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How To Make A Woman Want You

The Simplest, Easiest Guide

By Valentin WagnerPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

When you meet the right girl, the sparks fly and everything feels perfect. The chemistry is there, the conversation is natural, and she seems to like you as much as you like her. But then things get complicated. You see her again a few days later, but this time she’s standoffish and aloof. You ask if she wants to hang out again soon, but she hesitates and says maybe some other time. Then your plans don’t align for the next few weeks and you don’t see her again until the following summer—and that’s when things go south once more. She doesn’t seem interested anymore, so you cut it off before it can get any worse. It happens to every guy at some point or another—whether it be with a new crush or an old flame: Things just go south for no apparent reason. Why? Because being interested in someone is not something that can be switched on and off at will—so much of it has to do with how they feel about you...

Trust is the Key To Any Good Relationship

What is the most important thing for a stable relationship? While it might seem like it has to do with love or compatibility, the most important thing that must be there from the start is trust. Why? Because without it, there’s nothing to keep the two people involved together. It’s like the glue that sticks everything together—and without it, nothing else can proceed. If a woman doesn’t trust you, she’s not going to let you get close enough for anything else to matter. When a guy and a girl start dating, their relationship is fragile and tenuous. They’re getting to know one another, testing the waters, seeing if they like each other’s personalities enough to proceed further. At that point, there are so many other things going on that are more pressing—such as if she likes you enough to let you into her life more, or if you like her enough to let her into yours...

Learn a “secret language” that makes any woman feel an uncontrollable obsession for you.

What Women Want (& Why They Don’t Show It)

If a woman is interested in you, you’ll know it. You’ll be able to feel the chemistry, see the sparks, and experience the natural flow of the conversation. You’ll like being around her, and she’ll like being around you. There’ll be no need to wonder if she likes you because it will be obvious. But then things will get quiet. After a few dates, you’ll stop hearing from her as often and she’ll start to become less responsive to your texts. She might even make excuses as to why she can’t hang out as often anymore. Why does this happen? Because women are experts at reading people, and they know how to shut someone down if they’re not interested. It’s usually not malicious—it’s more that women try to avoid awkward situations, so they make themselves scarce when they don’t like a guy.

How To Make A Woman Want You (And Stay Interested)

If you want to make a woman want you, then you have to be the right man for her. And that means being the confident, charming guy she’s been dreaming about all her life, without even knowing it. The guy who can make her laugh, without trying. The guy who can open up and be honest about his feelings, without being needy or clingy. The guy who can make her feel like she’s the only girl in the room, even when there are other women around. The problem is that most guys don’t know how to be this guy naturally. They don’t know what makes women tick, so they try too hard—and the wrong way. Instead of making a woman want you, you end up being needy, desperate, and even downright creepy. Let’s look at the ways you can make a woman want you, and why they work.

Find out how a skinny, ugly-looking dude used this language to pull gorgeous, hot “10’s” on the regular.

Be The Right Person For Her

When you’re interested in someone, it’s important to be the right person for them. If you’re not, then you run the risk of coming across as needy and desperate—which is the last thing you want. When you’re the right person for her, you’re able to show your interest without being overbearing. You make her feel like she’s the most important thing in the world to you—without being over the top. You make her feel like you have just as much to gain from the relationship as she does. A woman wants to feel that her guy is confident enough in himself to date someone because he wants to, and not because he feels he has to. You want to be the right person for her because you want to be—not because you feel pressured by her or by your own insecurities.

Be Confident Around Her

A woman wants to be with a guy who’s confident. She wants to feel like you’re sure of yourself and your relationship—that there are no questions or insecurities, just a natural flow of things. If a woman feels that you’re confident in your relationship, she’ll be more likely to want to be with you. You can be confident in your relationship in many different ways. You can be sure of your intentions and feelings towards her. You can be sure of your place in the relationship. You can be sure of your future together. You can be sure of your compatibility as a couple. The point is that you don’t need to be 100% sure of every single thing. You just need to be sure enough to not be a liability.

How to use this “loophole” to make any girl want to sleep with you… or be your girlfriend.

Don’t Be Needy Or Dependant On Her

Women want to be with men who are independent and have their own lives. They don’t want to feel like they’re your only source of happiness or that you’re relying on them to be your crutch—they want to be a part of something you’re doing because you want to be a part of it, not because you feel you have to be. If a woman feels like you’re too reliant on her for everything, especially in the beginning, she’s going to lose interest in you. She’ll feel trapped and trapped women run for the hills. You can still be interested in her without being needy. You can still want to spend time with her without needing her to be your everything. You can still enjoy dating her without being overbearing and desperate.

Try Something New That Excites You

If you’re dating a woman who you like, but you’re not sure if she likes you, try new things together that excite you. Not only will this make you stand out from other guys, but it will also make you more attractive to her. After all, you’re showing her that you’re excited to be with her, and that she’s special enough to share your adventures with. You’re showing her that you’re not afraid of taking risks, and that you’re adventurous enough to be with her. You’re showing her that you’re confident enough in yourself to take these risks with her, and that you’re willing enough to do something exciting with her. You want to be able to share your experiences with her, and for her to be excited to see where your adventures will take you next.

Learn a “secret language” that makes any woman feel an uncontrollable obsession for you.


When you meet the right woman, it’s important to make her want you. You want to be the confident, charming guy she’s been dreaming about all her life, without even knowing it. You want to be the right person for her and show her that you’re excited to be with her. You can make a woman want you by being confident, charming, and sharing your adventures with her.


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