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Loud silent mind

Distressed mind

By Camila Bright Published 10 months ago 3 min read
Loud silent mind
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

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In quiet's roar and stillness' song,

A loud silent mind dances along.

Thoughts unspoken, like echoes sway,

A symphony of words that find their way.

Within the hush, a tempest stirs,

Emotions roar, like distant spurs.

A vibrant quiet, a world untamed,

Where muted shouts burn unclaimed.

The noise of thoughts, a deafening shout,

Yet lips are sealed, no words fall out.

Inward storms, a thunderous kind,

Paint the portrait of a loud silent mind.

Amid quiet's embrace, a tempest stirs,

A loud silent mind, emotions as avatars.

Unspoken words echo, a chorus untamed,

In stillness they thrive, unnamed.

A vibrant hush, where thoughts collide,

A symphony of feelings, hearts can't hide.

Silence resounds with a deafening roar,

A world within, unexplored shore

Like thunderstorms within a serene sky,

A loud silent mind, a canvas to decry.

Words dance unspoken, a whirlwind spun,

In the realm of quiet, battles are won.

Yet in the calm, a sanctuary dwells,

A refuge for stories that silence quells.

A loud silent mind, a paradoxical song,

A universe of emotions, where we all belong.

Amidst the symphony of existence, there exists a paradox known as the "Loud Silent Mind." In its quiet depths, a cacophony of thoughts and emotions converge, creating a chorus that reverberates with both intensity and subtlety. This enigmatic realm, where silence is a canvas painted with vibrant hues of unspoken words, invites exploration and introspection.

Imagine a serene landscape, seemingly untouched by the outside world. The mind's stillness is like a calm lake reflecting the sky, its surface undisturbed by ripples of external chaos. But within this tranquil exterior lies a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of raw emotion and unexpressed sentiment. It is as if the quietude of the mind belies the vivid turmoil within, a clash of thoughts and feelings that yearn to be acknowledged.

In this realm, the silence itself is not passive, nor is it devoid of significance. Instead, it is an active participant in the human experience, resonating with the energy of emotions that have yet to find their voice. The words unsaid form a chorus, their melody growing louder with each passing moment, demanding to be heard amidst the quietude.

The rhythm of the "Loud Silent Mind" poetry mirrors the ebb and flow of life. It begins with a gentle hush, akin to the soft whisper of a breeze through leaves. In these moments, the mind seems at peace, the storm within momentarily subdued. But as the verses unfold, the tempo quickens. Emotions surge like waves crashing against the shore, a crescendo of thoughts that swell to fill the empty spaces of the mind.

Each stanza of this poetry is a chapter in the story of inner tumult. It captures the dichotomy of human existence—how we often appear composed on the outside while battling a maelstrom within. The external world sees the still waters, but the "Loud Silent Mind" knows the roiling seas beneath, the stories untold, and the secrets guarded with fervent determination.

This genre of poetry invites us to peer beyond the veneer we present to the world and glimpse the complexity of our inner selves. It challenges us to embrace the noise within the stillness, to acknowledge that the unspoken words are just as important as those uttered aloud. The "Loud Silent Mind" poetry offers solace to those who grapple with the weight of their thoughts, showing them that they are not alone in their struggles.

Through its words, this poetry kindles a sense of connection—a reminder that the human experience is universal. We all possess a "Loud Silent Mind" in some form, a place where the heart and mind engage in a silent dialogue. It encourages us to listen to our own symphony, to hear the melodies of our thoughts and emotions, and to find beauty in the cacophony.

In conclusion, the "Loud Silent Mind" poetry is an exploration of the intricacies of our inner worlds. It paints a portrait of the human experience, where silence is anything but passive. Instead, it is a vivid, dynamic force that resounds with the energy of unvoiced sentiments. As we immerse ourselves in its verses, we uncover the stories that lie beneath the surface, the symphony of emotions that shape our lives. It is a genre that invites us to reflect, connect, and ultimately embrace the symphony within our own minds.


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