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Platonic love

Understanding the Power of Non-Romantic Relationships

By SilambarasanPublished about a year ago 5 min read

# It was a hot summer day when they met for the first time. They were both seven years old and had just moved into the neighborhood. Their mothers introduced them to each other and they quickly bonded over their shared love of ice cream and playing in the park. They spent that entire summer together, exploring the neighborhood, going on adventures, and making memories that would last a lifetime.

As they grew older, their friendship deepened and evolved. They went through the ups and downs of adolescence together, sharing their secrets, their dreams, and their fears. They were there for each other during the first loves, the heartbreaks, and the struggles of growing up. They were each other's confidants, support systems, and best friends.

But as they reached adulthood, their friendship faced new challenges. They went to different colleges and their lives started to take different paths. They stayed in touch through phone calls and visits, but it was clear that their friendship was changing. They had grown and changed in ways that they couldn't have imagined when they were seven years old.

Years passed, and they both settled into their own lives. They got married, had children, and built careers. They still talked on the phone and saw each other occasionally, but it was clear that their friendship was no longer the same. They were different people now, with different priorities and responsibilities.

But despite the changes, their friendship remained strong. They had been through so much together and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what. They realized that their friendship had evolved, but it had not ended. It had simply changed to adapt to the new phase of their lives.

One day, they met for lunch and reminisced about the old days. They laughed about the silly things they used to do and the memories they had shared. They talked about their families, their jobs, and their hopes for the future. And as they sat there together, they realized that their friendship had come full circle. They were still the same people who had met all those years ago, but they were also so much more. They had grown and changed, but their friendship had grown and changed with them.

It was a beautiful thing to see, how two people who were once just kids in the park, could grow and change together and still remain friends. They knew that their friendship would continue to evolve, but it would always be a constant in their lives, a reminder of the memories they shared, the love they had for each other and the bond that had stood the test of time.

Friendship and platonic love can be just as powerful and meaningful as romantic love. It can shape a person's life, support and heal them through difficult times, and stand the test of time. It's not about being together all the time, but about being there for each other when it matters most, and knowing that no matter what happens, their bond will remain strong.

# It was the first day of kindergarten, and they were both nervous. They were assigned to the same table, and as they sat down next to each other, they both knew that this was the beginning of something special. They were best friends from that day on. They did everything together, from playing at recess to working on class projects. They shared their first secrets and their first crushes. They were inseparable.
As they grew older, their friendship continued to evolve. In middle school, they started to develop different interests. He was into sports, while she was into music. But they still managed to find time for each other, and they always had each other's backs.
In high school, they started to drift apart. They were both busy with extracurricular activities, and they were starting to form new friendships. But they still talked, and they still saw each other at school. They were still best friends, but it wasn't the same as it used to be.
After graduation, they went their separate ways. He went to college on the east coast, while she stayed in their hometown and went to community college. They talked less and less, and they saw each other even less. They were both busy with their new lives, and their friendship started to fade.
Years went by, and they both moved on. They started new jobs, and they started new relationships. They both got married, and they both started families. But they never forgot about each other.
One day, out of the blue, he reached out to her. He was in town for a business trip, and he wanted to see her. They met up for dinner, and it was like no time had passed at all. They talked and laughed, and they caught up on everything that had happened in the last 20 years. They realized that even though they had grown apart, they were still best friends.
As they parted ways that night, they both knew that they would stay in touch. They would make an effort to see each other more often, and they would always be there for each other. They were still best friends, and nothing would ever change that.
Friendship can take many forms over the years, and it can evolve in many ways. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it. It's about the memories, the laughter, and the love. It's about being there for each other, no matter what. It's about knowing that you have someone in your corner, no matter how much time has passed. And it's about knowing that even though things change, friendship is forever.


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