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My Ex Texts Me Everyday But Has A Girlfriend (Why Is My Ex Contacting Me When He Has A Girlfriend)

Are you unfortunate to be in a world where you're saying my ex texts me everyday but has a girlfriend, and don't know what to do about it? You're wondering why is my ex contacting me when he has a girlfriend. I know it rips your heart out, and you want an answer to this.

By Michael JaxonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read
My Ex Texts Me Everyday But Has A Girlfriend (Why Is My Ex Contacting Me When He Has A Girlfriend)
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

There's a feeling of longing that many women experience after a break up with the man they love. Even though they know logically that the relationship has come to an end, emotionally they still want to be with him. These are the women who will typically spend a great deal of time thinking about the past and wondering where things went wrong. If you find yourself in this situation, you're not alone. It's often difficult to simply give up and move on when you love a man. You may feel that you want to get him back, but unless your ex boyfriend still cares about you, that may be only a dream.

There are ways to tell if your ex boyfriend still cares and not one of them has to do with asking him about his feelings. In fact, asking him could very well damage the relationship forever. After a split, your ex boyfriend may feel vulnerable and want to hide his feelings. If you pressure him into talking about them, he'll create more distance between you two. Instead, you should be looking for signs in his behavior that signal that he's still hooked on you.

You can tell if your ex boyfriend still cares by how often he reaches out to talk with you. If he calls, emails or texts you a few times a week, he's having trouble letting go. You may have taken on this role yourself and be the one contacting him. Stop that now and see how long it takes before he comes looking for you. If you pull back just a bit you can easily gauge how much he wants to connect with you. Don't make it too obvious but busy yourself doing other things. Then wait and see when he tries to initiate contact.

If your ex boyfriend still cares about you he'll want to stay friends. Many men look for a clean break after a split and it's those men that have lost the desire to be close with their exes. However, if your boyfriend says that remaining friends with you is important to him, he's not ready to let go. Use that friendship to your advantage. You can build on it so that in time you can rebuild the romance between the two of you.

How to Get Your Ex Back From Another Girl

Wanting to get your ex from another girl is a daunting task, it means not only diverting his attention from another person but also make him interested in you all over again. To achieve your goal, first thing you have to do is build up his trust for you to reconnect with him. The following steps can help you.

Stay away for sometime

Even though it hurts you have to stay away from your ex in the early phase of his relationship with the new girl. Let the newness wear off before you try as he will be receptive to your moves then.

Show him that you have moved on

To reach your ultimate goal, you have to let him see that you have moved on even if it is not true. Then only will he be comfortable with you and feel that you are not a threat to his new relationship.

Take small steps

Getting him back is the ultimate goal, and the first step in this direction will be to get in touch, email is the best option as you can do it without his new girl getting to know of it and he too will not feel guilty. Maybe on his birthday, send a small message wishing him.

Establish the contact

You are sure to get a response to this, and you can reply, albeit, after a gap so as not to show your desperation. Getting in touch this way is a juicy way to reconnect without his girlfriend's knowledge. Don't talk or ask about her, if it must, let it come from him.

Extend your area of contact

Once he is comfortable the mails can turn into phone calls. Let him know how happy you are to hear from him and make the conversation funny and light, laugh and be relaxed. Do not be judgmental, and impress your ex with your cool attitude.

Show that he can trust you

As the time passes by, he will open up more when he knows that he can trust you. Let him know that you are his friend and he has your support. He might come to you for some opinion or advice, maybe about his new girl, show interest but do not bad mouth her.

Go to next stage where you both meet

As things become better, you both would want to see each other. Meet for coffee or something and remain casual. Do not recount the past unless you are remembering the great moments. Your date should finish with him wanting to see you again, and as you meet again you keep getting closer and closer. The day won't be far when your ex comes backs to you.

What Can I Do to Get Back My Ex Boyfriend?

It goes without saying that you are serious and determined about salvaging your relationship and maybe seeking a fresh start with your ex, this is what possibly led you to an article such as this in the first place. But perhaps at this point your going about things the wrong way by feeling far too anxious about getting your ex back, this will lead to you maybe behaving in an incorrect manner and ultimately driving your ex away even further. It is general in human nature to go against this type of pressure. And fighting against such a force will only make matters worse for you.

Do you find that you are calling him at every opportunity you get, sending him email none stop, or maybe bombarding him with text messages? Have you made it your goal to make him take pity on you? If you find that you are doing these sort of things, stop! If you find yourself wondering " What can I do to get back my ex boyfriend", then you need to put an end to these things right now.

So What can I do to get back my ex boyfriend? Follow this strategy instead.

By following this strategy you will need to approach from a different angle completely. You can make a good start by seizing all contact with them for the time being, try to do your own thing and be your own person. Once all communication between the two of you has stopped, you can forget about all the relationship issues you may have by focusing on some goals and personal achievements you may wish to accomplish. No doubt this will be a challenge for you and it will require a lot of hard work to prevent you from following the same path you seem to be stuck on.

Whilst you are taking the time out to do this your ex will experience a change of feelings for you, since you are no longer spending all your time going after him. You may appear secretive in some ways to him, since he has no idea of what it is you are getting up to or any of your feelings for him. This trick can actually work very well in your favor. Your ex could possibly be in the position where he has grown to actually miss you. It is almost impossible to be in this sort of position when you are constantly smothering him.

You must always keep in mind that the fundamentals of this strategy and ultimately mending your relationship is to move in the same flow as human nature rather than working against it.. If you are wondering " What can I do to get back my ex boyfriend", you should know by now how easy it is to slip into these common mistakes and also how you can overcome them by avoiding to make them in the first place. Once you have used the idea of this basic strategy by giving them some room to breathe you can allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place.

Just take one step at a time and play it cool by not smothering him. By allowing that time apart and remaining secretive he will come to terms with why he loved you in the begriming. Play hard to get (but not to much!) and wait for him to make his move first, and you won't go wrong. And then you can finally put an end to that burning question "What can I do to get back my ex boyfriend"

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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