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Love Is Life

What is the true meaning of love? How can you find it?

By BLACK YOUTH CULTUREPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Love is found everywhere. In friendships, family, sports, and culture. It is one of the most important and amazing aspects of life.

What is love?

Love is extraordinary, it’s filled with passion and content. It’s never ending. It is more than a word to express strong feelings or emotions.

You can love a sport, a person, a job, an interest, even a memory. It’s all about a connection. It’s about the passion you have for it or a person.

Love is created, when you feel emotionally inseparable with the other. A basketball player to a basketball can be inseparable. A person can even be inseparable to a person.

Love is both benevolent and tough. It is understanding and patient. You will fight for what you love. You are willing to give a lot of your attention and patience to whatever or whoever you love. Love is to be taken seriously, and you must secure it.

Love is to be spread. It brings joy and content to one's heart. Loving someone creates a stable and excited mindset. You feel hopeful with love. You feel stronger with love.

Love has a major impact on many people. Love is motivation. Love is caring. Love is not always gentle, love is real. Some people feel as though love is only softness and ease. There are times a person shows love through anger or frustration. Such as trying to teach you, or trying to help you. When that person wants to lift you up, rather than intentionally hurt you emotionally and physically.

Love is not only among two or more people. Love can be shown or expressed between a person and their home. They don’t love their home as a materialistic thing, but as a place of comfort and protection. People can love their job as a place that allows them to feel comfortable and express themselves.

Love is abstract. It can’t be physically touched and seen. When you feel it, you know it is love. Love, and lust, or Like are hugely different. Love is broader. It is a thousand times stronger.

What is love ? Have you ever experienced it?

Where Can Love Be Found?

Love can be found almost everywhere. It isn't only shared between a married couple. It can be found between a mother and father, a sister and brother, a person and their pet, animals and nature. We all love different things for many reasons. Love is expressed at all times of the day. For some people love may be found only in the peace of their home, sometimes at their work place, or even a park.

The Effect Of Love On People

Love creates a sense of attachment. It creates a strong bond. It isn't just something that can be ignored. Love can change the way you think or act towards something. Your adrenaline increases. Again, love isn't between two people. It can be between multiple people, or a person and a thing.

It the development of a healthy and positive spirit that will, and can, be difficult to take away.

How Do I Know That I Love Myself?

You know that you love yourself when you find yourself continuously putting yourself upwards. You are always finding ways to better yourself. It is noticeable when you commonly imagine yourself being in a better space.

You will know that you love yourself when you put yourself first. Not in a selfish way, but you understand that you will benefit from the choices you have made. Loving yourself is believing in yourself. Set goals and encourage yourself to reach them, and to push harder.

When you love yourself you'd do anything to make yourself feel content, inside and out. You notice the way you commonly attempt to avoid conflicts, self criticism, and you care more about your well being.

Love has a meaning that is too wide, and too detailed for any man to explain. We try to the best of our ability to do so. Sometimes that isn't enough, so we will show it in any form possible.

Some people use the word love loosely, because it is defined in a variety of ways and sounds that we don't always use the term at the appropriate time.

The Love Benefits From Being Married

People that are married tend to live longer than those that are unwed. Additionally, when a person is married they are less likely to obtain a serious disease. Did you know that marriage is a stabilizing force for those women with bipolar disorder? Love is happiness. It reduces stress. If you are in a toxic relationship, than find ways to fix, or remove yourself from it, because it will only cause you stress.

Some people are probably thinking, is marriage the only way I will, benefit from love? Well, to answer your question... No it is not.

Benefits of Love From Being Single

People often believe that they do not receive love, or that the only way that they will experience it is if they are in a relationship. That is not always true. When you are single, there are many ways that you can experience love with only yourself or peers.

Being single can allow you to give yourself more time to think. You can clear your thoughts of all negativity and worries. When you are single, you can focus more on yourself, and things that you want to focus on. It allows you to have peace, and creates more free time where you can hang out with friends and family. Being single helps relax, and gives you more space for doing the things you love.

Love Is All Around Us

Everywhere you look, you can find love somewhere. It helps us motivate others. It allows us to be content and free. Love is one of the best feelings in this world.


About the Creator


African American ; New York City

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