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Old Postman

Old Postman and Little Girl Heart Touching Story

By Sajjadul IslamPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

On one occasion an older mailman thumped on entryway of a house and said, "Take the letter.."

When he said this, a young lady's voice reverberated from inside, "I'm coming at this point.. if it's not too much trouble, pause."

However, even following 5 minutes nobody came. Mailman again expressed, "Is there anybody the take your letter? I need to go to a lot more places.."

Young lady answered, "Uncle, on the off chance that you are in a rush, put the letter under the entryway. I'm coming it will require some greater investment.."

Old mailman answered, "No, I'm pausing. It is an enlisted letter. So somebody's mark is additionally required."

After around 10 minutes, entryway opened.

Mailman was furious about delay, he was going to yell at the young lady yet when entryway opened, he was stunned to see that before him, was a little crippled young lady who had no legs.

Mailman discreetly gave the letter and took her signature and left.

Young lady frequently resided alone in her home. Her mom was not in this world and father used to work far away. To deal with the young lady, a servant used to remain in the house with her in the

morning and night yet she used to reside alone in her home during the day.

In a little while at whatever point mail came, mailman would thump and call for young lady and afterward stand by without complaining at the entryway. Steadily, cooperation and connection developed between them.

Young lady saw that mailman used to come shoeless to convey sends.

Blustery season came. One day when mailman passed on subsequent to giving letter to young lady, his impressions were had on wet soil. Young lady emerged with a paper and put it on print and brought down image of his feet. Following day, she requested that he servant get shoes of that size and keep them in house.

Before Diwali was going to come, mailman went to houses he used to convey mail, to request Diwali gift however when he pondered young lady, he began figuring it wouldn't be correct ask anything from her. He additionally began feeling that he shouldn't meet young lady with nothing during celebration.

After much thought he purchased a little chocolate for young lady. Following day, he went to young lady's home and thumped.

At the point when young lady opened entryway, old mailman gave her chocolate and said, "Take this little gift from your uncle's side."

Young lady was glad to get that and requested that mailman sit tight for at some point.

Sooner or later, she purchased a major box and giving it to mailman, she said, "Uncle, this is a gift from my side to you on Diwali."

Mailman was amazed to see the container. In the wake of reasoning for some time he said, "You resemble a little girl to me. how might I acknowledge a gift from you?"

Young lady demanded and said, "Uncle kindly don't decline my gift. I will be miserable."

"Alright.", said elderly person kept box and affectionately put his hand on young lady's head as though favoring her.

In the wake of returning home, when mailman opened the case, he was shocked to see the there was a couple of shoes in it. His eyes shimmered. Mailman could hardly imagine how young lady was so worried about him.

Following day, mailman arrived at his mailing station and argued to postmaster that he ought to quickly be moved to another area.

At the point when postmaster asked reason. He let him know all that and said with wet eyes, "Sir, after today I can not go to that road. That young lady saw me shoeless and gave me shoes yet how might I have the option to give her feet?"

Saying that mailman burst out crying.


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