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Over the Moon

A Short Story

By Marilyn GloverPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Photo: Baby butt / Depositphotos

Alex dropped down onto all fours and circled the group of frat boys standing outside the bar barking at the top of her lungs. She lifted her right leg and symbolically urinated on the chatty one’s ankle. All hyped up she finished off with a quick hop to her feet ripping down her black leggings to bare her derriere. She then readjusted her pants and her girlfriend Siobhan grabbed her hand to steady her balance. A small group of curious onlookers recording the incident with their cell phones cheering as the pair scurried away from the scene. The loving couple were tired of the continuous harassment by this group of immature college boys and the disparaging comment “You are too beautiful to be lesbians” were words Alex could no longer ignore.

The next afternoon in her journalism class Alex could not concentrate, reflecting on her actions of the previous night. She kept thinking to herself that perhaps the second long island ice tea was one too many giving her courage to act ballsy in a situation she normally walked away from. Part of her felt good to release the pent up anger and another part; a bit embarrassed. She stretched her arms and legs pushing her body’s limits and took a deep cleansing breath refocusing her attention to her notes in her black moleskin notebook.

Mr. Holt, the journalism instructor, drew her attention back to the reason for her and Siobhan entering the bar the night before in the first place.

“Congratulations, once again to Alexandria on a job well done in her entry for the student’s national journalism contest. She will begin her internship in two weeks for the summer break at our local news station; Channel 6 News, and is the recipient of the $20,000 first prize.”

Alex’s face illuminated recalling that she and Siobhan simply went out for drinks to celebrate and some of her self-confidence came rushing back as she sat up straight in her seat. Her life passion; to become a reputable journalist reminded her to stay strong.

Her cell phone lit up with an urgent text from Siobhan instructing Alex to meet her in the student lounge after class.

Siobhan rushed to Alex’s side wrapping her arms around her in heightened apprehension. Stroking her hand tenderly, she scrolled social media on her cell phone displaying a recording from outside the bar. Alex’s hazel eyes broadened in disbelief as she took the phone reliving the episode from the night before. Siobhan motioned her to sit on the lounge sofa pulling her waist length chestnut coils back from her face. Siobhan’s fiery red hair failed in comparison to the heat coming from her mate’s expression. They sat in silence comforting each other observing the mooning incident gone viral.

Minutes later, the chatty guy from the night before; the perpetuator of harassment, strolled by yelling “Stupid dikes!” His name was Seth, a tall, loud mouth trouble maker who insisted he was God’s gift to women with his chiseled jaw and football player build. He took the cap off his Dasani water, took a sip then splashed the girls with a flicking motion dropping the bottle at their feet. “Super model dikes, what a waste” he snickered then sauntered out of the student lounge.

Several students went to the aid of the girls while a few others chuckled in perverted amusement.

The next week was finals week and extremely hectic. The recording of the mooning episode drew a lot of unwelcome attention to both Alex and Siobhan. Most of which, positive and supportive yet the group of frat boys had different ideas. They felt disrespected for being called out on their behavior and continued to hassle the girls further. Before the summer break, Seth and his idiotic friends, made flyers of Alex’s bare backside posting them throughout the intimate college community. They sent a box of moon pies to their off campus apartment and escalated with the vulgarities to a level of intimidation insinuating they could “make the girls straight.”

Fearful of the growing emotional intensity and possible repercussions from the boys, Alex and Siobhan filed a complaint with the College Board only to receive criticism for the bar side ordeal. Both men and the only woman on the panel frowned on Alex’s mooning as provocation discounting the crude language initiated by the group of young men. They were further instructed to ignore the boys and move on. No physical violence had occurred and the girls were dismissed in negative judgement.

Alex’s first day as an intern at the news station brought her unexpected consideration from television producers. Her mooning video was continuing to accumulate attention by the masses yet she stopped paying any mind to the topic choosing to concentrate on the future. Only one more year until graduation and neither she nor Siobhan wanted any more trouble. Since the college neglected to provide any assistance, the girls thought laying low would help the popularity blow over diverting attention to the next “big thing to talk about.”

Maggie Dowd, executive producer to Channel 6 news, approached Alex based on a statement from her journalism instructor, Mr. Holt.

“Alex, we are going to be running a segment on relationships in the gay, lesbian and transgender community and are very interested in your input. We would be honored to have you share your experience from the night at the bar in our harassment part of the series. Your instructor is very passionate about your ordeal and feels that the incident was handled poorly by the College Board.”

From her tote bag, Alex withdrew her black moleskin notebook from class. She had been writing about her feelings about love, relationships and being a lesbian in a society where so much prejudice still remains. She opened the book and placed it in front of Ms. Dowd to read.

Maggie kept silent for about fifteen minutes completely engulfed in Alex’s emotional script.

Alex recorded her disturbing recollection of countless occurrences in public where people gawked at her and Siobhan like they were from another planet; unapproved frowning on their loving display of a happy couple holding hands. One incident noted in detail a dinner out where they were told not to kiss by management in the restaurant because it was a “family friendly place.” Completely distraught over the controversy of a simple kiss, made the couple furious resulting in their exit before the waitress arrived to take their order.

Innumerable accounts of inappropriate name calling and rude gestures were detailed in Alex’s black book dating back to twelve years of age when she first realized her sexual preference. She did not shy away from her feelings or remain hidden behind a veil of secrecy which in turn brought on rejection from friends and criticism from some judgmental parents as a “bad influence” or simply” confused.” Alex only wanted people to see her for the loving, caring individual that she is and not ostracize her simply based on who she loves.

Ms. Dowd removed her glasses reaching for Kleenex on her desk to dry her puffy eyes.

“Alex, please be a part of our report. The world needs to hear your story and people need to know that they are not alone. I urge you to share your heartache and experience... All of us here at News Channel 6 stand as an army behind you.”

Alex agreed and one week later the segment on Gay, Lesbian and Transgender relationships aired.

The feedback from the week-long series inspired the College Board to reach out to Alex apologizing for their lack of sympathy, requesting an immediate meeting. At the meeting, the board of three recanted the words chosen weeks before describing her mooning as “indecent and grotesque.” After further investigating they decided to expel Seth and his followers of hate from campus placing prompt reform into the student handbook for the fall semester regarding harassment. A no tolerance order put into play with the possibility of criminal proceedings ensuring the personal right and safety of all college students, was long overdue but a positive step forward in the right direction.

With the return of the September, Alex and Siobhan both seniors, were finally at peace walking the campus grounds. They were embraced with support from other couples mirroring their free expression of affection. Sure, they still received the occasional sideway glances from the ignorant but the overall mood; peaceful. In honor of their victory, Alex donated a portion of her $20,000 journalism prize to starting her own support group and college newsletter supporting the LGBT community. Together, with Siobhan they created a space of love inspired events educating and spreading the word on universal acceptance.

A little over a month later during an evening in October while sipping wine on their balcony, Alex looked up at the clear night sky pointing to the abundance of vibrantly shining stars. She and Siobhan sat cradling one another under a blanket observing the full moon beaming down upon them in all her glory. Intuitively, they looked at each other and busted out laughing recalling another animated moon from just a few months before. “Ahh... Life is good” They agreed.


About the Creator

Marilyn Glover

I am a top Medium writer, editor, and owner of the publication Third Eye Gypsy. Poetry and spirituality are my favorite genres, and I like writing about topics often left untouched. Follow me at:

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