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My Experience with the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Life-Changing Support

By Elijah ShephardPublished about a year ago 5 min read

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded program that provides support for individuals with disabilities in Australia. It is designed to help people with disabilities live more independent and fulfilling lives by providing financial assistance for things like therapy, equipment, and support services. I have been a participant in the NDIS for a few years now, and I have to say, it has been a game-changer for me. In this article, I'm going to share my experience with the NDIS and how it has helped me to achieve my goals and live a more independent life.

Getting Started with the NDIS

When I first heard about the NDIS, I was a bit apprehensive. I had heard that the process of getting approved and setting up a plan could be a bit complicated. But, I decided to give it a try and I'm so glad I did. The first step was to schedule an assessment with an NDIS planner. This assessment is designed to assess your needs and determine what types of support you are eligible for.

The assessment was pretty straightforward, and the planner was very friendly and understanding. They asked me about my daily routines, my goals, and what types of support I needed to achieve those goals. After the assessment, I received a letter in the mail that outlined the types of support I was approved for and the amount of funding I would receive.

Creating a Plan

Once I was approved for the NDIS, the next step was to create a plan. This is where you sit down with an NDIS planner and figure out exactly what types of support you need and how you are going to use your funding. This was a bit overwhelming at first because there are so many different options available. But, with the help of my planner, we were able to come up with a plan that worked for me.

In my plan, I received funding for things like therapy, equipment, and support services. I also received funding for things like transportation and home modifications. This has been a huge help for me because it has allowed me to live a more independent life.

Implementing the Plan

Once my plan was approved, it was time to start implementing it. This involved finding providers who could provide the services and supports that were outlined in my plan. I found this process to be a bit difficult at first because I wasn't sure where to start. But, with the help of my planner, I was able to find providers that were a good fit for me.

One of the most significant things I got from my plan was funding for therapy. I was able to find a therapist who specialized in working with individuals with disabilities and who was able to help me achieve my goals. This has been a huge help for me because it has allowed me to improve my physical and mental health.

I also received funding for equipment and support services. This has been a huge help for me because it has allowed me to live a more independent life. For example, I received funding for a new wheelchair, which has been a huge help for me because it has allowed me to get around more easily. I also received funding for support services, like home cleaning and cooking. This has been a huge help for me because it has allowed me to live a more independent life.

Making Changes to the Plan

As I've been going through the NDIS, I've found that my needs have changed. I've achieved some of my goals, and I've set new ones. The NDIS allows you to make changes to your plan as needed, and this has been a huge help for me. It allows me to adapt my plan as my needs change, so I'm always getting the support I need to achieve my goals.

The process of making changes to my plan is pretty straightforward. I schedule a meeting with my planner, and we go over my current situation and what my new goals are. We then come up with a new plan that takes into account my new needs and goals. This process has been a huge help for me because it allows me to get the support I need to continue growing and achieving my goals.

One of the things that I appreciate about the NDIS is the flexibility it provides. For example, I found that I needed more support for transportation than what was originally outlined in my plan. I was able to work with my planner to adjust my plan and increase the funding for transportation. This has been a huge help for me as it allows me to access more opportunities and be more independent.

Another thing that I appreciate about the NDIS is the opportunity to try new things and take risks. For example, I received funding for a support worker to assist me in trying new activities like going to the gym and swimming. This has been a huge help for me as it allowed me to improve my physical health and try new things that I would not have been able to do without the support.

The NDIS also allows me to have more control over my own life. I am able to choose the providers that I want to work with and have more control over the types of support I receive. This has been a huge help for me as it allows me to have more autonomy and independence in my life.


Overall, my experience with the NDIS has been a positive one. The process of getting approved and setting up a plan can be a bit overwhelming, but with the help of an NDIS planner, it's manageable. The funding and support I received have been a huge help for me, and they have allowed me to live a more independent and fulfilling life. The flexibility and control that the NDIS provides has allowed me to try new things, take risks and achieve my goals. If you're eligible for the NDIS, I highly recommend giving it a try. It can be a game-changer for individuals with disabilities. It gave me an opportunity to live a life that I never thought was possible, and I am grateful for the NDIS for that.


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