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By NUHAFATHIPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
News and Society
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

How Democrats Could Win the 2022 Elections With a Landslide Victory

In 2001 the republican party had a majority of both houses of congress plus the executive branch and they abused this power by making many anti-terrorism laws that were not consistent with the U.S. Constitution. The republicans lost this trifecta of power in 1953 during the Joseph McCarthy Red Scare stripping the rights of innocent people and the American voter was smart enough not to allow the republican party to have this much power for about 50 years. These laws that strip the rights of every American citizen continue to be extended by both political parties of congress. Although the republican party has engaged in many abuses with these unconstitutional laws, there will be no accountability for the republicans who made these laws until these laws have been repealed and the truth is made public. Democrats can win the 2022 elections with a landslide victory by adjusting the rules of the U.S. Senate and begin repealing these many unconstitutional anti-terrorism laws. The republicans have engaged in egregious abuse to control the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure these laws are never held as ultra vires, which would expose many crimes of the republican party.

The Watergate scandal that revealed executive abuses of warrantless electronic surveillance by U.S. President Richard Nixon in the 1970s led to a landslide victory for the democrats to uphold the Constitution. Joe Biden became a U.S. Senator in 1973 riding the democrats wave into positions of power. U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy known as a champion of Constitutional rights was also elected in the 1970s. Since 2001 the democrats have let the American people down by agreeing with republicans to pass laws that eradicate our Constitutional rights.

The democratic party must stand up for the Bill of Rights by changing Senate rules so they can part ways with the republican party. The republican party will never agree to repeal anti-terrorism laws because they love to abuse their power to win at any cost. In reality, anti-terrorism laws gave all three branches of government unlimited powers voiding the U.S. Constitution. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia proudly stated in public, "The Constitution is Dead." Current republican members of Congress repeat this phrase which is contrary to their oath of office to defend the Constitution. Although history shows the republican party has no regard for the Constitution, many people falsely believe the GOP does because they support the Second Amendment.

The democratic party will be annihilated during the 2022 elections and future elections if they do not stand up to the republican party now and fight for our Constitutional rights. Windmills and solar panels will not win elections. Democrats only need to be the political party from the 1970s that stands up for the Constitutional rights of the people, not just the Second Amendment. We should always appreciate what other people do for us, especially politicians. The democratic party was elected to uphold our Constitutional rights and they do not appreciate the power they were given. Any political party that does not fully support the U.S. Constitution needs to be removed from power because they harm us all, even the dignity of our nation's brilliant Founders. It is real simple, democrats need to run on the political platform of "the Constitution is alive," which is a legacy to be proud of.

Dale B. Adams formed Majestic Publishers in 2000, and is the author and self publisher of the book, "Care Giving Made Easy - How to be an Awesome Caregiver." Currently engaged in litigation to defend First Amendment rights.

What Are Solar Roofing Shingles?

With all the incredible innovative advancements achieved over the past decade in solar technology, solar roofing is now more affordable than ever. This is thanks to solar shingles, which are a new roofing material that saves energy and reduces electricity costs for property owners. Continue reading to learn more about solar shingles, and where to get trusted roof installation advice for your home or building.

The Advent of Solar-Powered Roofing

In the past, most people would imagine big, blue, incandescent panels on the top of a house or building when thinking about solar power. But in today's world, that is not the only option for home-based solar power anymore. On the other hand, that technology has been the inspiration for the dawn of a new and improved type of solar power known as solar shingles.

Solar roof shingles are basically photovoltaic cells that have been specifically designed to look like asphalt roof shingles. Their advent was a result of improvements made in the field of thin-film photovoltaics. Homeowners are pulled toward this technology for many reasons, as solar shingles provide a long list of benefits.

Benefits of Solar-Powered Roof Shingles

Solar shingles are flexible and lightweight, making them easy to install. When it comes to integrating them with customary asphalt shingles, the incorporation is virtually seamless; you can hardly tell the difference between one shingle and another, especially on roofing systems that are dark in color. In fact, they tend to look better on darker rooftops.

Not only are solar roof shingles aesthetically pleasing compared to the old, bulky solar-powered technology, they are also economically beneficial. They can save homeowners money on energy costs by increasing their home's energy efficiency. Homeowners may even be eligible for certain solar tax credits.


In most cases, solar shingles are applied with an existing power grid to ensure that your home is powered even when there is no sun. In the fortunate case that you generate more power than you actually use, you might have the option of selling it back to the power company. Although solar shingles are known for their ease of installation, they can only be installed by qualified roofing contractors who are licensed and experienced in the industry.

In addition to a licensed roofing company, you will also need an electrician to hook everything up to your electrical system for you. Generally, you can expect them to install an "inverter," which will convert the generated electrical current to standard AC power.

Talk to a Pro

Solar-powered roofing systems are costly upfront, but can render homeowners a lifetime of savings. Since it is a big investment, it is important to fully weigh your options before making a final purchasing decision. Talk to a local and trusted roofing contractor for professional advice and recommendations you can trust.

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