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Mr./Mrs. Narciss, you got me all the wayyy F%#@* UP!

Dealing with a narcissist is already hard enough as is. However, the REAL challenge is learning to put YOU before them.

By MaraPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

It's always the one who you'd never expect to turn around and show you that they are not who they appear to be. I mean, if you're going to have the audacity to feel entitled in doing whatever you want and STILL expect others to treat you with more respect than you have for them; you GOTTA be out of your fucking mind. Certain people with this kind of mindset feel no need and won't see an issue in any of this. Some will even make excuses or not take the initiative to change their ways because they won't see an importance in apologizing for the situation or to that kind of person. When I say "situation," I mean they might think the issue is completely insignificant and it's not a "big deal." When I say "kind of person," maybe that person's feelings or issue with whatever went down, is not important to them. There is an unlimited amount of reasons for this. Maybe this individual is not in the same caliber as them, so, why would they care? Maybe this person just doesn't make or break that person's view of who they believe they are, so again, why would they care? Well, I'll tell YOU why YOU shouldn't stress a minute of your time trying to get someone to wake up to their own bad traits and even habits.

For starters, most likely, this person is grown as fuck and should know to act according to their age or at least close to it. Personally, I feel as though, it is not my responsibility to tell a person to be mindful of their actions over and over again. If they are that BOLD to do fucked up shit but say the exact opposite of their actions, why should I worry about sparing their feelings? Why do they make it seem like you are responsible for having patience for their crazy ass, when they do whatever the hell they want?

At times, this narcissist or Mr. or Mrs. Narciss (yes Narciss, let's keep it cute), will see no reason in treating you like an actual human being with feelings because they don't think you are worthy of respect. That's what it all balls down to and these people will not respect you. No matter how many times you try to be understanding, try to keep the peace or try to be patient. If they get their shallow feelings hurt because you're doing you, tell them to pull out a comfortable chair, heat up some popcorn, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ENJOY THE SHOW! I don't know about y'all but my days of giving a shit about how a self-centered, lying manipulative ASS, over bearing asshole feels because I need to cater to my own well-being are OVER.

Don't assume that they are like this with everybody because I'm pretty sure there are people who won't be able to relate. Narcissists know who they can mistreat, who not to mistreat and even the level of mistreat to each person in their life. It just depends on the value you are to them. Who knows why this is the case. Maybe it's money, the way they think you carry yourself, the people around you, your way of income, the list goes on and on. It can be hard enough with that revelation; then, there are those people who are treated with the utmost respect or admiration from this same narcissist.

I'm not sure if there should be some clinical psychological term used for people who fight tooth and nail with you because they believe YOU are the problem; but it has got to be one of the most annoying things for anybody to have to go through. You not only are dealing with a narcissist that may feel like you are obligated in "understanding how they are," you also have to deal with these people who think that you are being unfair to the narcissist who is not like that with them. What are these bitches not understanding? Just because THEY are not being fucked with by this person, doesn't mean that YOU are acting out or overreacting. That's like somebody who you have no bloodline relation to telling you how shit goes down in your household. Something like, "Oh nah, your mother doesn't eat up all the chocolate cake when you buy it." Bitch, how the fuck would you know? You live in the same household as I or some shit? Same thing with dealing with a narcissist. Just because Mr. or Mrs. Narciss isn't trying to run THEIR life, does not give ANYONE the right to belittle your own issue with Mr. or Mrs. Narciss.

When I’m dealing with someone who constantly believes that I MUST do things exactly their way or with someone who has little to absolutely no consideration to my own well-being, the only right thing to do is to NOT worry about pleasing them. To NOT worry about if you are hurting their feelings. To NOT worry about the people who are on Mr. or Mrs. Narciss side (no matter how big or small), that try to shame you and make you feel bad. At the end of the day, we are not accountable for respecting anyone more than they respect us. That does NOT mean that you have to get them fucked up (unless it’s some survival of the fittest type of shit, then, by any means-knock they ass OUT!) or even verbally cuss them out. However, there are other ways of setting the tone with a narcissist and letting them know- you don’t, won’t and will NEVER fucking control me.

Copyright disclaimer: I do not own any of the photos above.


About the Creator


Twitter is clearly tired of me but I’m STILL gonna talk ALL that talk...and everything else in between.

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