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Little Black Book


By Terrance JacksonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Everything is Fine

Now I got myself out some jams before but this one was not what it seemed to be. Sitting in the Governor's office wondering why I placed that bet in the first place. The moment she sit down I knew I needed something to drink before she had the opportunity to sit. I reached for the needed quench anyway. Sensation of thrust was more now, then it once was. Knocking over the water and remembering nothing of how the glass was filled. And at that same time suddenly everything washed over me. 7:00 am starting the week like any other day, didn't wanna move out of the position I was laying in bed. Crouching over the side of the bed leaning forward to raise, slowly got dressed and there after, morning routine. I find my friends Little Black Book outside my house in the yard, "paying no never mind" Picking the book up, Och a paper cut? With force, I through the book into my car. Planning to return the book on the work site. My friend Cory has changed over the years he's shown distance but nothing to worry about. Whenever I asked, showing concern he tells me he's okay. Coming up to the job site it escapes me on the way to the restroom. He finds me, tells me that he was even looking for his book. Letting him know I have the book outside in my car. After work on my way home, I noticed the book was still there it must have got away from both of us. Sitting in my house reading the newspaper noticing its so many people capable of winning the lottery. Slamming the newspaper down I wondered for a moment what it would be like to win, additionally was the lottery fixed. Feeling discouraged, I opened the Little Black Book it cuts me again where the blood splatter drops I noticed he has hit the lottery, a couple times! Also glanced where he had already written numbers for the picking. I quickly shut the book and put it down depriving my thoughts from finishing the plan that develops as quickly as I read the numbers. Sleeping was hard knowing that it is a way to live better, the next morning my mind still pressed on the numbers in the book. I succumb in to the plan that unraveled in my weakest moment. I return the book to Cory and for a moment I paused waiting for a second of guilt, there wasn't any just a thanks. I guess I needed that guilt for spending my money, taking a chance on them numbers. I do not believe in the lottery but this can help take me out of this financial funk. I felt like the day was just another day and this job was work once again, only slower. On my way home listening to the radio the lottery numbers where playing. Thinking to myself he's been in my car listening the lottery numbers. Taking the ticket out of my pocket seeing what I played. The winning numbers matched! Now why am I sitting in the governor's office with sweaty palms. The Governor wanted to congratulate me on the winning lottery pick also to inform that only one ticket in the state to do so. 500,000,000 grand prize winner. I didn't know how to feel. Waking up in the hospital thinking it was all a dream, it wasn't I fainted! My friend sitting there puzzle and I'm wondering what he's gonna do because a the moment I'm handicap! Shaking hands seeing people I don't normally see had me dizzy. It's official my life had literally changed over night. This doesn't happen to people like me. I didn't appreciate my life I barley called my mom or anyone for that matter. Cory walks back in after everyone leaves and slugs me. I agree. I had that coming, then he shakes my hand and tells me you owe me, responding shaking my head to agree. He leans toward me and whispers in my ear be careful of what you wish for, the book is not a regular book you see what you want to see inside. He places the book on my chest and tells me keep this book on you wherever you go. I noticed a tear from his face fell on my arm, on his way out the hospital room he tells me be careful and you owe me, this time with a smile. I shout to him, "call me later". Leaving the hospital feeling like nothing's changed. Checking my phone voice mail prompted out my messages informs me my friend Cory has been in a car accident. On my way home walking up to the front door a letter shows half way outside from the entrance. Taking the letter and reading,

This is Cory The Little Black Book has powers and it has to be on your person all times. If the book is not then the book murders you. Sometimes right away or slowly nothing can stop this. "For it is latched with blood once possessed the reader shall read forever and never". I have no knowledge of how to destroy the book or had the will to discover. I feel ill to have written you this letter. Aykillies be careful I've tried for years to break the seduction the book had on me it's up to you know. YOU OWE ME...

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About the Creator

Terrance Jackson

Both Passion and Expression Voiced Without Interruption.

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    Terrance JacksonWritten by Terrance Jackson

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