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Mervin, A New World Man

Consumating Souls

By Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle AuthorPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
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Namste -“Nuhm-uh-stay” means the spirit in me greets the spirit in you. My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty, and peace within you because it is also within me. In sharing these things, we are united, we are one, we are the same.”

A man of virtue once upon a time set out to meet the world and individuals that bring it together — traveling from the Himalayas, the highest tops of India to Australia and more. A world once falling apart came together in unity of heart when minds met. So he set out to follow Gurus and hear their stories. Brave because not all weathers are the same in travels, but as a higher power would have it, here is part of his story to share with you. May I introduce to you Mervin.

Mervin, Artist, Writer, Provider of Enlightenment

Society or place in time has no meaning when souls really meet. This is done on another level outside ourselves. Something that is ordained, met to be for our soul’s becoming enlightened. Often this is done with the help of an individual. One that is on our path for a reason.

Mervin lived, breathed, and spent hours and days in the company of the enlightened. One would say he is enlightened to seek this out in his life. Though humbled he is. He is one of the calmest and most solid men; his charm and intelligence are there when speaking with him online. He has a vast wealth of knowledge that he doesn’t even realize. He has shared his wisdom and that of others he has met with those fortunate to meet him personally and through his books and writing work. His first book was composed of writings by the gurus he met worldwide. One Truth Many Voices was an instant success. A beautiful composition of enlightenment that sold all copies quickly, including a second print. With gentle encouragement, hopefully, he will rerelease the book.

My introduction with Mervin was online in 2012. After I spent nine years in meditation, every day for hours, I went on the internet after all that time and discovered the world of social media. There used to be a website called Spiritual Networks that was unique where individuals of all paths, faiths, religions came together in harmony. The website resonated with peace never seen before online. Everyone was happy on there and was open to discussion.

Mervin and I had several in-depth discussions on spiritual topics, and I also told him my story. He asked if I would be interested in being interviewed for a book he was writing, One Truth Many Voice, Satsang With 108 Living Gurus. Of course, I would. We had more discussions, and I valued his opinions considerably. I am most thankful for this long-distance friend and guide in humanity. I greatly admire Mervin’s life work.

He exhibited an infinity for the divine in those he had met, in a most pronounced way as he talked more of his work and those people. He is a spiritual teacher. His attainment is through others. To bring peace to wherever he is.

This Sadhu with me is “Aghori Sadhu." Aghori’s are the most powerful saint’s in Indian spirituality. They are highly powerful.

To summarize Mervin’s work, in his words: “Let’s never forget that many Sadhus are nobly following their path. Among these, most keep to themselves and live in isolation away from human affairs; but don’t be surprised to meet a genuine Sadhu from an affluent background and fluent in English. Some Indians of high birth still follow the ancient and once widely-followed custom of leaving family, friends, and home once they have fulfilled their societal obligations (making sure their family is provided for) to commit themselves to the spiritual life.”

Buddhavihara Buddhist Temple, St. Petersburg


“The ancient Sanskrit word ashram/asramam is used to name the place where the Guru lives. The meaning of the word “ashram” also incorporates the organization that supports the teachings and practices of that particular guru.”

Some of Mervin’s accomplishments include going to Kumbh Mela in Haridwar “because it is an experience of a lifetime.” The Beatles Ashram of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. “Rishikesh has been on the hippy backpacker circuit since the late 1960s when the Beatles famously visited and made it known around the world. Today it is considered one of the best places in North India to hang out.”

Mervin is not only an expert on places to go in India, he knows the Ashrams. He knows the Gurus. Mervin has met with and has had discussions with over a hundred gurus. Bringing together people with their teachings, like consummating souls, the highest attainment of giving on earth. He shares this enlightenment through people he meets and his writing.

Besides touching people’s lives, he is also an artist with a fine sense of design and constantly working on something. He has had an art show in India and has impressive photographs. Mervin has published more than one magazine, including co-producing Rishikesh Now Magazine, India, and his previous book, One Truth Many Voice, Satsang With 108 Living Gurus.

Rishikesh Now Magazine

Mervin has an in-depth understanding of what a Guru is in today’s time, and his work should be acknowledged. No one that I know or have heard of has accomplished what he has. His promotion of Satsang, Meditation is world known. What better time than now to be enlightened and embrace these practices and their principles. To enhance living, the mind, and spirit.

“Seva” is a Sanskrit word meaning “selfless service.” Through his work he is thinking of others, honoring their presence in the world, raising awareness that way. This is my way of honoring his work.


More of Lisa Lachapelle's work HERE. This article is part of her series Spiritualists and Artists Move The World


About the Creator

Canuck Scriber L.Lachapelle Author

Published Poet and Author. Making rainy days feel like Sundays with words.

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