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How to survive a divorce advice from a psychologist with your husband?

Any divorce is unjustified hopes and disappointments. Even if the marriage lasted six months. And after long years of living together and (or) in the presence of children in marriage, divorce without exaggeration can be called a tragedy comparable to the death of a loved one.

By Helen WeroqPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

More than 75% of people who marry for the first time get divorced. Let's figure out together how to survive a divorce from your husband. How the advice of a psychologist can help in this matter.

How to survive a divorce from your husband

For a woman, divorce is a difficult life experience, but at the same time, it is a new page in life. Unfortunately, divorce happens very often, and breaks up families who could not have imagined this.

But separation from your husband is not the end of life, and in this article you will find tips to help you get through this difficult period.

Free yourself from difficult emotions

First of all, you need to allow yourself to live all the emotions that provoked a divorce from your husband. Don't be afraid to experience anger, frustration, pain. It is important to let these emotions come out - through tears, words. Sometimes something needs to be shattered, ripped, thrown away or destroyed in order to release negative, destructive energy along with complex emotions.

Forgive your ex-husband

It is very important not to build up a grudge against your ex-husband. What happened has happened, and there is no point in accumulating bitterness and pain. In freeing yourself from negative emotions, it is worth making a decision to forgive and letting go of all grievances. Understand that resentment is a destructive feeling that will make you unhappy.

Find support

How to survive a divorce from your husband? Be sure to find a person to whom you can tell everything that is happening in your soul. After speaking out, you will immediately feel relief, and the pain shared by a loved one will no longer seem so excruciating.

The words of comfort that your friend can find for you will be a medicine for a wounded heart, and the time spent in the company of loved ones, understanding people makes us stronger.

Immerse yourself in an exciting self-development process

Very often married women devote themselves to men so much that they do not have time and energy for self-development. This is also often the reason for divorce - a woman does not feel satisfied with a relationship in which she gives more than she receives.

A man becomes uninteresting with a lady who dissolves in his life and hobbies.

Therefore, leave all your sorrows in the past and start discovering your possibilities. A woman is not only a mother, a housewife and a man's helper, who leads him to self-realization.

First of all, a woman is a deep personality who has unlimited potential that needs to be revealed. Therefore, devote your time to self-development - expand the range of your interests, start developing in your profession, or in general - master a new one.

Start working on your body and appearance - it will help you restore your divorced self-esteem and re-believe in yourself, your attractiveness.

A woman who is confident in her attractiveness has a strong energy field that attracts strong men like a magnet.

Start a new life

The moment you broke up with your partner, a huge number of opportunities opened up before you. This is the best chance to start your life with a clean slate. Now you can freely make decisions, regardless of the interests and desires of your partner.

This means that you can finally devote time to realizing your dreams, professional growth and the development of personal talents.

Celebrate your new life!

How to survive a divorce from your husband? It is very important to have a positive outlook on all things and events that come into our lives. Therefore, look at the positive side of what happened to you and rejoice at the changes that your divorce from your husband brought into your life.

To build on your success and confidence that your new life will be great, arrange a party for the occasion.

Gather your friends, have fun at the nightclub, allow yourself any other entertainment and let this step be a symbolic beginning of a new life that will bring you many more joyful moments.

Divorce Rehabilitation Plan

Often people take the idea of ​​divorce quite calmly, just as calmly, offended by their other half, they go to the registry office or the court to fill out applications, put signatures on documents. But instead of the long-awaited relief and freedom, having completed the divorce proceedings, they feel crushed, lonely, unhappy.

It is important not to make hasty decisions in your life and not to take those vain steps only against the background of resentment, misunderstanding and inability to forgive. Divorce should be a conscious decision, when it is not just difficult and difficult with a person, but it is impossible even to coexist together.

After all, any marriage goes through those stages when partners get bored with each other or seem unbearable. Conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings and even betrayal are not always a reason for divorce.

It is better to work well on the relationship, so that later remember with horror how the marriage with your loved one almost collapsed, than to sob into your pillow for many years because you have already forgiven everything and is ready to forgive further, if only you could return everything.

Divorce is inevitable

Sometimes, of course, divorce is inevitable and there is no other solution. A drug addict, an alcoholic, a tyrant who raises a hand on a woman, an incorrigible womanizer who is not affected by any convictions and tears, a parasite - there are many options when a woman should accept divorce as inevitable and not regret it for a long time.

In fact, the woman made only one mistake - when she married such a man.

It often happens that in a subsequent marriage, such a man also walks, cheats, drinks, beats, as in the previous one. But if he changed for the better with the new woman, then his ex-wife needs to think about whether she provoked in him those qualities, because of which she herself later could not live with him.

A woman sets the tone and level of relations in marriage, a woman “polishes” her man “for herself”. After all, men are unconsciously accustomed to obeying women, starting with the first teacher in kindergarten. This can also manifest itself implicitly - a man simply plays along with a woman in response to her attitude towards him and herself.

If a woman does not appreciate herself, he does not appreciate her; if a woman is expecting a royal relationship with herself, he will either get scared from the beginning and run away, realizing that he will not cope with such a burden and responsibility, or will treat her like a queen. But he will not live with her and at the same time humiliate her.

After divorce

So, it was impossible to reconcile with your spouse. The divorce did happen. Signatures were put, a divorce certificate was issued, a mocking gaze of the now ex-spouse with bitter sadness - all this seems like a terrible dream.

Goodbye words to each other seem banal, cold, or cynical.

It is very hard to hear from a person who once carried you in his arms along the same steps of the registry office cold and empty, as if to nowhere: “Well, okay, be there. Good luck! " Even when trying to maintain the appearance of good relations with each other. Even though it was so predictable.

How to survive a divorce from your husband and the first days after a divorce - someone is in a deafening (defensive reaction of the psyche) euphoria, and someone does not hide their not the most joyful feelings. For some, these "days after divorce" are postponed for several days or weeks when the person realizes his divorce.

This happens when people are faced with death. At the funeral, a person is as if in shock, and after a few days he begins to sob and the suffering is all the stronger, as the realization gradually comes that a loved one is no longer there.

These 10 days after the divorce are conditional. These are the days when real understanding of what happened comes. They often coincide.

Closing the door behind which the divorce certificate was issued, the “divorcee” feels some inexplicable sadness, even if she has long been indifferent to her ex-spouse.


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