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How To Make Someone Regret Losing You

You can't make anyone treat you right but you can definitely make them wish they had

By Style.fitsPublished 10 months ago 8 min read
They’ll Regret Losing You

how to make someone regret losing you your relationship with someone has ended and you want to make sure that they know exactly what they are missing whether you want to get back together with them or not you want to remind them that you are a great catch and that they are missing out it's always hard to let go of someone we love but it can be even harder when they are the ones who leave and it doesn't matter if they are a romantic partner a friend or a family member we always want to make them regret leaving us after watching this video you will learn the top seven ways to make someone truly regret losing you and it doesn't matter if you want them to get back to you or not these tips will help you get them to miss you and want you back welcome to a new video from the social psychology masters youtube channel if you're new here subscribe for more social psychology videos let's start what does it mean to make them regret losing you first of all let's take a look at what it means to make someone regret losing you essentially it is about making them realize that they made a mistake in letting you go and that they are now missing out on what you have to offer and we want to be clear that we would never teach you or encourage you to take revenge on someone in a harmful or hateful way this is not a video on how to hurt someone it's all about discovering your true value and how to make them regret their decision in a positive way now that we have that cleared up let's move on to the ways that you can make this happen number 11 get into a new routine when someone leaves it can be tempting to just sit around and mope but that's not going to help you get them back in fact it will probably just make them feel like they made the right decision in leaving according to research people are more likely to regret a decision when they see that the person they left is moving on and doing well without them so you need to get into a new routine and start living your life again this doesn't mean that you have to completely forget about the person who left you but it does mean that you need to start focusing on yourself and your own happiness and when the person sees that you're doing well without them they'll start to regret their decision number 10 don't contact them this is a tough one but it's important when someone leaves us we often want to reach out to them and try to talk things through but that's only going to make them more likely to stay away from you in fact research shows that the most effective way to get someone back is by not contacting them at all by doing this you are making them realize how much they are missing out on by not being with you also contacting them might make them feel like they made the right decision in leaving you so it's important to avoid doing this at all costs number nine keep your distance sometimes cutting contact is not enough we might see the person every day and it's hard to not reach out to them but if you want them to regret leaving you then you need to keep your distance by doing this you are making them realize how much they are missing out on by not being around you and it also sends the message that you are not going to be waiting around for them number eight show them your true colors one of the best ways to make someone regret leaving you is to show them your true colors this means that you need to let go of the persona that you were putting on for them and be yourself when they see the real you they might not like what they see and that's okay it's better for them to see the real you now instead of after they've already left you this will make them realize that they made a mistake in leaving you number seven boost your self-worth have you ever noticed that people who are high in self-worth are less likely to get hurt by someone leaving them that's because they know their own value and they know that they can find someone else who will appreciate them if you want to make someone regret leaving you then you need to boost your own self-worth start by accepting yourself for who you are and then work on building up your confidence when you do this the person who left you will see how valuable you are and they will regret their decision it's also scientifically proven that people are more likely to regret a decision when they see that the person they left is doing well without them number six pretend like you don't care this one is a little bit sneaky but it can be extremely effective when the person who left you sees that you don't care they might start to regret their decision by pretending like you don't care you are making them think that they made a mistake in leaving you and it also shows them that you are not going to be waiting around for them this sends a subconscious message that you are not interested in them anymore and that they are not good enough for you number five start to take care of yourself when we are in a relationship we often put our partner's needs before our own but when they leave us it's time to start taking care of ourselves start by making time for yourself and doing things that make you happy eat healthy and exercise regularly this will help you feel good about yourself and it will show the person who left you that you are not going to let them bring you down take care of your emotions and don't let them get the best of you when you do this you will be less likely to contact the person who left you and you'll start to move on from the relationship number four spend time with other people if you want to make someone feel that you're doing well without them then spend time with other people show them that you are not sitting around moping and that you have moved on by doing this you are making them realize that they made a mistake in leaving you and it will make them question whether or not they made the right decision this will also make them jealous because they will see that you are enjoying life with other people without them which is always a good thing number three if they contact you make them wait if they try to contact you make them wait do not respond to their texts or calls right away this will show them that you are not desperate for their attention and that you have moved on when they see that you are doing well without them they will start to regret their decision and it might even make them reach out to you again but make sure that you don't jump at the chance to get back together with them make them work for your attention by playing hard to get number two change your old beliefs you have to realize that sometimes losing someone can be a good thing it might sound crazy but it's true when we're in a bad relationship we often stay in it because we don't want to be alone but when they leave us it's time to start looking for someone who is better suited for us when you change your old beliefs and start to see the positive in losing someone you will be less likely to stay attached to them you will start to move on from the relationship and you will find someone better who truly deserves you number one move on this is simply the most effective way to make someone regret leaving you when you move on they see that you are not waiting for them and that you have moved on with your life this will make them realize that they made a mistake in leaving you and might even make them come back to you but if they don't at least you will know that you gave it your all and that you are better off without them final thoughts when someone leaves us it's natural to feel hurt betrayed and abandoned but it's important to remember that we are not the only ones who are going through this there are plenty of other people out there who are in relationships and they might be going through the same thing so build dwell in the past and focus on moving on the best way to make someone regret leaving you is by moving on with your life and being happy without them knowing your own value and self-worth is the key to moving on and being happy so don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and know that you are worth more than what they gave you and if you hold any anger or hate towards the person who left you it's time to let go of that it's not doing you any good and it will only hold you back from being happy so forgive them move on and be happy.


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Chaos makes the muse.

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