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"Natural Wonders You'll Want to Add to Your Bucket List."

Countries are a subject of curiosity and fascination.

By fatima zahra ajankarPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Located in the high altitudes of northern China, there exists a mountain that remains frozen throughout the year. This natural phenomenon is characterized by a thick layer of permafrost beneath the mountain's topsoil, effectively freezing everything above it. Despite being situated in Ping Chuen County, renowned for its scorching hot summers with temperatures soaring up to 90°F, this frozen pocket of land defies the climate and manages to survive. The secret lies in the coarse blocky layer of soil that covers the permafrost, acting as a shield against the hot climate and preventing it from reaching and melting the frozen ground. As a result, this mountain slope remains frozen all year round, unaffected by the blazing temperatures.

In southern Argentina, you can discover the magnificent Pito Moreno Glacier, which spans over 100 square miles and continues to grow. While Argentina is renowned for its stunning beaches and sunny weather, this glacier stands out as a natural wonder. As you explore this icy marvel, you may witness the formation of ice arches extending towards the nearby land. Eventually, these arches rupture and collapse into the water below, a completely natural process. The glacier continuously forms new arches, ensuring a mesmerizing spectacle for visitors. On California's Glass Beach, you won't find sand but instead a collection of colorful gemstones known as sea glass. Surprisingly, these beautiful pebbles are the result of decades of garbage accumulation. Locals used this beach as a dumping ground for glass appliances and even cars. However, the state eventually prohibited such disposal, leading to the gradual breakdown of the remaining junk by the relentless waves. Over time, these fragments transformed into brightly colored pebbles, attracting tourists from all corners of the world.

Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, can be found in southern Venezuela. The water cascades down from one of the largest tabletop mountains in Venezuela, plummeting 2500 ft into the jungle below. This height is three times taller than the Eiffel Tower. Due to its immense height, most of the water evaporates into mist before reaching the ground. Visitors can feel the mist settling on their skin from over half a mile away. In Scotland, there is a hidden gem called Fidic Glenn, nestled deep within the woodlands and away from the main roads. This area resembles something out of an ancient fairy tale, with towering moss-covered rock formations and crimson-red waters. The red color of the water is a result of the red sandstone lying beneath the shallow river. To reach this breathtaking natural beauty, one must embark on a perilous hike down steep muddy hills, often relying on trees to prevent falls. However, the journey is well worth it, as you can witness the sunlight reflecting off the ruby waters and admire the towering rocks of this enchanting world. Lake Hiller, located in Western Australia, is a place that seems too surreal to be real. With its bubble gum pink water and surrounding emerald green forests, it captivates the imagination. The reason behind the lake's pink color remains a mystery, although scientists have proposed that the high salt content in the lake attracts a salt-loving pink bacteria called Halo bacteria, which gives the lake its trademark shade. In a small peninsula in South America, you can find one of the most stunning natural wonders in the world - the marble caves. From the outside, they may appear like any other caves, but inside, the walls are adorned with smooth swirling blue marble formations. Over thousands of years, water has eroded the marble deposits within these caves, creating this unique cave system. The deep blue color that seems to be part of the marble is a reflection of the water, which creates these beautiful blue shades along the cave walls.

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