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Love force

Unstoppable paths

By Sherry jacksonPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

The icy winds stroked her face as she rushed across the blanket of snow covering the grounds to her aunt’s home in upstate New York. The blizzard predicted by the weather station had finally arrived.

The weather was definitely different from Florida where she grew up, yet she found it beautiful and was glad she decided to move there to live with her aunt.

Hanging her coat up at the Mud room area, she immediately went to the roaring fire in the fireplace in the living room to warm her hands. It seemed that her aunt always had something on the stove cooking and she could smell the delicious smell of a roast cooking in the oven. This was home to her now.

Then the doorbell ringed.

Who could that be out in this nasty weather, she thought to herself.. She went to the door and before opening it she asked who was it.

A man’s voice replied,

I’m sorry to disturb you but my car is stalled up the road in the snow.

May I come in and use your phone.

My cell needs charging.

Just a moment she said and went to the window beside the front door and look out hoping he didnt see her

She saw a handsome man in a long coat wearing leader gloves standing at the door.

Then her aunt came quickly out of the kitchen and asked who was it at the door?

Her aunt Bell looked out the window also.

Oh she said.

Open the door - it’s Kyle Smith.

My friend’s son visiting from the city. She told me he was coming.

to stay with her during the holidays.

I opened the door and the sight of her took my breath away and I stood there frozen and he must have felt the same for a few seconds we just stared at each other not saying anything, as the freezing cold wind whipped the snowflakes around us.

My aunt noticed how I was just stand there and gently pushed me to the side so he could come inside.

Come in, she said, it really good to see you again. Take off that wet coat.

She took his coat and offered him some tea.

As he sipped his tea, He apologized to the inconvenience he maybe causing us.

My aunt Bell assured him it was no problem. She introduced us snd told me to set another plate on the dinning table for him.

I felt like I was in a trance feeling a magnetic pull toward him as his eyes seemed to followed me in my every movement.

My aunt carried on this endless conversation about the town folk which made him laugh more than once but his eyes always ended on me.

My aunt’s phone ringed looking for Kyle. . She gave the phone to him and told her the situation.

He seemed more relaxed after talking to her.

. I sat next to him at the dinning table and and soon felt safe and comfortable in his presence.

Then suddenly the lights began to flicker.

Oh dear my aunt said.

Looks like the power may go out.

Good thing we have plenty of everything including lots of wood to burn.

The wind hit the house hard enough to make it shake.

The wind made a howling it went around the corner of the house. I looked out the window and you couldn’t see anything accept a white blowing veil of snow.

I had never been in a blizzard before and felt a little uneasy. He must have seen the freighter look in my eyes for he gently took my hand in hims and smiling at me said

Don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you or your darling aunt.

Some how even though I had just met him I felt secure and smiled back at him.

Then the lights went out. My aunt gracefully lit candles surrounding

the dark room.

She got lots of blankets and she Put more wood on the fire making it’s orange flame brighten up the room..

It best if we all stay in one room, she said as

she cuddled with some blankets on one of the Sofia’s

I sat on the other sofa covering myself with several blankets and he sat down beside me.

The electricity between us was overwhelming. I never in my life had I ever felt this way with anyone before.

My aunt had fallen asleep and we looked at each other and smiled.

He began telling me about how he grew up here but had moved away to the city but somehow he missed his home town and would end up coming back when ever he had free time especially during holidays!

He said he had come to spend New Years with his mom and before he could leave this blizzard had come out of no where canceling all flights and transportation in the area. So he had thought he could drive back but his car got snowed in .

Then she dropped her spoon from her teacup. He quickly picked it up and was giving it back to her when instead he took her hand.

I’m feel that I’ve know you forever-

he said in a whisper.

My eyes met his deep penetrating hazel eyes and before I knew what was happening his lips found mine he kissed me most tenderly. The wind howled and he pulled me closer to him . Feeling his sincerity

I payed my head on his shoulder and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

I woke the next day to my aunt sitting the table for breakfast. The power was back on. I looked around for him but he was not anywhere.

Oh if you looking for Kyle- he let early to get his car out of the snow.

He a nice young man and a good catch my dear if I may say so. my aunt began to say. He got his law degree and always takes good care of my friend his mom.

I thought that he had left gone back to the city now that the storm was gone.

I went outside like my aunt had encouraged me to do and went skating on the pond not far from her house.

I was enjoying myself when someone came behind me and put his arms around me. I turned and it was Kyle. He kissed me on my check.

I thought you had left— I said.

No decided to stay a little longer.

We looked into each other eyes and laughed.

. We skated in silence and all the people skating around us became blurred and as though some magical spell came over us we whirled and glided lost in our own world. I was having ch a wonderful time.

Then we skated to the side of the pond and sat down on a bench.

He took my face in both his hands and kissed me passionately !I afterwards I stared at him in pleasant surprise.

I have been searching for you all my life

In just the little time I’ve spent with you I feel complete —I always want to feel this way.

I didn’t have to say anything for I knew he knew I felt the same way.



He put his arms around me and c kiss my checks and eyes then his mouth confirmed what he so boldly stated and I found myself clinging to him surrendering to my deep feelings of happiness.

The following year we exchanged vows on New Year Eve in front of my aunt fireplace decked out in white lillies and white candles with a small gathering of

. friends

. As we toasted with everyone i gazed out the window at the falling snow. and the iced covered trees.

It was my dream come true!

He pulled me closer to him and I knew he loved me as much as I loved him.

I thought to myself when that special one for you come -drawn to you by some invisible force - your heart will let you know that that person is your true love and nothing will be able to stop the destiny you share - not even a snow storm of the century!.


About the Creator

Sherry jackson

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