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Messages from within no. 1

It is all spiritual. You've just been told it isn't.

By Ami MerchantPublished about a year ago 8 min read

The spiritual laws of vibration are all you need.

The Law of Mentalism

Rather like the film The Matrix everything that was/is and will ever be resides within The Universal Subconscious Mind as energy in varied guise. That is to say that all is made of the same stuff which is consciousness ordered in such a way as to present in different seemingly physical forms, for nothing is solid. All is vibration and solidity is but an illusion, and hence an artifice of mind. In the whole there exist very few element compounds and everything is made through consciously influencing energy to configure in certain ways; which is to say that an elephant and human, whilst made of the same stuff as an Extra-Terrestrial or star, are vibing to very different beats. Understanding that all is mind, and that all resides in The Universal Subconscious Mind, is key to fully grasping the absolute truth that all is one within The Universe.

The Law of Correspondence

This law simply states: As above so below/As below so above. This helps us to more easily understand the realms of existence that we cannot see or readily perceive. The law tells us that what we experience as reality here on earth is similar, if not the same, as the reality being perceived by other forms of consciousness elsewhere in The Universe. Knowing this helps one better understand The Universe and esoteric truths which remain hidden and illusive.

The Law of Vibration

Everything within The Universe, within The Universal Subconscious Mind, is energy vibrating at different rates. Energy cannot ever be destroyed, it can only be transformed. Once a person understands that all is energy vibrating it becomes easier to fully comprehend the universal nature of all that was/is and will ever be. And to look upon all — the people/land/stars, sky, etc ad infinitum, and fully appreciate the interconnectedness of everything. Through this awareness a person learns respect and tolerance for everyone and everything.

The Law of Polarity

The Universe is a construct of opposites which is to say that there is a left/middle and right to everything. For instance, love and hate are the same whilst being of varying degrees of that same: imagine a line with, on the right love, on the left hate and in between all manner of sentiments in varying shades and hues. Love often transforms to hate, and may even transform from hate to love, but both emotions are of the same family. Understanding this law allows a person to better manage their emotions and mood for with this knowledge comes the power to positively influence your very being. Imagine you are sad and feeling somewhat depressed — knowing that sadness is but an extreme of happy allows a person to consciously change their thoughts to cultivate more happy’ into their reality. For we create our own, and shared reality, by influencing energy vibration through thought, word and deed which are the currency of all creation.

The Law of Rhythm

This law is closely related to The Law of Polarity and can be imagined as a clock pendulum swinging from left to right. To live a balanced and equitable life a person needs to create a reality that neither swings radically to the left nor right. Rather a person needs to find balance and gently flow with the rhythm whilst avoiding the highs and lows which so easily upset our equilibrium.

The Law of Cause and Effect

This law explains how everything that was/is and will ever be is in direct consequence to something, or more accurately a chain of somethings — or ‘cause,’ which led to an outcome or ‘effect.’ People often talk of the butterfly effect which in simple terms explains that the gentle beating of the wings of this insect in Asia will have an effect on something many miles away, perhaps in South America! This is a universal and absolute truth that once understood should make a person extremely aware and mindful of their thoughts, words, and deeds for we are all co-creators of our world and The Universe at large. Even an idle malicious thought will have an effect energetically on the whole and so this law teaches us to be kind and respectful of all in our daily lives.

The Law of Gender

This law is fundamental to all creation and tells us that everything that was/is and ever will encompass both the masculine and feminine. Yin and Yang. This law has absolutely zero to do with carnal activity or perceived physical gender but encourages a person to accept and embrace their truest nature as a being of both male and female sensibilities. Understanding this brings balance to a person's very being and allows them to live their lives with compassion and understanding for all. — authors' website.

It is nothing like the rest of the girls I have encountered but exactly identical to the girls I am interested in. I see what I perk up at. It is the very nature of a siren lurking around and luring you in for the taking. It is a work of spell magic by taking stabs at ones ego in order to build interest. It is the indication that “I can see through you so I will take a jab at what matters most to you” kind of mindset that attracts broken hearts, minds, and souls. The only way this person knows how to express interest is through breaking one down and trying to “bully” this person into submission. It is a conquering tactic and it is extremely powerful to the soul that is not vigilant. It is in-genuine and is used to take out an opponent. Meanwhile, this person is actually the biggest fan you have they have to make sure you realize your shortcomings and prepare you for their perception of the inevitable. Failure. Not defeat. That is where they are missing their mark. If they want to cause the most amount of damage it is their duty to find what this person is hiding from themselves and try to enforce it in order to discredit this individual. This is a political game using the weakness of the minds and hearts of your opponent. Your worst enemy most times is your best friend. These tactics are so far ingrained into our psyche that we sometimes don’t even realize we do them. I keep enemies around me subconsciously because I have the predisposition to attract those that are interested in me for the wrong reasons. They question why I am the way I am. They wonder how I am able to withstand so much and keep moving forwards. This is what they are intrigued with. My ability to practice self-awareness and use it to my advantage. These people don’t understand that my value is not with this external world but of another world beyond this in my imagination and beyond the conscious senses. My value comes from knowing I am not my body and that my truth is extended past Eons of light years. I understand time is not linear and that my success is hidden inside the inspiration I seek from trusting my inner wisdom. I know of people that do not like me and want to hurt me but I continue to allow these people access to show myself and them that they cannot stop me. Although it feels nice momentarily it always ends up taking a tole on me because I realize how deeply broken we are and how competitive our nature really is and how it really does show just how far people are willing to go to show their love and hate which is often the same thing and is very very close in contact. Feelings of passion are in the same category and are not to be confused for one for the other. Extreme love is extreme rage and vice versa. Oftentimes the thing that completely ticks you off is something that brings great enjoyment and passion. It is the desire for that great feeling of connectedness that brings us our identity. The “obstacles” that slow you down are really just reflections of what the world thinks about you in that current moment. It is all connected to your emotional vibration. Focus breeds contempt and free thought breeds interest. That feeling of not knowing what’s next will keep those who love(hate) you will keep them involved in your life and story. Many people have no clue how they feel in each present moment when that is the most important fact in our daily lives. I have encountered many souls that run from who they really are instead of noticing their shortcomings and moving forward in a way that is beneficial for all parties. I do believe that each human has a god given the responsibility to figure out who it is that you are and to openly create through that energy space or void of creation and to keep it alive to express that essence of who you are. It is literally your vision that will create the life that you are owed. It is not physical it is mental it is energetic. You then being is the beginning and end of the journey. The US in and of ourselves the war we are all fighting. Knowledge is the key that turns our mental energy into the power we all wield.

“It Is an energetic battle and it will always be energetic between us as humans. Ignore the physical for a second and you will understand more about the physical you have ever known before.”


About the Creator

Ami Merchant

Free mind

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