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My Husband Has A Problem With My Weight (My Husband Isn't Attracted To Me Because I Gained Weight)

Are you worried about your marriage, saying to yourself my husband has a problem with my weight, what do I do? If so then it's important that you don't make the mistake that most women make in this situation. The fact is that a lot of women get to a point where they're saying my husband isn't attracted to me because I gained weight... but there are ways to save a marriage in this circumstance.

By Zara VeraPublished about a year ago 5 min read
My Husband Has A Problem With My Weight (My Husband Isn't Attracted To Me Because I Gained Weight)
Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

"My husband says I am fat." This is a problem that is battling among many married women after they gave birth. Ever since after you gave birth, you realize the size of your body is getting bigger each day. You also envy women who can pull off sexy, tight fitting dress and you hope that you can do it too. Somehow, it has affected the relationship with your husband because he feels ashamed and your sex life is almost non-existent. You feel that he doesn't love you anymore because of your weight issue. What should you do to make him love you again?

Lose weight

Lose weight can help you to achieve the ideal body size you want. Go on healthy weight loss plan such as going to gym and only go for healthier meals. Fast weight loss program like taking slimming pills or starvation diet can only give you temporarily result and you will put on more weight once you regain back to your normal daily lifestyle. In order to lose weight successfully and maintain after that, it is to go on healthy weight loss program.

Understand the problem

Although he has been complaining about you being fat, but you need to go deeper into the problem. When did he start to complain about your weight issue? Did he also complain when you are not so fat? Will the problem stop if you lose weight successfully? Learn to find out his needs and sometimes it may be accumulative problems to work on, rather than just one.

Positive life, positive outlook

"My husband says I am fat". Somehow this sentence and his attitude towards you have already affected your confidence. Engage in new sports such as tennis, basketball, swimming can give you many benefits. It rebuilds your self esteem and also help to lose weight. Socialize with friends will help you to stay positive. When you feel positive, you naturally will have positive outlook too. Most importantly, you need to feel the balance and confidence to face the difficulties in life.

Never fight, beg or cry

It can very frustrating to face problems in marriage. Fighting will only make the problems worse. Begging and crying will only make you look desperate and he will take advantage of you over the situation. Even if you feel that he doesn't love you anymore, you should stay calm and cool to solve the problems.

What Husbands Want: How To Be A Great Wife

Are you married, but still having a hard time figuring out what husbands want? Do you think that you could improve your skills as a wife, and enjoy a better relationship with your guy? Is your man being unreasonable, or are you not holding up your end of the bargain? Finding out what husbands want can be tricky - but there are a few things any woman can do to make her relationship with her spouse better. You can put these tips to use right away.

Communication - Understanding Your Man

Why does it seem like sometimes, what we say to our husbands goes in one ear, and comes right out the other? Sometimes it is because your guy is distracted, but most often it is because you are not communicating with him in a way he understands. Men really do need and want to communicate with us, but we've got to make the process pleasant for them.

• Never nag your husband. Guys need space, and often, they are not able to multitask. Sit down at a time when you are both feeling happy and relaxed, and talk about the aspects of your relationship and how you both feel when the other is talking to you. This is a valuable exercise that can help you learn what husbands want when it comes to communication.


One of the reasons many people decide to get married is "for security". There are many factors to a secure marriage, but some of the top factors are these:

• Common goals with respect to finances and future life - do not spend lots of money without talking about it first! Yes, we all want and need certain things - but is a two hundred dollar pair of shoes worth an argument? We think not.

• Trust and Longevity - The second main aspect of security within marriage is a deep sense of trust and a feeling that the two of you are rock-steady - that even though you may endure some ups and downs, you'll be able to withstand life's storms better as a couple. Trust your husband, and be trustworthy.


If you often find yourself hiding information from your husband, or if you feel you cannot be open and honest with him for some reason, then you've got a problem. We all need honesty in our relationships, and admittedly, honesty goes both ways - start a dialogue to establish more honesty, and you can improve your marriage right away.


Whenever we ask what husbands want, they often wish that they had a better sense of companionship with their wives. When you are with your husband, are you truly present? Or are you multi-tasking - taking care of little things that could be done later, chatting on the phone with your friends, or playing on your smartphone or computer?

One of the things husbands need most is a steady companion to share life's ups and downs with. Spend some time being that companion every day, and you will see how quickly your relationship improves.


Intimacy is vital to the health of a marriage! And we don't just mean sexual intimacy - we mean real, heart to heart intimacy.

Share your secrets and dreams together. Be someone special to your husband, and keep a side of yourself free just for him, a side no one else gets to see. True intimacy goes well beyond the bedroom door and can keep a marriage healthy for a lifetime. Practice being intimate in new ways, and you will enjoy life together more than ever - that is really what husbands want.

It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

It is never too late to make your husband feel desirable about you. There are many proven ways to make him fall in love with you again. Click Here to discover the successful ways to win his heart back.

To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!


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