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How To Deal With Your Husband Not Being Attracted To You

If you're in a situation where you're trying to figure out how to deal with your husband not being attracted to you, well you're certainly not alone. The fact is that once a husband is no longer attracted to his wife, it's a lot harder to rescue...but of course not impossible if you do the right things.

By Ashley ScholarPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
How To Deal With Your Husband Not Being Attracted To You
Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash

If your marriage is in trouble, I feel sorry for the situation as I too was in a same situation a while ago. I was completely out of my mind and didn't know what to do to save my marriage. What do you do when your spouse isn't attracted to you anymore? I tried to save my marriage with lots of things and ideas but none of the ideas worked. Therefore, after so many disappointments, I thought that this was it - my marriage was going to end and there is nothing I could do about it.

However, it tried my level best to save my marriage from a divorce and now my marriage life is lot better than it was during my honeymoon. Right now, I can confidently say that all the marriages can be easily saved with some effort. However, all marriages should be saved as marriage is one of the sacred things that happen in one's life and without it, a nation will not be able to continue. A nation stands on its citizens.

Playing "the inaccessible" to my husband, I saved my marriage. This idea doesn't require any explanation as it speaks for itself. Before, you were accessible to your husband and he took you for granted. Right now when you are inaccessible to him, he feels lonely and it makes you to look more attractive than ever.

This method will surely work in favor of you. Some of the universal laws will never change. The law that I'm referring is the law that "people always want the ones what they can't have". This is everlasting law and you need to make use of it to your own advantage. At some moments, this law can lead to some disadvantages. Most of the husbands think themselves that "Your Spouse Isn't Attracted to You Anymore"; it might happen because wives do behave in such ways

What Makes Husbands Believe They No Longer Love Their Wives?

Society seems to have a perception that women's feelings of love are based on subjective emotions while men's are not. I don't believe that this is true. Because I dialog with a lot of men in this situation on my blog and when they are talking about no longer being in love with their wife, they'll give reasons like they no longer feel as close to her, they live as if they were roommates, or the spark is no longer there.

Quite interestingly, these are often the exact same reasons that wives give for falling out of love with their husbands. However, with this said, it's often pretty easy to pick up on some key differences between husbands and wives when it comes to being "in love" with their spouse. And that is that wives tend to hang on for much longer if they feel that things are beginning to deteriorate. While a wife might wonder if her husband is enhancing her life or holding it back, she's much more likely to hold off on making a judgement call until some time has gone by. I am not going to tell you that this is true of all men or of all women. But I have definitely noticed that although both wives and husbands cite the same reasons for falling out of love, women are less likely to act on this than men are. Now that I've made that point, I'll go over some common reasons that men make for no longer being in love.

I'm No Longer Physically Attracted To Her: I am sure that you suspect that men will give sexual or physical reasons for falling out of love. And you would be right about that. It's common for a man to tell you that the spark is gone or that the attraction has waned. And believe me, this hurts. But it may help to know that sometimes when the marriage improves and when both people place their focus on creating more physical intimacy, these sparks can absolutely reignite. So as hurtful as it can be to hear him use this reasoning, this is something that absolutely can be overcome.

I Feel Tied Down Because Of Her: This is a common one also. And, it's my opinion that a husband will sometimes use this as an excuse when life is not going his way. Perhaps he hasn't progressed far enough along with his career. Or, he has given up his dreams. Or he doesn't make time for fun and adventure. Of course he is disappointed in all of these things. But instead of taking responsibility for them, he blames the person who is most convenient - his wife. Unfortunately, pointing this out usually won't get you very far. Instead, you'll often do better to make it clear that you support him in whatever he feels that he needs to do.

We're Just Not Compatible: Here's another common one. People often find that the stressors of day to day life erodes their bond and causes them to lash out at one another rather than supporting and reassuring one another. Also, couples can get into bad or destructive habits and not even realize that this is happening. They get used to lashing out or fighting and so these ways of communicating or interacting become ways of living that become commonplace until someone finally realizes that things have gone too far. Again though, if you can learn new ways of interacting or communicating, you can overcome this as well.

I Don't Want To be Married Anymore: This one is particularly frustrating because the wife hasn't necessarily done anything wrong. It's just that the husband feels as if his life isn't going the way that he wants it to so that he equates distancing himself from his wife as the "fresh start" that he needs. And when he begins to feel this way and begins to pull away, he can become sure that he no longer loves his wife when it may be that he just no longer loves the life that he himself has created for himself.

What Can You Do If You're Hearing These Things?: First, keep things in perspective. As you can see from the above, many of these reasons are subjective and don't have anything to do with you. However, you can take control by fixing those problems that you can change. For example, if he's saying the chemistry isn't there, then that is something that you can address. But if he's saying he wants a fresh start, then you are better off being patient, supportive and waiting for him to realize that he's wrong and he's unfair. Because unfortunately, when he's right in the middle of this identity crisis, he often will not listen to reason. So you are usually much better off appearing supportive rather than arguing, being accusatory, or letting him know how selfish you think he's being.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Divorce does not have to be your only option. Even if it feels as though your relationship can't be saved because of the ongoing conflicts between you and your spouse, it can be. There are techniques that you can begin using today that will not only stop a divorce, but will help also you build a stronger and more loving marriage. To learn more visit: Steps to Save Your Marriage


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