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Positivity Empowers! Negativity Devours!

"You are not aware, but being negative will close the door to all of your innovative ideas," Sharon inspires.

By Annelise Lords Published 2 years ago 4 min read
Image and design by Annelise Lords. Model by Kin Custom

Image and design by Annelise Lords. Model by Kin Custom

Image and design by Annelise Lords. Model by Kin Custom

"Damn!" Amelia cried, scanning the cafeteria. "The only seat available is beside Miss Positive and I am not going over there," she complained to her two co-workers and best friends.

"You mean Sharon Wallace over there by the window?" Chrissy Miller asks. "I am not standing and eating."

"What is wrong with being positive all of the time?" Elaine asks, her eyes searching around for an empty table.

"Girl, her world doesn't exist," Amelia insists.

"What world is that?" Chrissy asks, her eyes scanning the entire cafeteria.

"A perfect world," Amelia answered, hissing her teeth, wondering out loud, "Why did they give all of us lunch at the same time. Don't they know there isn't enough table here to facilitate all of us?"

"I am going over there," Chrissy said, marching towards Sharon's table.

Elaine followed, "wait for me."

Amelia reluctantly lagged behind them, and they sat down, putting their lunch on the small oval table.

Amelia launched an attack as she sat down, and before Sharon could start spreading positivity, "My landlord increased my rent. I wasn't chosen for overtime. My bank rejected my loan application. That is my world now. So don't sing me a positivity song."

"Ever think of getting a part-time job online," Sharon calmly suggested, chewing slowly. "You work for I.T., don't you?"

"So what?" Amelia barked back.

"Wong's Technology is hiring and the pay is good," Sharon notified. "Plus, they are walking distance from where our full time job is and where we all live incase they want you to come in."

Amelia pushed Elaine out of her seat and sat closer to Sharon, saying, "tell me more."

Chrissy grabbed Elaine before she fell, cursing, "What the hell is wrong with


"And to think she didn't want to come over here," Elaine remarked, glaring at her in disgust, sitting into Amelia's seat.

Minutes later, after Sharon explained everything to her. Amelia said, "don't things ever go wrong for you?"

"Of course," Sharon informs with a smirk. "None of us lives are perfect."

"You don't act that way," Amelia said quickly. "I have been employed at this facility for five years and I have never seen you behave in a negative way. No matter what Mrs. Cruel our supervisor says and do to you. And everyone here hates her nasty attitude."

"True,' Elaine agrees. "She often uses you as her beaten stick. Why?"

Chrissy nods in agreement.

Smiling, Sharon said, "she wants me to fail so she can fire me and give her granddaughter my job."

"So Merlene was right," Chrissy adds. "But how do you stay the way you are despite all of the garbage you have to face daily."

"I am this way, because I found out that Positivity empowers, while negativity devours. Check your attitude when you came over here. I know you wanted to avoid me."

Amelia nodded in agreement.

And Elaine and Chrissy shout, swaying their heads, "yes, she did."

"You are not aware, but your negative thinking have closed the door to all of your innovative ideas," Sharon inspires.

Amelia's eyes expand, and she says, "Damn girl, you got a point. "

"If you weren't reveling in negativity your imagination would soar and ideas would find you. Didn't you think of getting a parttime job to suffice your income."

"No," Amelia answers. "Girl, I was so caught up in my problems I didn't think of solutions."

"And that's what negativity does. It devours and destroys."

Eyeing her in amazement, Amelia said, "I never thought how powerful being positive can be."

"Miles Littlehorn is the hiring manager at Wong's Technology. Tell him Miss Positive sent you."

"Can Chrissy and I use your name too," Elaine asked, stirring her salad after adding Italian vinaigrette dressing to it."

"All three of you can apply," Sharon advised.

"Positivity is that powerful?" Amelia wondered out loud.

"It works for me and you will find out too when you try it," Sharon suggests.

A positive attitude removes limitations allowing innovative ideas to foster and grow, thus improving your life. Positivity Empowers! Negativity Devours!

Check out my latest book of inspiring short stories and poems.

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Image and design by Annelise Lords. Model by Kin Custom

Image and design by Annelise Lords. Model by Kin Custom


About the Creator

Annelise Lords

Annelise Lords writes short inspiring, motivating, thought provoking stories that target and heal the heart. She has added fashion designer to her name. Check out https:

for my designs.

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