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How to Read Anyone Through their actions

18 Psychological Tips

By Jeanette MPublished 9 days ago 3 min read
How to Read Anyone Through their actions
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

When meeting someone for the first time, we’re bombarded with information, making it hard to discern what kind of person they are. Understanding how we communicate is crucial. Experts say that 55% of communication comes from body language, 38% from tone of voice, and only 7% from actual words. To gain insight into someone’s personality, pay attention to the following clues, starting from the head down!

Number 1 - Eye Contact

The eyes are often called the window to the soul. Eye contact can indicate various feelings: If someone can’t take their eyes off you, it might signal romantic interest. If they avoid eye contact, they might be nervous or hiding something. However, a constant, unblinking stare can suggest dishonesty.

Number 2 - Eyebrows

Eyebrows can reveal comfort levels. Raised eyebrows typically indicate surprise, worry, or fear. If someone raises their eyebrows during a casual conversation, they might feel uncomfortable.

Number 3 - Smile

A genuine smile reaches the eyes, creating crow’s feet. If you see someone smiling without this eye involvement, their smile might be hiding something.

Number 4 - What They Say

People who speak positively about others tend to be kind and polite themselves. Conversely, those who talk negatively about others might possess those negative traits or have underlying issues such as depression.

Number 5 - Paralanguage

Paralanguage involves tone, pitch, and manner of speaking. A monotone response indicates disinterest, while sarcasm often means the opposite of the words spoken. Pay attention to how things are said for clues about true intentions.

Number 6 - Side Glance

If someone’s body faces you but they glance away to the side, it’s a subconscious signal that they’re looking for an escape from the interaction.

Number 7 - Frequent Nodding

Excessive nodding can signal anxiety about approval or impatience. It may indicate the person is worried about your opinion or wants to end the conversation quickly.

Number 8 - Chin and Jaw

Rubbing the chin often means someone is deep in thought. A clenched jaw, on the other hand, indicates stress or discomfort, regardless of what’s being said.

Number 9 - Posture

Upright posture with shoulders back suggests confidence, while slouching and looking down can indicate low self-esteem or a lack of confidence.

Number 10 - Rubbing Hands

Rubbing hands together typically signifies positive anticipation. It’s a common gesture when someone is excited about something upcoming.

Number 11 - Handshake

A person’s handshake reveals a lot. A soft handshake may indicate submissiveness, while a firm, crushing handshake suggests a domineering personality. The duration of the handshake also matters – too long is awkward, while too short may indicate disinterest or time constraints.

Number 12 - Leaning In or Away

Leaning in shows interest and respect, while leaning back can indicate discomfort or boredom.

Number 13 - Holding the Baby

New mothers holding their babies in their left arm are generally happier, while those using their right arm may be stressed or depressed.

Number 14 - Crossed Arms and Legs

Crossed arms and legs suggest that a person is mentally and emotionally blocked off. Even if they seem engaged, their body language indicates resistance. Additionally, if their feet point towards the door, they’re likely ready to leave.

Number 15 - Shoes

Shoes can reveal personality traits:

Nervous people: new or very clean shoes

Amiable people: practical shoes

Calm individuals: uncomfortable shoes

Aggressive types: ankle boots

Number 16 - Overall Appearance

How someone dresses and presents themselves can say a lot. Attention to detail in appearance can indicate a meticulous nature, while a casual style might suggest creativity or a lack of concern for details.

Number 17 - Copying Body Language

When someone mimics your body language, it means they feel positive about you and want to harmonize with you. This unconscious mirroring indicates that the conversation is going well.

Number 18 - What You Notice First

Paying attention to the first things you notice about someone can help you become more aware of the clues they’re giving off.

Reading people isn’t easy, but it’s a valuable skill. Remember, everyone is different, so interpreting their words and actions may not always be accurate. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming better at reading people.

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Jeanette M

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