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How to Relax at Work

Yes, relax at work

By Dumb HedgehogPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
How to Relax at Work
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Don't forget to take a break! This gives your brain a well-deserved chance to rest and gives you time to recharge your batteries.

A very simple calculation shows that people spend about a third of their lives at work. And those who work only eight hours a day today can be considered lucky. The constant effort to work has the effects of physical and mental fatigue, pain, digestive, metabolic, and sleep disorders. Therefore, breaks during office hours are absolutely necessary.


Whenever your body requires it, within a time frame that does not affect the performance of work tasks and does not contravene the internal regulations. There are three types of breaks:

"Micro" breaks last about ten seconds and should be taken every ten minutes - when your work is very demanding and requires sustained concentration.

"Mini" breaks last about five minutes and should be taken every hour - regardless of profession, on average, an adult cannot keep his attention focused for more than 50 minutes. During this break, you do not have to get up from your desk, but you can do some stretching exercises.

"Maxi" or lunch breaks require you to leave the office and should not be shorter than 30 minutes.

Take a Walk

Get out of the office for at least a few minutes. This involves movement - the most important way to revitalize your muscular and circulatory systems.


You oxygenate your brain. Clean air is essential for the functioning of nerve cells while reducing any headaches. If you do not go outside during breaks, at least open the window to catch your breath.

Change the environment. Always seeing the same room and the same people can become stressful. If the atmosphere in the office is also tense, an exit can help you detach yourself from problems and calm down.

Keep up to date with the latest in stores. There is no better time to do this than during a break when you can take a few colleagues to exchange impressions. No need to buy anything, just looking in the shop windows can be relaxing.


Although caroling in stores can relax you mentally, the fact that you want to see as much as possible in such a short time can drain you of energy. Too bad such a pleasant thing can get tiring!

If You Walk Through the Firm


Maintain friendly or service relationships that will prove beneficial.

You will find important information both officially (what decisions the bosses want to make, tips on how to complete a project) and unofficially (who else is with whom, who has bought what else).


If the company is small, the physical effort you make is not enough to restore the body after many hours of sitting in a chair.

Play On the Computer


You disconnect in a pleasant and funny way.

Stimulates intellectual activity due to strategy games.

You can get rid of certain aggressive impulses or tensions accumulated during the day.


The fact that you spend time and pause in front of the monitor is harmful to the eyes, accentuating the state of fatigue.

Do not give the body the opportunity to correct its position or relax its tense areas.

Whatever you do, don't forget to laugh! Laughter is the healthiest way to eliminate stress and trigger a good mood.

Dream With Your Eyes Open

We all have moments when we realize that our mind is far from where we are.


Imagination is one of the most effective ways to relax and reduce stress. For example, dreaming of your loved one, you manage to satisfy your longing for her. Or, why not, you can think about all the pleasant activities you are going to do after finishing the service. This way you can continue to work harder.

It is an opportunity to escape from everyday life and an excellent way to protect the nervous system, by getting out of a tense atmosphere. Rather, he dreams of things that cannot be accomplished in the near future, such as visiting a distant place.


Reverie is recommended by psychologists provided that it does not replace the actual activity. If you are a shy person and you have a boss who exploits you, it is useless to imagine how to express your revolt towards him if you do not act concretely.

Moreover, your shyness will not improve, because you will get used to solving your problems mentally, not in reality.


People have a negative reaction to the word "gossip", although everyone practices it, especially at work.


It has a therapeutic role. The word gossip has not only negative connotations (speaking ill of someone) but also implies the normal sense of discussion about certain people. Gossip involves the externalization of opinions, feelings, emotions that result in the reduction of mental tensions.

It creates closeness, intimacy. When more than one person talks, a closer relationship develops. The chance of rapprochement increases more when the topics discussed are more mundane, closer to everyday life. Official or public interest issues are addressed more out of debt, while others confirm the pleasure of people to talk.

Gossip is a socializing factor. Expressing your attitude towards someone or something puts you in a certain current of opinion in the office.


A lot of gossip spoils. If this kind of discussion takes up most of your break time, you risk being seen as a baggy person who doesn't have a very interesting personal life and therefore eagerly pursues the lives of others.

Avoid expressing your point of view too quickly when you are a newcomer. First, wait to see what the attitude of the other colleagues is so that you don't bother anyone.

Listen to Music


It relaxes you mentally. When you listen to relaxing music, the body releases endorphins, which produce morphine-like effects (analgesic and euphoric). These effects dramatically lower your mental tension and increase your self-confidence.

Increases memory and imagination and stimulates will and initiative. Depending on the specifics of the work, you can listen to more engaging music that will stimulate you intellectually.


You can annoy your colleagues if you don't have a headset.

Very engaging music can shake you, preventing you from getting to work right after the break.

Read Newspapers, a Magazine, a Book


Keep up to date with the latest news.

For energetic people, active rest is the best way to recharge your batteries.


If you take advantage of breaks to study for an exam, you can return to the office more tired than before.

If you spend all your time reading, this can damage your social contacts.

Make Changes in the Office and on the Office


You have a sense of control. Nothing can urge you more to work than to see an office where everything is exactly where it needs to be.


If you propose major changes, you may be considered selfish. When you come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position.

Little tricks that help

Keep a picture of your loved ones on the desk. Whenever work becomes stressful, the smile of your child or husband can work wonders.

Beautify your office with flowers! They ensure the oxygenation of the air in the room and alleviate the feeling of closed space. If the budget and the management allow the purchase of an aquarium, nothing can be more relaxing than watching the fish in the water.

Eat at the beginning of the break, so that there is enough time for digestion.


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