout the day and also at rest which has a strong impact on losing weight in a healthier way.

Potential downsides of protein shakes

There's almost very little evidence to support a higher amount of downsides after the consumption of protein shakes but here are some of them in particular that may be labeled as a potential downside by some people.

Some of the protein shakes contain additives, fillers, and artificial sweeteners which may have a negative effect on health overall and some people find it hard to digest the ingredients in protein shakes especially whey protein which makes it harder for consumers to use them.

4)Impacts on Fitness and Health

Protein shakes have encouraged a lot of fitness enthusiasts to switch to them since they are reliable and convenient to use and eventually workouts in the gym have become much more productive than it was before with protein consumption very quick and easy in between the sessions. Thus it makes protein shakes have a positive impact on fitness overall

Protein is necessary for tissue repair and muscle growth and can help your body recover after an intense workout.

Studies show that getting enough protein in your diet may also help maximize muscle and strength gains from resistance training, making protein shakes particularly beneficial for those looking to increase muscle mass, such as bodybuilders.

Interestingly enough, one study of 21 people found that drinking a high-protein shake either before or after working out led to similar increases in muscle size and strength over 10 weeks.


Consuming protein shakes for breakfast can be highly beneficial in a lot of times and with little to no potential high-risk downsides, it's actually one of the most reliable ways to meet your protein requirements for the day and also feel full without having to worry about food cravings throughout the day. People adapt themselves to this quick and convenient way of consumption of protein very quickly and so which makes it effective.

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