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It's Been 3 Months and I Still Miss My Ex (It's Been 3 Months Since We Broke Up)

Are you thinking and saying it's been 3 months and I still miss my ex? If so then I'm very sorry because I know exactly how that feels. It hurts like heck to have your heart broken, especially when you believe you could and should still be together. Getting back together after a breakup is hard but not impossible. If you're saying it's been 3 months since we broke up, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Michael HamiltonPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
It's Been 3 Months and I Still Miss My Ex (It's Been 3 Months Since We Broke Up)
Photo by Kat J on Unsplash

Emotions are so difficult to understand more so because emotions and feelings are personal and we do not discuss it often. Dealing with your feelings and figuring it out helps you to deal with your relationships and at times getting your ex back if the feelings are strong.

You still miss your ex

It is quite normal to feel for someone even after the break up, some times special feelings have strong impact in our mind. Even not so pleasant times seem so good and you wish you could get them back. When the feelings are strong it can mean that you had true feelings for your ex and are so difficult to erase them from the memory.

Is it a good sign

If these feeling reflect your true love for your ex then there are chances for you to get back together. But you have to be objective and find out if your ex too feels the same. It is an opportunity for you to look at your relationship and determine if it is a good idea to try getting him back.

Are these lingering emotions

Or what you are feeling is the emotional void as it is not easy to forget the past. You have to analyze if it is true love or you want to cling to the memories as it gives you a sense of security.

You have past regrets

When you are in a long term relationship there is regret as there are many shared memories when you had spent time together. Of course there are bitter memories too but if you feel that your love is strong, then there is no reason why a fresh bond cannot be formed.

Think with a clear mind

Instead of asking 'why' you should ask yourself if it is really love that you are feeling for your ex. Maybe you had fallen into a routine and are missing being in relationship with your ex and not missing your ex. Due to the stress of break up maybe you are not able to identify your feelings.

You have two choices

If you are sure that you still love your ex, then it leaves you with two choices. You hope to get your ex back or make an effort to stop loving him/her, you are the best judge in this situation. But take time and think clearly of what is the motivating factor for your answer.

You are not alone in this

Take heart, there are many in similar situation and as it is often said 'being in love is a tricky thing'. You have to make decisions based on objective thinking as it has implications on your life.

5 Tips to Get Your Ex Back

Most people have experienced a breakup in their life. Breakups happen frequently in dating relationships. The more you practice most things in life, the better you get at them. This is not the case for breakups. The more it happens to you, the harder it is to get over it.

Most partners wish they were back together at some point after the breakup subsides. The first shock of the breakup can make you do and say things that you later wish you had not done or said. In most cases after cooling down, both partners have a feeling of wanting to go back together but do not always act on the impulse.

If the relationship had mostly happy times and did not consist of physical abuse, it is not uncommon to want to go back together. When polled, even abused spouses still wanted to or did go back to their abusive ex spouse. The physical and psychological connection between a couple is a very strong bond. If your relationship was abusive, it may be best to move on and not try to repair it. The breakup may be a blessing in disguise.

Relationships normally follow a pattern. It goes something like this. You meet and it is pure bliss. Neither of you can do anything wrong. Your faults and inconsistencies are overlooked.

After the initial "honeymoon" period, you settle in and get comfortable in the relationship. Now things that were there all the time start to get noticed. Things start to bother you and begin to be more irritating.

This is the point when the relationship starts to get tested. Now it takes effort to keep the relationship together and growing. Sometimes at this point, one or the other cannot take the quirks and "wants out." Instead of realizing that most relationships go through these phases and need to be worked out, they just quit. Then the breakup happens.

Now that you understand the process and think your relationship is worth saving, it is time to get started. Here are five tips to help you make a plan to get your relationship back together.

1. Time to apologize. It is hard to say "I am sorry" but those three words can be one of the best ways to heal a relationship. Do not blame yourself for everything. DO not over apologize. Make sure you only apologize for the right reasons and for what you feel you are to blame.

Say you are sorry, but do not fight or argue. If the blame game starts, do not participate. Stay cool, apologize and then just listen. Biting your tongue will serve you well later on.

2. Communicate. That is right. Talk out the issues and get them into the open. It is hard to fix what you do not know about. No crying, pleading or emotions...just civil adult conversation.

If you run into a roadblock in the conversation, then move on to another subject and come back to the issue later. From the beginning, make sure your ex knows that there will be no fighting or blaming during the conversation. If this is agreeable to your ex, then make a plan to set down and talk.

If you can talk out the problems, then you can both work on a solution to get them resolved and possibly get back together. Make sure you take your time and do not seem over anxious or desperate.

3. Be willing to allow each other space. Just because you want to talk and work things out does not mean your ex wants to do the same. Give your ex space to think about the situation and anything said during the conversation.

Allowing a cooling off period and being apart for some time can be beneficial to the relationship. Having some amount of contact with your ex during this period is a good sign that the relationship can be saved.

4. Show you care. Show your ex you care for them by caring for yourself. Go out, have fun and go on with life. Showing your ex you cannot carry on life in general without them can make you look needy, desperate and not worthy of their time.

Do not send your ex the wrong message by being too clingy or smothering. By going out shopping, to the movies or social events, you will be showing your ex you are independent and strong. Do things that make you happy and have fun.

5. Do not sit by the phone. Waiting for your ex to call will only drive you crazy. It is best to be busy or not at home if your ex does call. This will show there is no desperation on your part.

If your ex does call when you are home, let it ring and see if your ex leaves a message. Do not worry. Your ex will call back and will wonder what you have been doing. Call your ex back the next day and say you were busy. This mystery will work in your favor.

These are just a few tips to help you get your ex back. If you want to make a failsafe plan to get your ex back, there are other steps to take.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will have your ex begging you to take them back. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which will make your ex crawl back to you within a few days guaranteed. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here

Now you can stop your break up or lover’s rejection...even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying... Visit Ex Back Secrets


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