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How to Put Your Inner Demons to Sleep and How to Get Rid of the Weight of the Past

We all have previous relationships luggage, don't you think?

By Fahim MathisPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How to Put Your Inner Demons to Sleep and How to Get Rid of the Weight of the Past
Photo by note thanun on Unsplash

We all have our shadow zones, our inner demons, those aspects of our personality that have been silenced, but that make their presence felt when we least expect it.

These are old frustrations, which we have subconsciously driven away, unhealed wounds that continue to hurt us, even if we have decided to ignore them.

Like an iceberg that has only its tip on the surface, many of our deep feelings remain undisclosed, until they erupt in uncontrolled actions and words that can make those around us suffer.

Here are some ways you can put your inner demons to sleep and get rid of the weight of the past!

They bring out the shortcomings

It may seem paradoxical, but the first thing you need to do is face all your feelings of failure and failure that are eroding your serenity and self-confidence.

Every person has unfulfilled desires, childhood dreams that he abandoned during his maturity when he had to face the challenges of real life.

In time, you resigned yourself to the fact that you will never fulfill these dreams, but this apparent resignation is not at all harmless. You often have the feeling that your whole life is a failure, that you have been deprived of a very precious part of your existence, because of your daily efforts and responsibilities.

These ideas become more acute when you experience the crisis of middle age.

Your inner demons, fears, insecurities, doubts, or negative beliefs are the source of your suffering. It's time to dump her and move on.

Brendon Burchard writes in the Motivation Manifesto: "Our inner demons poison us with worry and fear whenever we show ourselves vulnerable, hindering our growth and vitality.

Our destiny can be changed if we face demons called Doubt and Delay and learn to defend ourselves against them every day of our lives. "

Even if you undertake a process of inner analysis, there are no guarantees that life will reward you. There are no promises or assurances in life. However, you are more likely to achieve your dreams or goals when faced with demons.

Do not let the past slip into the future until you make peace with it

"Confront the dark parts of your interiority and learn to drive them away through their enlightenment and forgiveness. Willingness to face your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use suffering as a fuel, as a reminder of your power. "- August Wilson.

On your evolutionary path, certain things in your past have an inevitable tendency to go back, to repeat themselves, reminding you that certain aspects of your life have been neglected, that need more attention to understand and integrate.

They remain dormant, on a subconscious level, until certain circumstances in your life bring them to life. If something causes you pain, it means you have to make peace with it. Do not dismiss the discomfort, but try to understand the lesson he is revealing.

Turn the demons into a gateway to joy and blessing

"Every day we have a lot of opportunities to get upset, stressed, or offended. But what we do when we allow these negative emotions to overwhelm us is to give external power to our happiness. It's up to us not to let small things get in the way. "- Joel Osteen.

Our inner demons have the power to take the negative energy triggered by small unpleasant events and turn it into something much bigger. The effects increase even more if we try to suppress these feelings, instead of understanding them and learning to look at them kindly.

Your beliefs and emotions can amplify negative energy and wreak havoc if left unchecked. When we learn to look at them, to accept them, and to let them pass, they lose their negative power and reveal to us an essential lesson for our personal development: demons can turn into light and joy when you make peace with them.

Don't bury them even deeper in the subconscious. Most people tend to repress their emotions, but this does not lead to anything good. Simply learn to accept them and turn them into life lessons.

Confront what has burdened you in the past

"Do not wage war on your demons. They are here to teach you something. Sit next to them, have a drink with them, and talk to your demons, find out their names and talk to them about burns on their hands and wounds on their ankles. Some of them are nice. "- Charles Bukowski.

One of the most important aspects of self-exploration is the willingness to look at repressed emotions. Without this desire to open the doors of the closet stuffed with dust and spiders, you will remain the victim of your emotional world.

Allow yourself to look at the source of your unhappiness, even if it is painful, instead of living a life in constant fear that security can be wasted at any time, that you will be overwhelmed by emotions.

Most of our problems originate in our thoughts. Mental events create unhappiness, turmoil, and chaos in relationships and other areas of life. That is why true demons are our thoughts because they can cause suffering, chaos, separation, and conflict in many areas of life.

When you are ready to explore the source of your suffering, even if at first it may seem frightening, the fear will diminish along the way. Be gentle and patient during this process. You will experience an accumulation of emotions that will bring you closer to your true self.

Allow your inner light to shine on your demons

You need to understand that your inner demons are just limitations that you set for yourself when you do not consider your true nature. You have to understand that you are an unlimited being with unlimited potential. Your potential becomes apparent when you free yourself from demons, which are the source of your suffering.

Meditate on the light, on a source of endless energy, and let this light penetrate all corners of your mind and body to free you from the darkness. We all have this source of energy in us, which has its origin in love, in a state of acceptance without judgment of all things around us.

When you let your inner light triumph, the demons lose their power and you can break through the surface, overcome the dungeon of the past. Let your loved ones and anyone you trust accompany you on this journey of inner healing. Be gentle with yourself as you go through this process.

Don't judge or criticize yourself, just observe and be aware. By doing this, you are not only freeing yourself from the past, but you are also giving birth to an unlimited future.


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