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Little black book

Never give up

By Nisha laboyPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Life change for the better

Hi my name is Alexis Bland. I moved to Hot Lanta a few years ago to start my Million Dollar company. My restaurant which I still own today. I didn’t always have money. I did what any other girl from the hood did schemed, scammed, and stole till one day a girl named Tiffany changed my life. I’m gonna take you guys back a few years ago before I became Ms. Alexis Bland.

I was born in Brooklyn Ny, and life was not perfect growing up. I was born as Maria Rodriguez. My mom was a crack head and my dad was absent. At the age of 16 I met a girl named Tiffany. Tiffany was very pretty dressed in the latest styles. One day she ask me did I want to attend a party with her, at the moment I didn’t think anything of it so I agreed but boy did I know I would regret it later.

The party was in a dark secluded area way out in the woods upstate. Right there was when I should of ran like hell. Tiffany grabbed my arm and screamed come on don’t be scared. The thoughts going through my mind was a million horror films. Tiffany led me up the stairs and through a side door, once we enter there were girls everywhere. Tiffany let go my hand and whispered I’m so sorry. All I felt was a hard blow to the back of my head.

I woke up in a bed with my panties and bra on. My head hurted so bad from being punched. The room was really dark and cold. My mind was racing all I kept thinking was I’m going to die. I heard the door unlock, and two people entered. Once the shut the light on, there was a man in a suit and Tiffany. I can feel the rage forming inside me I wanted to kill her. The man pulled a seat up in front of me and told me sit down. My name is Money Mike, and you are now one of my hoes. I was so lost and confused, until an other man walked in and handed him some money. Money Mike looked at me and told me I better behave before what he did earlier he will do way worst. Right there I knew I just became a prostitute.

That night about 6 men came in and and had there way wit me. I was so scared I just laid there numb didn’t scream, didn’t cry, I just pray god would end the shit. There was one guy he actually spoke to me, his name was Derek he was married with 4 children his wife was not having sex with him so he went there to get it. We sat and spoke for two hours before Money Mike came knocking. He didn’t have even have sex wit me, before he left he said my conversation was gd enough and he can’t wait to see me again.

I ended up getting beat the very next day for not smiling wit a customer. Money Mike beat me so bad I had his ring prints on the side of my face. Derek came that night and couldn’t believe what happen. I remember him saying I can’t believe he hit you like this I can kill him. I grabbed Derek hand pulled him closed and kissed him. I needed to feel his arms around me so bad. I started undressing him and he grabbed my hand and said no we gonna do this slow. That night Derek made love to every inch of my body. I was so in love, I didn’t care if he was married with children I just wanted him to stay there forever.

I was stuck in that house being sold to every and any man that came there. I was there for over 6 months when Derek finally told Money Mike he taking me outta here. Money Mike laugh and told him what he gonna do with me he married. Derek said don’t worry about it I got her, but Mike wouldn’t go for it at all and that was the last time I seen Derek till two months later when he came to rescue me. That day ended up changing my life forever.

I was sleeping in the back room when I heard Money Mike and Derek yelling at each other. I heard Derek saying he taking me and Money Mike scream over his dead body. I was pacing really fast thinking I can just run out while there arguing and get away, but I knew I’ll just get caught. I pressed up against the door to hear closer, when all of a sudden I heard things falling over. I tried to get the door open but I couldn’t I screamed for Tiffany but she never came. I backed away from the door then I heard 3 loud pops. My heart dropped all I can think about is Derek dead.

Maria Maria Derek yelled as he kicked the door in, Lets go. He grabbed me by the hand and let me out the door, as I walked out Tiffany and Money Mike laid there dead. Derek put me in his black Mercedes he got in the driver seat and peeled off, after twenty minutes of driving, Derek pulled over looked at me and just kissed me so hard. I love you Maria he said you drive me crazy I need you in my life I can’t lose you he said. I smiled and asked him what about his wife and kids he told me not to worry just trust he got my back. Derek definitely had my back so I thought.

Derek dropped me at a air port and handed me a LITTLE BLACK BOOK he said do not open it till you get inside. I was confused are you not coming with me. He said no and then handed me keys he told me everything taken care of just go. He kissed me really hard and told me to hurry and go before he don’t let me go. I got out the car and walked straight in to the airport. As I got inside I put the keys he gave me in my pocket and open THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK to my surprise, there was a passport that said Ms. Alexis Bland, a check for 2 million dollars and a one way ticket to L.a and a note with directions on what to do when I get there.

I arrived in L.a a few hours later. I got in a cab to the address he wrote down. When the cab driver pulled up in front of this beautiful glass house pool in back three cars parked out front I lost my mind. I open the door to go inside and this was like a dream the house was made for a actor or something I couldn’t believe I was there. The phone rang and it was Derek. He told me it was his and his wife vacation home but I can stay there for a while and he was coming to see me soon, yea two months later soon.

The day Derek came I was so excited. He took me shopping, to dinner, then home for the dessert. Normally after sex he would knock out but I did this time. Me thinking nothing of it I put my phone on night stand just knocked out. Derek woke me up to a blow to the face yelling who is Charles. Now Charles I met a month ago he has been my rock through it all and yes we had sex but Derek married I didn’t think he get upset. You nasty bitch this what you do to me after I saved your slut ass. I should of left ur dirty ass there, get out. I went to grab my things but he just snatched it and continued to beat me.

That night when Derek went to bed, I grabbed my car keys bag and THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK and I went to Charles. I got to Charles house and he could not recognize me, he thought I was a bumb on the street until I took off my glasses I couldn’t speak,see or anything, never did I think Derek would hit me. Charles grabbed my keys and took me to the hospital. I had a broken jaw popped eye socket and a broken arm. And internal bleeding in my head, they told Charles if he didn’t bring me I could of died.

I was let out the hospital a month later guess who was standing outside when Charles wheeled me out. Right Derek. He keeps t begging to speak so I told Charles give us a few minutes. His words were I love you and I’m going to always be with you, you owe me bitch so don’t think that man can protect you. I will do to him what I did to Money Mike and he walked off. Charles came grabbed me and put me in the car, we went to his place for the night.

That night I couldn’t think straight, as he talked to me all I can think about was what Derek said about hurting him. I could not let that happen. So I asked Charles move with me to Atlanta. He was hesitant at first but when I told him I got 2 million dollars and we can open a restaurant he was on Board with me. The next day me and Charles packed up and left to Atlanta. It didn’t take long for us to open up the Light House it was a soul food/seafood restaurant.

Two years later me and Charles was married with two restaurants. We had a nice town house, and a beautiful 1 year old daughter. We had matching Bentleys and I was 6 months pregnant with our baby boy. As for Derek I have not heard from him since the last time we spoke. I did hire a private investigator to make sure he was coming after me. Derek was now divorced and broke living with his mother. God is good and oh how the tables turn. my life changed after that LITTLE BLACK BOOK.


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