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My Personal Experience with Starting the Day At 3 am.

“It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.” – Aristotle

By🪲Published 3 years ago 5 min read
My Personal Experience with Starting the Day At 3 am.
Photo by Kristian Angelo on Unsplash

You probably read the title thinking I was a bit weird to do this, crazy even. But waking up at 3 am not only became my standard morning routine, but it was also a change in my spirituality and helped me incorporate healthier habits in my life.

According to an article from, waking up early can allow you to be more successful. "In a study of 367 university students, biologist Christoph Randler found that what they say is true — the early bird really does get the worm."

Christophe Randall also stated in this article, that morning people anticipate problems and try to minimize them. They're proactive, which can cause better job performances, greater career success, and higher-paying wages.

You also see on Youtube the rise of early risers and sharing their personal routines and how waking up early has helped them. Seeing this, I decided to try waking up early, then sharing with you how it has helped me and what I do.

My Routine at 3 AM

By Biel Morro on Unsplash

The alarm goes off. My mind starts to run like an old machine slowly. I get out of bed and light a candle while I listen to lo-fi. Lo-fi, and my happy playlist I made to feel more positive in the morning, allows me to have a better outlook for the day and put more pep in my step.

As much as I love waking up early, I also like sleeping in and relaxing after a job well done. I love sleeping as much as the next person, but I also like getting a lot of work done. The Capricorn in me drives me to give 110% in what I want to accomplish. It's a gift & a curse.

I creep to the bathroom to wash my face, and take my vitamins, and go to the kitchen and quickly make a cup of coffee and get started on my day. The feeling after I sit in my chair feels so empowering. It gets me motivated to get to work.

Right now, I am currently focusing on my podcasting, as well as my freelance writing, because I want it to become my full-time job, but to get what you want, you have to believe it, trust the universe will give it to you, and work for it along the way. I have always believed working and praying makes anything happen. It just takes faith.

I like to work on the computer for a few hours and then save them into my drafts. By 6 am, I get up and workout.

I always loved working out and make changes to my body by movement, When I was in high school, I was so motivated to be leaner, but after high school, I lost track in my exercises (and the snacks) that I gained 50 pounds more. Yeah, I know. The weight gain allowed me to love my body and my flaws which I felt so unconfident about as a teen. So now, I speak to my body with love.

I like to do HIIT workouts and incorporate yoga and weight-training to help achieve my desired body. When that's done, I make my 2nd cup of coffee and work on my podcast. After a few hours, I water my plants, then go outside with a few books and light incense, and that concludes my morning.

Has it helped me?

By Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

Now here comes the fun part. What has waking up at 3 am actually done for me? I'm happy to tell you that it did more good than harm. Waking up early allowed me to do all the important stuff first, to enjoy the rest of my day. Especially since I tend to be a bit of a procrastinator. 3 am does sound like a lot. A good majority of early risers wake up at 6 am or even 5 am. But waking up this early even allowed me to appreciate the stillness. There's not much energy or noise this early, and sometimes we can take the silence for granted.

I currently live with my family, and having a younger sister, there's crying, laugher and screaming that she expresses throughout the day, which of course I'm blessed to experience but not really fun when I need to record a podcast episode. So waking up early allows me to record, write and concentrate on my work without too much noise.

Waking up early has also allowed me to be healthier and make healthier on what to eat for breakfast, working out and building endorphins and sweat out toxins before I continue working. Waking up an hour before work, I would always rush to get an Uber, throw my makeup bag in my purse, and put my uniform on. This made me feel more stressed and anxious for the day. When I start my day at 3 am now, I feel calmer and more prepared to get the day started.

My spiritual connection has greatly improved as well. Meditating, and studying the bible and my crystals, helps me to heal my traumas and help me to manifest before the sun comes up. That way, I'm not rushing or waiting till the end of the day to have a moment of peace and clarity.

To Conclude:

If you're still considering waking up early, go ahead and give it a go! My advice is to take baby steps. You don't have to wake up as early as me, and you can start with waking up at 6 am. But I guarantee you will enjoy it, and it might be something you'll stick with.


About the Creator🪲

---- Article & Fictional Writer On Vocal. Media ---

☀️ Host of the "A Collaboration of my Emotions” podcast ☀️

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