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Inspirational story

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By Eric D MaxeyPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Most people choose to show the good side to others and hide the bad side. When the hidden side of me is revealed, I don't want to escape or lie, but face it bravely. Maybe I don't have the power to change myself and other people's opinions, but at least I have the courage to admit it. I admit that I am a lazy person. In my impression, I have cultivated an image of hard work for myself since I was very young. I listened carefully in class, completed my homework carefully, and kept my grades at the above average level. The teacher would ask other students to follow my example. But the fact is that I look serious in class, in fact, half of the time is distracted, doing homework is only to cope with the teacher and parents' inspection, and getting good grades is only to avoid teachers and parents to lecture me, otherwise I don't want to do homework at all, just pass the exam. I maintained this image for a long time, but one day the teacher caught me straying in class, I admitted my mistake and accepted the teacher's criticism. From that day on, I no longer use diligence to hide my laziness, in the premise of not violating the discipline as lazy as possible, and tell everyone that I am a lazy person. I admit that I am a selfish person. More or less people will have some selfish, I am no exception, but in general I will use a variety of reasons to hide my selfishness. When someone asks me to borrow something, I will make excuses to decline if I don't want to, for fear that someone will break or lose my things. When someone asks me for help, when I don't want to help, I will use various reasons to let the other person think that looking for me is an unwise decision, afraid of causing trouble. Perhaps lies say too much, there will always be exposed, when others know I said the reasons are excuses, call me selfish. Instead of getting angry, I was generous enough to admit that I was a selfish person. I don't think I'm great enough, I don't have the noble quality of "one for all", but I don't need "all for me", I just want to be free to do what I want to do, and I don't need others to put on the high hat of kindness and greatness. After I admit, some people will show a look of disapproval, some people will admire my bravery, and I do not care how other people's opinion of me changes. I am still me, but less cover up, generous to show their not so good side. Others can accept me very happy, others do not agree with me do not force, because I am not perfect to have no shortcomings, but I have the courage to admit their shortcomings, let themselves live at ease, regardless of what others say. My best friends were made after I admitted that I was not perfect. They appreciated me because of my directness and courage, and they were willing to make friends with me and get to know me better. When you are exposed, it is better to admit it openly than to hide it with a hundred lies. Now that you admit it, you have to be prepared to face the consequences. Admitting, sometimes is not only to confess to others, sometimes it is a kind of confession to yourself, like removing some burden, clearing the fog, and seeing yourself more clearly. If you see yourself clearly, you can see the people and things around you and see the direction of the future. This is also a kind of encouragement, not like inspirational articles to draw strength from other people's stories, but to get direction from their own, perhaps more useful than other ways. I am not brave enough to be fearless, but at least I have the courage to admit that I am not as good as I look, and admit that I can have some shortcomings. Those who don't like this kind of me can go away, those who can accept this kind of me are welcome to come closer, I am me, even if the color of the fireworks is not the same as that one is still me.

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