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How to Turn Your Girl-friend into a Girlfriend

An art of seducing women

By KianPublished about a year ago 5 min read


Congratulations, you’ve met a girl! Well, maybe it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. Maybe you were just talking about your favorite bands and somehow that led to drinks after work one day. Or maybe she’s the new intern at the office and she’s really pretty and smart and funny — and you like her. Whatever the case may be, let me tell you how to turn your girl-friend into a girlfriend.

Here are more advices for you!

Don’t act like a friend.

Now that you’ve identified the problem and its causes, it’s time to solve it. Don’t be afraid to show your feelings and tell her how you feel. Don’t act like a friend; if she is not interested in being more than friends with you, then she will let you know that she doesn’t want to go out with anyone else.

Don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

A lot of guys will try to push the envelope when they’re in a new relationship, but it’s important not to go too far too fast. If something feels weird or wrong, don’t do it! If she says no and backs away from an idea because she doesn’t want to do it, respect her wishes and don’t try again (unless she brings up the topic again).

It’s easy for things like this to get out of hand if both people aren’t comfortable with each other yet — and getting physical before time may mean that one person ends up feeling uncomfortable later on down the line when things get more serious between them.

Ask her out on a date.

If you want to turn your girl-friend into a girlfriend, the best thing you can do is ask her out on a date. Don’t be afraid to ask her out — no matter what she says, she’ll probably say yes. Don’t wait for her to ask you out; it may never happen! And don’t tell her that you want more than friendship in the first few weeks of dating each other; let things move naturally and don’t pressure yourself or your partner into anything prematurely (but also make sure that both of those things are true).

Asking someone out does not mean asking them if they want something more than friendship with another person; rather it means asking them if they would like some time together outside of work/school/etc., just as friends would do together normally without having any romantic intentions behind their choice of activities (e., going shopping).

If she isn’t interested in being more than friends with you, then she will let you know that she doesn’t want to go out with anyone else. You can also try to be a friend first, and see if things develop naturally over time.

Talk about your future together.

When you’re with your girlfriend, talk about your future together.

It’s important to know where you stand with her and what she wants from the relationship. Don’t be afraid of being honest; if you feel like something isn’t working out or something needs to change, then say so! If she feels the same way, then maybe it’s time for both of you guys to move on from each other. But if not… well then maybe this is actually love!

If you’re both on the same page and have a good time, then it’s not a problem. If she says no, be respectful of her wishes. You may want to ask her why she doesn’t want to do something before trying again.

Be patient with yourself, and with her.

You’ve got to be patient with yourself, and with her.

There are times when things will go a little haywire, and it’s okay to get frustrated (especially when you’re learning something new). But try not to let it get in the way of your progress or make you feel bad about yourself — it happens! You’ll get there eventually.

The same goes for your girl-friend: don’t expect too much from her at first; just let things happen naturally as they do. If she wants more time together than usual, give it to her without pressuring her into anything else right now — you should both take care not only of each other but yourselves as well!

You can ask her out anywhere, but it’s best if you do it in a way that doesn’t make her feel pressured. Make it fun and memorable for the two of you! Try not to ask her out on a day that she has plans with her friends or family, unless the plans are flexible enough for them to be changedMaybe it’s time for both of you guys to move on from each other. But if not… well then maybe this is actually loveYou’ll be fine. Just keep being you, and things will work out just fine.

Don’t get into something you can’t handle

It’s important to be aware of the fact that there are no guarantees in life, especially when it comes to relationships. You might meet someone who seems perfect for you and then things don’t work out as planned. This can be disappointing and even heartbreaking, but it’s something you should expect from time to time as part of life.

It’s also important not to get into something that isn’t right for you just because you think it will make other people happy or because your friends have been pressuring you for years now (that doesn’t mean they won’t continue doing so). If someone really cares about their relationship with another person then this shouldn’t matter so much anyway since they would want them happy no matter what happens between them two instead of putting pressure on either side just so they can feel better about themselves without considering how both sides feel about each other individually first before making any decisions together later down road after making sure everyone involved has agreed upon terms beforehand rather than simply letting emotions dictate everything without thinking logically first which often leads us astray when dealing with complex situations involving emotions such as love itself.”

If you want to turn your girl-friend into a girlfriend, you should do it the right way. It’s not easy, but it can be done if you are willing to put in some effort and make the right choices. If you follow these tips, then I’m sure that your relationship will grow stronger than ever before!


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