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My Journey through 6 Survey Apps: An Honest Account of Making Money Online

An Honest Account of Making Money Online

By SumayaPublished 10 months ago 2 min read

In today’s digital age, earning extra income from the comfort of your own home has become an appealing option for many. Among the plethora of opportunities available, survey apps have gained popularity as a simple way to make money online. Curious to explore this avenue, I embarked on a personal journey to test six different survey apps, aiming to determine their legitimacy and effectiveness in generating a supplemental income. This article presents an honest account of my experiences, shedding light on the pros and cons of each app.

1. Eureka: High Earnings Potential, Yet Time-Consuming

Eureka seemed promising, as it boasted high earnings potential. Indeed, I encountered various surveys offering substantial rewards. However, I soon discovered that the surveys were time-consuming and required substantial effort to complete. Balancing the time invested against the earnings made me question whether it was worth the commitment.

2. AttaPoll: Reliable and Consistent Earnings

AttaPoll turned out to be a pleasant surprise. It provided a steady stream of surveys and delivered consistent earnings. The surveys were relatively short and well-matched to my profile, leading to fewer disqualifications. Although the earnings were modest, the reliability and consistency of this app made it an attractive option.

3. Curious Cat: Rewarding for Specific Interests

Curious Cat stood out for its focus on specific interests and hobbies. As an enthusiast of certain niches, I found this app particularly rewarding. The surveys catered to my interests, making them enjoyable to complete. Although the earnings were not as substantial as with some other apps, the satisfaction derived from participating in surveys related to my passions was a unique aspect of this platform.

4. Qmee: Mobile-Friendly Convenience

Qmee excelled in its mobile-friendliness. With a well-designed app, I could take surveys on the go, making efficient use of my spare time. However, the downside was a limited number of surveys available on mobile devices, reducing my earning potential when compared to using the app on a desktop.

5. Pureprofile: Extensive Variety, Yet Frequent Disqualifications

Pureprofile boasted an extensive variety of surveys covering various topics. While this diversity initially seemed promising, I encountered frequent disqualifications due to the demographic targeting of surveys. This resulted in a time-consuming search for qualifying surveys and dampened my overall experience with the app.


Engaging with these six survey apps allowed me to delve into the world of making money online through surveys. Each app offered a unique experience, with its own strengths and weaknesses. Survey Curious Cat emerged as the most reliable and consistent option, providing a steady income without excessive disqualifications. Survey Pureprofile, on the other hand, catered to my specific interests, offering a more enjoyable experience despite lower earnings.

While the allure of earning money from the comfort of your home may seem tempting, it is essential to approach survey apps with realistic expectations. The income generated from these apps is often modest, and it requires dedication and patience to accumulate earnings over time.

Ultimately, exploring various survey apps enabled me to identify those that aligned best with my preferences and lifestyle. If you’re considering diving into the world of online survey apps, take the time to research each platform and be prepared to invest effort and time to achieve meaningful results.


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