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Human nature is evil - the essence of human nature

You see good people around you, they are good, not they are born good, how good a person is terrible! There is only a thin layer of paper between the good and the evil.

By Rico JonePublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Everyone is evil. No doubt you are surrounded by people who eat meat but don't spit bones. A nightmare in human skin! You see good people around you, they are good, not they are born good, how good a person is terrible! There is only a thin layer of paper between the good and the evil. Any bowl of rice noodles, a table, a meal, a seat, or even a look, may cause an argument! Blood spatter five steps, this is the most direct expression of chivalrous culture. There has always been a tradition of pulling out a knife to help the road. You have more or less encountered these things at ordinary times. It's just a trifle, not worth mentioning.

A person in life encountered all kinds of trifles, as many as cow hair! Too many to count! Most people laugh at the little things in life.

Anything you do or say could lead to a bloody disaster! There are plenty of instances when you ignore others and they get in your way. Some people can get killed if they look at another person in the street! So I warn you to be cautious in your life, do not gossip, do not listen to biased, do not spread all kinds of rumors, do not arrange others, do not talk about other people's things. A lot of people often do bad things with good intentions! Be careful and do nothing wrong. Casual a burst of words, led to a killing disaster. The so-called speaker has no intention, the listener has heart!

Don't try to irritate others. Don't try to explain. Cold treatment is the best way to deal with, the more you dispute with him, the more he gets stronger, and eventually quarrel, or even a fight, the result is often either one of the injured. Either one side compromise, if no one compromise, no one can suffer, no one can swallow the breath of this tone, the two strong fight for the victory of the brave, the result is nothing more than killing the enemy 1000, self loss 800, the price is tragic, and even killed together. The fight to the death. Everywhere, accidentally caused the disaster, the loser lost life. The living are in prison! Such is the nature of a man!

To those who seek your misfortune, you are nothing more than a punching bag for them to vent on. It doesn't matter. It's on my head. Nowhere to vent.

There must always be a vent. That's bad luck for you. That's the bad side of people. So human nature is evil, this is fundamental!

When all the children are born, everyone looks like an angel, with a charming smile, innocent, who will know, every baby is a devil with an angelic smile, the angel of the devil, the devil of the angel! There is no saint in this world, there is no tall man, everyone is lurking in the heart of a demon ready to release.

We do not believe that young, committing all kinds of crimes, killing and stealing, for many children are children's children. Not to mention, don't trust strangers! The so-called stranger is everyone except oneself! Those closest to you, parents, children, relatives, friends, brothers, sisters. These belong to the stranger, the world is strangers! The world xixi, all for profit, the world bustling, all for profit! Ancient, modern, Chinese and foreign, no exception! Profit is the jungle nature of human nature, nature attributes decided!

Why can say so, often deceive you the deepest, hurt you the most miserable people, are around the most familiar strangers! Most people approach you in pursuit of profit. Nothing but your beauty, or your clothes! The Chinese love to say that money is something else! He thinks he's not looking at anything. Money is a common thing. It's disgusting. But that's the nature of money. Every penny is bloody.

In this world everyone is the wicked, but their life situation, life encounter each different, some people show the evil side incisively and vividly. But most people, the whole life has no chance to show their evil side, can only say that you are lucky, your life must be smooth sailing without any setbacks. There are many people in this world, there are many different lives, these lives are doomed to these experiences, the life of everyone in this world is different, you do not have his (her) situation, his tragedy, can not feel, the moon waxing and waning, people have joys and sorrows. Happy life is always similar, the unfortunate encounter each has its own misfortune!

Luckily and unfortunately, between the cause and effect conversion of blessing and misfortune, who also can not tell, reason is not good, dao unknown! How happy are the people in this world, how miserable are the people in miserable life! In this way, there are still many people in the world who are not doing well. There are thousands of them, hundreds of millions of them! Everyone is likely to lurk around the wicked. An individual in itself is a villain! No doubt about it! You and I are wicked.

Human nature is evil, this is the epitome of human jungle life for thousands of years, although human society has long entered the age of civilization, the rule of law is the basis of all behavior! But the law can only bind most people, and they are bound not because they have a good life, but because most people are cowardly and afraid of making trouble. Even those bullies who walk around in the street, he is also cowardly and afraid of getting into trouble. He will only bully people who are weaker than him, stronger than him, and dare not provoke. Don't look ahead to today's success, beware of the fall pull list.

Whenever he meets someone worse than he is, he just goes for it. So stay out of trouble, follow the rules, don't do what you want, do what you want. This is the minimum requirement for a person! If this point can not do, often is not you do evil, is someone else do evil! When two evils meet, the worse wins. It's just that most people never think about it in the middle of an argument. People tend to think people are too simple. Different encounters bring out different people, a weak person, under the stimulus of certain conditions. To knock a mighty man down in an instant! The average person looks impossible, but a lot of people unluckily do not believe this evil, the more despise others, the more others regard you as dirt. The sooner you lose your life! The seeds of hatred, once sown, will one day take root, sprout, grow, and one day grow into a tree, and it will be your misfortune.

A gentleman does not stand behind a wall. It's better to be alive than to kill yourself. If unfortunately perished, can only blame you not long eyes! Shame the family, shame the ancestors! Most people, peacetime are good-natured, do not want to go against anyone, everyone wants world peace! Be kind to everyone, treat others equally, and understand the pain of others. Be considerate of others and stop when it's good.

But history tells us that many people often regard cowardice of others as easy to bully, push one's luck, push one's luck! The last straw, no need to endure. Often very weak people. The explosive power is amazing! Some people want to die, others can not persuade. Two unrelated people, or familiar strangers. It's not a bad thing, but when you mess with the bad guys. In that moment, the devil possessed, the devil of the devil, the devil of the wicked. You a little stimulation, a little weak light, you can let people ignite all the energy, violent will rise, at that moment, the King of Heaven Lao Tze take him (she) helpless!

A paranoid person, once only accept death, the tragedy is completely impossible to crack.

If you know history, you will find that history is surprisingly similar. There are no exceptions. History repeats itself all the time. Constitute a history of destiny! Today, it is the most basic cultural accomplishment that we should have at ordinary times to draw rich nutrition from history. Taking history as a mirror is not an empty slogan, but a lesson cast by human blood and tears! Human history has always been a tragedy, never ending. The ugliest face of the whole universe is concentrated in man! The human race is truly a collection of villains.

The more you know about history, the more history is true. History is never a veiled maiden, but a bloody zombie. Human history has never been a dinner party, only a fight to the death. Restore the original appearance of history, human heart is ugly, human history is terrible.

You will find that history is not written by ordinary people at all, but by those murderous, murderous demons! The so-called xing, people suffering, death, people suffering. The wicked in power, the devil in dispute, no matter how reincarnation, suffering is always the broad masses of the people. The bones of the masses are the devil's throne. No exception! Never believe what enduring as the universe, years quiet good. The jungle nature of mankind determines the tragic fate of mankind! The destiny of history is deeply engraved on everyone!

History is a miniature of the ugly history of mankind! History is ugly. It's terrible. Few learn from history! The cycle repeats itself over and over again. Repeatedly ravaging this beautiful planet! Few people have any compassion or compassion. No wonder people are selfish! What kind of person, cast what kind of life! That's nature.


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