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Love ❤️

Thoughts and reflections

By Gal MuxPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Love ❤️
Photo by Jiroe on Unsplash

Love is the core of life to me. To live is to love. What would we be without the things and the people that we love?

We love love. To live is to love.

Those that seem to enjoy their lives and eventually get much out of it are usually the ones that are driven by passion for what they love.

Love comes in many forms; It may be silent or screaming. It may be subtle or bold. It may be understood or misunderstood. It may be conventional or unconventional. It may bring joy and happiness or sadness and pain. It may be appreciated, wanted, needed or rejected. It may last or never last. It may be remembered or forgotten.

Different people love different things. And it may be hard for some to understand why others love the things they do, or why they don’t love the things that they themselves love.

The people that need love badly are the ones who never seem to receive it.

If you you crave it too badly, they call you needy. If you give it too much, they call you desperate.

The ones that give too much love are also the ones that end up getting hurt the most. It’s like giving out love makes you vulnerable. Susceptible to hurt.

People also like to be loved differently. And people love differently too. The trick is usually to find the one that gives it the way you like to receive it. Or the one that receives it the way you like to give it. You will be truly lucky if you find the one that gives it the way you like to receive it, and at the same time receives it the way you like to give it.

Some people prefer to give it, some people prefer to receive it. It doesn’t matter whether they are good at what they prefer - giving or receiving because some are gifted at giving, and some are gifted with receiving.

It is love that makes mothers make the huge sacrifice to give birth and to nurture their kids. It is love that makes fathers sweat it all. It is love that holds families together. It is through love that these families are created in the first place.

It is through love and passion for their work that people create, staying strong through the difficulties because their love for their craft sustains them.

They say the creator loved the world so much that he sent his son so that the world could be redeemed. His son’s core message was love. And when he was eventually nailed and died on the cross, it was because of this love.

It is because of their love for their countries that soldiers put their lives on the line. They get hurt, shed blood, and even end up losing their young lives, leaving unfulfilled and unaccomplished dreams for love.

It is love that also makes us mourn what we have lost.

We attempt to give love the way we know how everyday.

You can feel for someone in five minutes what you would feel for another in a thousand years.

You can love someone and not be able to put your finger on why you love them. You might not also understand why someone loves you too.

I read somewhere that love just like matter cannot be destroyed. It can only be transferred.

Our economies are shaped around love. If you provide for your family, it is because you love them they say. Buy a gift for your mother on mothers day to show her that you love her. It’s your sisters birthday next week. A present will best express your love for her. Is there an advert that doesn’t attempt to exploit our love for love?

I have seen people go through tremendous heights and depths in the name of love.

True love to me is unconditional. And the greatest strength is to love someone even when they are at their worst. When they don’t shine, when they are unlovable, when they feel unlovable and even when they don’t even love themselves.

By Tyler Nix on Unsplash

The most trying love is to love someone who is undeserving of it. This requires true strength.

The most difficult love is to love someone who does not understand the full depths of your love for them.

The most painful love is to still love someone who hurt you.

Idiotic love is to love someone who takes your love for granted again and again.

Crazy love is exciting. The rush it gives is addictive. It provides some kind of high. It might be forbidden, bad or even harmful to us or others, but the ride might be worth the while.

Annoying love is being loved by someone whose love you don’t want. It can be super irritating. Pity to the person who finds themselves giving this kind of love. Sometimes they mean no harm, but that doesn’t make it any less irritating. Unwanted love can be annoying. Or loving someone in the way a they don’t like or accept.

The rejection of love is when someone that used to love you doesn’t love you anymore. It can be very painful and hard to deal with.

By Jakob Rosen on Unsplash

Confusion in love is when you don’t know why you don’t love a person that you used to love. Worse if you don’t understand why someone doesn’t love you anymore. It hurts but you can survive it.

It can be confusing when you can’t truly understand why you love a person. Love does provide some answers though. If you can’t figure out why you love someone its probably because that love might not be true. Your heart always tells you why you love a person, even when you can’t find words for it.

You don’t need worded reasons to love someone. Love is of the heart. But you will always find words for not loving someone. That comes from reason. Love on the other hand can be unreasonable.

Scary love is when someone loves you by force. Never frighten someone this way. It can scar them for life.

Heartbreaking love is to love someone who doesn’t love you back. Someone who will never love you back. The best thing is to let it go however hard this can be. It can lead to torturous love.

Torturous love is waiting for someone to love you back. Staying hopeful that one day they will come around. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. How long is too long to wait? Only you can know if that love is worth the wait.

Beautiful love is to love someone from a distance. Someone who might never even know, someone who will never even know that you love them.

Fulfilling love is when you know that someone knows that you love them. And someone knowing that their love for you is acknowledged and accepted in return.

Supportive love is loving someone who helps you love them and helping someone love you in return. Nobody is a mind reader. Help your love love you.

Reciprocated love is the bliss of life. It’s when someone you love loves you back. It is very fulfilling.

You can give out love even when you don’t receive it in return. This can be fulfilling and at the same time can also hurt to the core. It’s bitter sweet. It is best to give love where you receive it in return because giving can be draining sometimes. And you owe it to you to give yourself what you deserve.

Accepting love is loving someone for who they are, not for what you want or expect them to be. And them loving you back for who you are without asking you to be a version they find acceptable. It is unconditional.

Immortal love is when you can feel someone’s love even when they are gone. And you still love them dearly even though they are no longer there.

Physical love is a true paradise. That you can show someone that you love them with your body and they feel it and they can show you they love you with theirs and you feel it too. It can be in form of hugs, kisses, touches, cuddles, snuggles and making love.

The knowledge of love is to know that you have to work on it every day to build it and make it fruitful, just like you would a garden of roses to keep them vibrant and beautiful.

The actions of love are the hallmarks of a fulfilling life. The little or big gestures that someone does to you every day or what you do for them in the expression of your love are what we live for.

The benefits of love are like a fruit orchard at harvest. Alluring and inviting. Ready to fill you up and more after all the hard work.

A lot of this loves intertwine beautifully and artfully like a spiders web. You won’t like an entanglement of the bad ones though. Just like a piece of jumbled thread, it can be a complete headache and can be the cause of enormous stress.

Do you doubt your love for someone? Do you want to know whether you truly love them? Strip them off everything that attracts you to them, and see if you can still feel it.

Strip off everything lovable of you to see whether someone loves you for you too.

The greatest love is the one you give yourself. No one can love you the way you can.

Love yourself. That’s my number one rule for life.

It is my love for love and my love for writing and sharing that I am writing this.

Poets, writers and songwriters have attempted to express and explain love since time immemorial, immortalising their thoughts through beautiful words, melodies, rhythms and rhymes, and they seem to have never captured the true essence of it all. It still puzzles us all!

The greatest stories ever told, the greatest rhymes and melodies, the greatest songs ever written are about love. Harry Potter was saved from a deadly blow by his mother’s love. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story. But was Shakespeare making a mockery out of love? Mention ten songs out of the top of your head, and eight will be about love.

There is no one single formula for love. There is also no one way to make someone love you, but you have to be lovable in order to be loved. That’s how you attract love. How can you be lovable? That depends on who’s loving you. You will be lucky if you find someone to love you even when you are unlovable.

The surest way to receive love is to give it. But that too has failed sometimes.

There are no words in any language spoken by man that can fully capture love.

Several people have attempted to explain it in their own way, creating quotable quotes about love. But no one it seems has ever laid it all bare.

What is love to you?

By Tyler Nix on Unsplash

“When love is in your heart, it is everywhere.” — Michael Jackson


About the Creator

Gal Mux

Lover of all things reading & writing, 🥭 &

🍍salsas, 🍓 & vanilla ice cream, MJ & Beyoncé.

Nothing you learn is ever wasted - Berry Gordy

So learn everything you can.

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