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I Became a 'Sun Girl'. What Followed Haunts Me Till Today.

I still can't believe it.

By Jide OkonjoPublished 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read

Page 3 of The Sun Newspaper. I always enjoyed looking at that page. It was the page allotted to Sun’s Weekly “Sun Girl”.

When I got very broke around 2014 and I had no money, I found myself doing a lot of things that I swore I wouldn’t do. It's very easy to say what you will and won’t do for money when you live in abundance. Once that abundance is gone, my sister, you will very quickly learn that maybe there’s a whole lot of things you are actually willing to do. I started out doing noble hustles: I cleaned, I scrubbed, I cooked, I baked, I did it all. Until one day, one of my colleagues, a fellow server at the restaurant I served at started gisting me about how she makes money on the side.

A lot of it was what you can already imagine. The summary of the story was that she followed men. I didn’t want to follow men.

However, one part of the story that really stood out to me was the part where she told me about how she was able to get N20,000 from a man simply because he saw her on the The Sun newspaper and “liked her shape.”

From that moment that became my new goal: to get on The Sun newspaper as a Sun Girl. It turns out to do it, the process is actually rather simple, it’s all written out on the Sun Girl page. I followed the instructions and a little while later, I saw my picture on page 3. I had become a Sun Girl.

When you become a sun girl, your phone number is put on full display to the whole of Nigeria, along with your picture, so every Tom, Dick, and Harry and I do mean EVERY SINGLE ONE will call your number.

I got calls from men, women, even some children, but for the most part, it was men. 99% of the men were calling to tell me how beautiful I was and many of them asked me “how much I charged”. I didn't know the Sun Girl column was designed for solicitation work.

Amidst all of those calls, there was 1 man and it’s this 1 man that I NEED to tell you about because from here on, this story gets CRA-ZY!

By Prince Akachi on Unsplash

His name was Jared. He said he worked as a driver and that he wanted to take me out. On the phone he sounded okay, even sounded intelligent so I thought, what was the harm? We were going to meet at a Chicken Republic in broad daylight, there was nothing he could do that everybody wouldn't see.

I went to the lunch and it all went smoothly. Jared was a normal guy, very overly complimenting and always trying to turn the conversation towards sex. But overall, he wasn’t bad and he wasn't too creepy. Towards the end of our conversation, he asked me: “You wan make extra money?”

I said, “Ah ah. Of course. Why not?”

He told me that he would pick me up later in the day, and that I should trust him. I said no problem. He told me to dress nice.

That evening, I dressed up and looked as nice as I could. At around 5, maybe 6, Jared called me to tell me that he was outside my compound. I came out and I entered into the car. He was wearing very dark sunshades and I remember that caught my eye because not only were the car windows tinted, it was also getting dark outside. I greeted Jared but he did not answer. He seemed different.

The car ride to where he was taking me was a very quiet one. I immediately started to grow uncomfortable. I would have asked to leave then and there but we hadn't gotten to anywhere that I didn’t know my way back from. So I just sat there.

By adrianna geo on Unsplash

We pulled up in front of a big gate. Immediately, I got a feeling that something was wrong. It’s like my spirit just told me. I asked Jared where I was, why he was bringing me here. Jared didn't say anything; he was quiet, like he had been all ride.

The gate opened and I was scared. But I just swallowed my fear and composed myself. When we got inside and he parked the car, he told me to come down and his voice sounded sympathetic almost like he was about to do something he would regret. If I was scared before, it didn't compare to how I was feeling in that moment. The thing about me is that when I get scared, I don’t get loud or react or shout, I shut down. I get very quiet and meek. I hate it but it's how I am.

He escorted me into the house, note that this house was a mansion. You could tell that whoever owned this place was rich. The house was also heavily guarded and I mean HEAVILY guarded. Everywhere I turned, there was a man stationed. Do you know how scary it is for a woman to be the only woman walking among a group of men while wearing a very short gown? It is terrifying. If you’re not a woman, you won’t ever fully understand it.

I was escorted to the house and as soon as he opened the door, right there in the living room were girls. I mean A LOT OF GIRLS. About 35 girls. Just lounging around.

There was food on the table. There were fat envelopes on the table. There were no men here in the living room, just the women sitting around eating and drinking.

By chuttersnap on Unsplash

Once inside the sitting room, Jared left me and it was once again, just us girls. When the girls saw me, it was a mix of reactions. Some gave looks of indifference, some looks of “who does this one think she is”, and others, a look of confusion. I sat next to the girl I thought looked the most welcoming and asked if she knew what was going on. She didn’t. All she said was that the “oga” will be here by 9 o'clock. At this point, it was just around 7pm.

So I waited.

Every other 10-20 minutes, another girl entered into the room. By the time 9 o’clock hit, we were at least 50 girls in that room.

Then the oga came.

And he didn’t come alone.

He came in with about, and I am not kidding, men THREE times the number of women in the room. It was a drove and they circled around us in that living room. Guards I saw from outside, new faces I hadn’t seen.

Reader, you don’t know what fear is. When I tell you I was scared. out. of. my. MIND.

Immediately, I don’t even know when it happened, maybe it was between looking at the men’s faces or just how shaky I was, I started crying. My whole body just started shaking. I wasn’t saying words, I was just crying and shaking. Girls around me started looking at me as if there was something wrong with me, as if I was ruining the fun or something. I heard about three girls even say, “Don’t you want money this girl?”

I couldn’t stop crying. I didn’t know what this men had in mind but whatever it was, it wasn’t good. Then, one man started advancing towards me. Quickly. And when I tell you my whole body was numb, I was just crying and shaking as he came.

He took my hand and he grabbed me. I couldn’t do anything, my legs were just walking on their own as he pulled my out of the living room, out of the door, and out of the gate. He reached into his pocket as I was still there shaking and crying, gave me N1,000, and told me “Find yourself transport, get out of this place,” before shutting the door on my face.

That is how I stood there shaking and crying before pulling myself together and finding my way home.

Before I left, I stood there for around 30 minutes just out of shock. No other girl came out of that house. Meaning that those other women knew exactly what they were doing and they were willing to go ahead with whatever was happening in there.

I always till today wonder about what went on inside that house. I wonder if it was a regular party, a sex party, if it was rituals…

Whatever it is, I’m just thankful I didn’t get to find out and I’m now happily in my husband’s house with a good roof over my head and simple food to eat.

That's All.

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Until next time, have a wonderful rest of your day!

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About the Creator

Jide Okonjo

I have ONE account and MANY interests. My page is a creative hodgepodge of:

🇳🇬 Nigerian news stories for my dedicated Nigerian readers.

🎥 Movie and music recommendations, listicles, and critiques

📀 Op-eds, editorial features, fiction

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