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How to Listen to Your Body

Keeping your body healthy is a way to say thank you everywhere - trees, clouds, everything. ”~ Thich Nhat Hanh

By Sulav kandelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
How to Listen to Your Body
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

It's a shame, isn't it?

You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo.

But you feel sad for no reason. Constipation, especially when traveling. You have trouble sleeping. And your hormones are everywhere. Hold on to those five or ten pounds your life depends on.

Sounds familiar? I was there too.

I was working at a dream job and living in France Riveria. I was paid a lot of money to help Fortune 500 companies with their IT strategies.

I worked in cities such as Paris, Dublin, London, and Manchester during the week, stayed in luxury hotels, and flew home to Nice on weekends. We walked like rock stars on beaches, in special clubs, and in luxurious houses. For twenty-nine years, I was the highest level of management in winning the partnership.

Meanwhile, my body was not happy. I was exhausted. I did not sleep well. And without daily exercise and yoga, I could not achieve my weight gain.

I tried the Master Cleanse on the radical — drinking lemon juice and maple syrup all week. But the extra weight would go back.

My hormones start to go crazy. When I stopped taking birth control pills, my menstrual cycle stopped. I was not sure if that was the cause of my light skin and depression. And the worst part was my emotions. I was not happy, despite all the shiny arrows on the outside.

One Thing People Never Learned To Do

After that I did something that most people never learned to do: I listened.

I felt happy after practicing yoga. I took a child step: I practiced yoga and eventually went to teacher training seminars. Forward for a few years….

I quit my job, packed my things, and moved to a yoga retreat in Thailand. The walk sounded natural and natural.

I just lived in a small house and taught guests to go back to yoga. My health also improved. I slept well. My times finally came back. I felt better and better, and my brilliance came back with it.

The first and most important step is to stand up and listen. Your body and mind are closely linked. Listen to your body and you will learn the tone. Start with small steps and you will reach your gold pot much faster than you expected.

You can do this.

You would think that doing so would be impossible, but it is not. I'll tell you how.

But first, let's look at three basic principles that can save you.

Don't Make This Big Mistake

Most people overlook their minor health problems but annoying them. There is nothing wrong with your health. Everything is important. Grind your food. Your ability to lose belly fat. The movement of your intestines.

You are not alone if you want to run screaming and bury your head in the sand. What about changing your mind?

Instead of distorting what is bad for you, be careful how your body targets you. For example, you do not go to the bathroom every day. Often for a simple reason — a lack of dietary fiber. Try adding an apple and ground flax to your breakfast and see what happens.

The Horrible Truth About Pressure

It can make or break your most healthy goals. When we see danger, stress is our body's natural response.

For the cave dwellers, the pressure came when the lion was about to strike; we needed to run like lightning.

Under pressure, we use our resources to survive and shut down unimportant jobs. Translation? Your digestive system stops, and your sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone) convert to cortisol, and blood sugar levels.

This is okay from time to time. Are you in a state of chronic, low stress? Think of the chaos and internal turmoil.

A few of the stress associated with the condition include IBS, constipation, obesity, insomnia, high blood sugar, and hormonal imbalances - in women, missed or absent periods, severe PMS, and birth defects. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Your body and mind are like a matrix.

Western medicine treats each problem separately, so you end up with a different specialist for each disease.

In Oriental medicine, your body is more compact than a collection of unrelated parts. Your insomnia can be the result of intense stress. Or your weight gain and weight gain may be due to the lack of fiber in your diet.

Now let's talk about what you need to do.

But first, I have to introduce you to your world-class health lawyer. And it’s not your doctor, your chiropractor, or your yoga teacher.


1. What peace can teach you about obedience?

Set aside time to listen to your deepest desires. I wanted answers without myself, I wanted strict rules and food. I used food to close my thoughts. It was difficult, but little by little I revealed my facts. I know you can do it too. Set a time limit, and set aside ten minutes each day. Take a deep breath and listen.

How do you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally?

Have a journal nearby to write down any thoughts. Be careful what goes into your head. Put yourself back in your breath when you start to get lost in thoughts.

2. What would happen if you followed your passions right now?

You can do this right now in small steps. Make time to do things you enjoy.

Want to spend more time each day? Make a list of your priorities and discuss simple solutions.

Exercise: get up twenty minutes earlier. Perform a series of chairs, push-ups, leg lifts, squats, etc.

Time with your children: reject unnecessary activities - committees, boards, etc.

More creative time: plan your time on weekends for writing, drawing, or anything you like.

Treat it as a priority appointment.

how to

About the Creator

Sulav kandel

Im a contain writter.

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